What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

random? like they were just pulled out of your ass?
Ohh wait..that's the contents of this post
There's really no pattern to most religious beliefs. They appear to have been whatever appealed to the con artists in charge at the time.

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founders wanted religious freedom. what you CHOOSE to believe is your freedom. no one can dictate to you if you don't want to be told what to think
Yet it's the right that is trying to encode their religious beliefs into law.

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The SCt ruled long ago that banning abortion is a state invasion of privacy.

So what's your take on the Covidiot Crusaders prancing around sans masks, flourishing weapons and Nazi/Confederate flags, and demanding that governments open everything back up so they can get manicures and cheeseburgers again? You stated that "the state has a duty to protect innocent life." Does that mean you oppose the Crusaders?

With any luck, all they'll accomplish is to increase the death toll among themselves. Yet another case of Darwin Awards.

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With any luck, all they'll accomplish is to increase the death toll among themselves. Yet another case of Darwin Awards.

I was heartened this morning to see a recent Gallup survey that shows that 87% of Americans are moderately to strongly confident that social distancing measures are helping.


So much for #COVID45 trying to whip up some unemployed bubbas to pressure governors to re-open too soon.
who's the con man? why are religious beliefs a con?
The con artists are the religious leaders. Religious beliefs are a con because their only real purpose is to support the religious caste. In the beginning some at least had the goal of creating a scary figure to enforce what were thought to be essential laws for the survival of the tribe.

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With any luck, all they'll accomplish is to increase the death toll among themselves. Yet another case of Darwin Awards.

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That's not the way it works.

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I have no idea why Progs are so put off about religion. certainly our hedonist society is not something to be proud of
Certainly RB is not something to be proud of. The righties are even worse than your largely imaginary "hedonist society".

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You made up that term. There used to be something called "family values" back in the 80s. I never heard of Christian values in a political setting, but that's the problem with you libs, you never got the hang of that "separation of Church and State" thing. You think Christian = Republican.
Well, Republicans do keep trying to pattern the law after their religious beliefs.

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Disagreed. Like any other system run by man, it can become corrupted, but most, like any other system, are good.
The Old Testament was written by con artists, who invented a scary law enforcer to back up the laws that they wanted their sheep to follow.

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I have no idea why Progs are so put off about religion. certainly our hedonist society is not something to be proud of

There are plenty of liberals who are religious, they just do not run their mouths about it, wear it on their sleeves, or try to impose it on other people.

I guarantee you that I have been more articulate, informed, and effective at defending the authentic Christian life and genuine Christian faith than almost any of the tobacco chewing rightwing bible thumpers here
Are we still talking about all guns as opposed to certain kinds of guns?
Because a lot of people will openly say we should ban the AR-15, there's no coding there. But banning all guns, I still haven't seen any Democrat or influential activist say that.
Banning the AR-15 is just code for banning all guns.

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No, I never denied that Liberals want more gun control. My only argument was that they don't want to ban all guns.
More gun control is also code for banning all guns. While stricter gun control laws might reduce gun crime they do nothing about total crime. In fact, we often see increases in some areas of crime with stricter gun control.

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