What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

The Religious explanation could go as "Curses" or "Diabolical" happenings cause for illness.

That is what I meant when I once said, "Anti-praying".

Meaning to do works [ritually observed] that garner 'all things bad'

If done en-mass, it simple indicates mass-insanity.

So? What to do?

About the mass-insanity quotient.

Has this NOT been codified?

Isn't 'Tort' Laws based on codifying liabilities of Non-self-serving actions [aka, stupid mistakes of judgement; delusional actions]

So history is full of examples of mass-torts, en-mass.

The Dark-ages never really meant "the stupid-ages".

But Orwell's vision was.

A species of dys-logic.

"I dys-logic, therefore, I'z be stuck".

It's the Illuminati that hides the truth that man is "Stupid" encarnate ---instead propagates a faux fame ethos to idolize--- but maybe it's just that damn law of entropy.

Is entropy a chaos?
Critics of the terminology state that entropy is not a measure of 'disorder' or 'chaos', but rather a measure of energy's diffusion or dispersal to more microstates.

Why is entropy used?
Explanation: Energy always flows downhill, and this causes an increase of entropy. Entropy is the spreading out of energy, and energy tends to spread out as much as possible. ... The Sun and every other star are radiating energy into the universe.Jan 8, 2014

Why entropy is called arrow of time?
Originally Answered: Why is entropy called Time arrow? Because according to the second law of thermodynamics, entropy cannot decrease over time. In a closed system it can either increase or remain at zero.

Where does entropy come from?
The term entropy was coined in 1865 [Cl] by the German physicist Rudolf Clausius from Greek en- = in + trope = a turning (point). The word reveals an analogy to energy and etymologists believe that it was designed to denote the form of energy that any energy eventually and inevitably turns into -- a useless heat.Nov 16, 2007

So...IMO, A moving object that meets no resistance ... will...IMO...nonetheless...come to a dead halt...IMO.

But that has nothing to do with the topic of Individual Soul ... nor to do with the topic of Supreme Soul.
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I agree. The amount of real Neo-Nazis is so tiny, that it would be dishonest and wrong to say the Right believes in Neo-Nazism. We'd be talking about like a fraction of a fraction of the Right.
Likewise, only a fraction of a fraction of the Left has said we should ban all guns.
But their strategy is "death by a thousand cuts". Pass one law and, when it doesn't deliver as promised, use that as an argument for a stricter law, which also won't deliver. Rinse and repeat.

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The Old Testament was written by con artists, who invented a scary law enforcer to back up the laws that they wanted their sheep to follow.

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ROFLMAO. The first of the "modern" conspiracy theories.

Sent from the Old West using telegraph
Nah, I don't believe that most (D) voters OR candidates believe that. That's what the NRA likes you to believe, though. BTW, you might be surprised at how many of us lefties own guns ourselves.
Given the abject ignorance that the gun control crowd displays and the amount of support they get from the left, I doubt most have even seen a gun outside of TV and the movies.

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But their strategy is "death by a thousand cuts". Pass one law and, when it doesn't deliver as promised, use that as an argument for a stricter law, which also won't deliver. Rinse and repeat.

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Same tactic as Democrat gun control laws/banning.

Sent from my Fortress of Solitude using Crystal power
I'm still waiting for some Democrats who have called for banning all guns.

Muh constitution is a piece of paper. It's a propaganda tool and nothing more.
Proving Dutch's point about your disdain for the Constitution.

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America is played out!Had a nice run now it's over just a high tech third world country
Well, that's where Trump was taking us. Just another banana republic, with a few very rich families in control of the government and the rest of the country living in squalor.

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I'd actually love for the EU to break up. I'm a Nationalist, I don't like that all of Europe is being run like one country.
And admitting that America has handled the virus poorly doesn't mean I dislike America.
Being a "nationalist", you must also love the idea of the U.S breaking up. All those states being run like one country....

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The Old Testament was written by con artists, who invented a scary law enforcer to back up the laws that they wanted their sheep to follow.

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The AIDS EPIDEMIC was invented by con artists, who invented a scary panic to back up the pharmaceuticals that they wanted their sheep to shallow.

You said that there are lots of Liberals who want to ban all guns. I asked you to give me some examples of Liberals with influence (politicians, authors, Youtubers) who claim they want to ban all guns.

No serious politician would admit to such a desire. It would cost them too many votes.

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Yes, that's a good point which I granted you before. But how come there are NO influential people calling to ban all guns? I get saying politicians can't say that, but why won't any Youtubers say it?
Because they're obsessed with their numbers and don't want to hurt them.

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They are not what you think they are, I can tell you that much. I've been listening to the loony left tell lies about us for 50 years and you haven't gotten it right yet. You just need a scapegoat for your failed policies - a boogeyman. You are pathetic.

The "loony left" is just another bogeyman to frighten all the children on the right.

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Purists and fundamentalists would have a big problem with you for this. As a pagan, I've sometimes been subjected to their unwanted opinions. We all must walk our own paths. It's good that you found yours.
The biggest problem that atheists have with religion is the obsession that the blind followers have with pushing their con game on those who have no desire to buy into their con.

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You made up that term. There used to be something called "family values" back in the 80s. I never heard of Christian values in a political setting, but that's the problem with you libs, you never got the hang of that "separation of Church and State" thing. You think Christian = Republican.

It's Republicans who think that Republican = Christian and Democrat = Antichrist. The reality is more along the line of Trump = Antichrist and Republican = sucker. And Republicans have a problem with freedom of religion. They insist that everyone should be Christian. They have no tolerance for other beliefs.

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