What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Religions are not only run by man, they are created by man.

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Agreed. I posted that same idea several times. Too many atheists and religion-haters conflate the ideas of an all-powerful force behind creation and mankind's perceptions of that force in the form of religions. The two are different as night and day. The ability of mortal human beings being able to fully comprehend a power capable of creating the Universe is less than an amoeba comprehending calculus.

Sent from Walton Mountain using John-boy
Being a "nationalist", you must also love the idea of the U.S breaking up. All those states being run like one country....

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Yet he dislikes States Rights and wants Federal power to assert itself over the land like the Soviets did in the USSR....even though he hates Trump. Go figure.

Sent from Hooterville by Sierra 4-6-0 #3
Tell me about "true Christianity", I'll bet you don't even know what "true Christianity" is. I'll bet you think Christianity is okay with abortion.

True Christianity no more supports abortion than it does putting money over helping people, ignoring starving and sick children, kicking people out into a desert, racism, politics over righteousness and a host of other things common to the Party of Trump. The Party of Trump is antithetical to Christianity even more so than the Democrats.
All you have to do is read the OT with a lack of preconceptions and it's quite obvious.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Sweetie, your antisemitism aside, Christianity is based on the NT. Only lip-service Christians and those who wear it as a mask use the OT to assert their political agendas.

Sent from Stalag 13 using Tunnel #3
You definitely appear to know more about their professed religion and its history than many.

When we lived in STL I was part of a group of activist ladies involved in various social justice causes. There were only three of us non-Christians in the group. Two were practicing Jews who regularly went to synagogue and celebrated religious occasions. I was the sole pagan. The ladies who were/are Christian were mostly Protestants. Once in a while we talked about how the (R)s have co-opted Christianity -- or tried to -- for a political weapon. It's a cherished myth of the RW that (D) voters are all atheists and do not own guns. If only they knew. lol
The amount of cursing, vile language, and libel practiced by message board bible thumpers excludes them from any authentic Christian tradition I am familiar with.

One of these rightwing bible thumpers called you a bitch yesterday without even batting an eye.

I think it is the Calvinist tradition in Protestantism that gives birth to the social conservatives who feel like they have to use the machinery of government to impose their biblical (mis)interpretations.

Many of my Canadian family are Orthodox Christians, and I am convinced they are more pious and authentically Christian than most message board bible thumpers. Their political party of choice is NDP, Canada's democratic socialist party. Which makes sense, when you think about it- Jesus and the early Christians seem more akin to the cause of social justice and socialism than to lassaize faire market capitalism. However, from the point of view of tobacco chewing bible thumpers, voting for social democrats might be a one-way ticket to hell!
The conservatives would have to go even more nutso if the Muslims were the majority.

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LOL The conservatives would be the Muslims.

Sent from Battlestar Galactica using Viper Mark II
True Christianity no more supports abortion than it does putting money over helping people, ignoring starving and sick children, kicking people out into a desert, racism, politics over righteousness and a host of other things common to the Party of Trump. The Party of Trump is antithetical to Christianity even more so than the Democrats.

Quite. The key point is that , on all the evidence, majority American 'Christianity' is no such thing. If they had to live according to the Sermon on the Mount or share the life of the early Church described in Acts, they'd be re-introducing crucifixion through the Republican Party fast. I was brought up in a serious kind of Christianity, and no-one I knew would have recognised these people as other than self-deluding devotees of non-Christian superstition, devil-worshippers in effect. Thus Trumpf.
LOL The conservatives would be the Muslims.

That's very true. Fundamentalist Islam has everything they love -- males as head of households and the temple/church, females as chattel and 2nd-class citizens. Strict interpretations of "God's will." Dislike of and discrimination against all non-Islam people. Islam taught in schools. Occasional wars to show their superiority. Sword-point conversions.

Maybe that's why they hate Muslims so much -- they're getting away with it and our brand of fundies are not because our secular laws won't let them. lol
The amount of cursing, vile language, and libel practiced by message board bible thumpers excludes them from any authentic Christian tradition I am familiar with.

One of these rightwing bible thumpers called you a bitch yesterday without even batting an eye.

I think it is the Calvinist tradition in Protestantism that gives birth to the social conservatives who feel like they have to use the machinery of government to impose their biblical (mis)interpretations.

Many of my Canadian family are Orthodox Christians, and I am convinced they are more pious and authentically Christian than most message board bible thumpers. Their political party of choice is NDP, Canada's democratic socialist party. Which makes sense, when you think about it- Jesus and the early Christians seem more akin to the cause of social justice and socialism than to lassaize faire market capitalism. However, from the point of view of tobacco chewing bible thumpers, voting for social democrats might be a one-way ticket to hell!

RB 60, PMP, Iewitless, Toxic, Stretch, etc. are no more Christian than I am a Maserati. They show us this each and every day by their words... name-calling, vicious lies about other posters and public figures, inability to see others' POV, racism, homophobia, lack of compassion, hubris, and hate hate hate.

Your comments about your Orthodox family are interesting. My best friend from nursing school is Russian Orthodox. She has more of Christ's love and teachings in her little finger than these wannabes have in their entire corpus.
That's very true. Fundamentalist Islam has everything they love -- males as head of households and the temple/church, females as chattel and 2nd-class citizens. Strict interpretations of "God's will." Dislike of and discrimination against all non-Islam people. Islam taught in schools. Occasional wars to show their superiority. Sword-point conversions.

Maybe that's why they hate Muslims so much -- they're getting away with it and our brand of fundies are not because our secular laws won't let them. lol

Now that you mention it those Muslims might have the right ideas after all. Women as chattel, not being able to vote, drive, walk behind the man, must have sex on his demand not a bad idea after all.

Now that I have you in a tizzy. Just Kidding. lol
Now that you mention it those Muslims might have the right ideas after all. Women as chattel, not being able to vote, drive, walk behind the man, must have sex on his demand not a bad idea after all.

Now that I have you in a tizzy. Just Kidding. lol

I felt like that when I married my teenage wife.
Thought I had got myself a squaw!
She taught me how wrong I was pretty darn quick
Now that you mention it those Muslims might have the right ideas after all. Women as chattel, not being able to vote, drive, walk behind the man, must have sex on his demand not a bad idea after all.

Now that I have you in a tizzy. Just Kidding. lol

Only in very strictly American allies. Our Muslims here are not so given, and they aren't in Iran either. I once saw a man walking in front of his wife, as if she were a dog, and had huge problems in not kicking his arrogant arse, but our serious irreligion soon puts a stop to that sort of crap.
Quite. The key point is that , on all the evidence, majority American 'Christianity' is no such thing. If they had to live according to the Sermon on the Mount or share the life of the early Church described in Acts, they'd be re-introducing crucifixion through the Republican Party fast. I was brought up in a serious kind of Christianity, and no-one I knew would have recognised these people as other than self-deluding devotees of non-Christian superstition, devil-worshippers in effect. Thus Trumpf.

You appear to be extrapolating the views of the loud few over the views of the silent majority. Don't forget that over 40% of Democrats are Christian. Over 50% of Democrats are religious.
I felt like that when I married my teenage wife.
Thought I had got myself a squaw!
She taught me how wrong I was pretty darn quick

Liars always lie and cheaters always cheat. There's no reason to think you are posting the truth when you constantly lie about your multiple sock puppets and antisemitism.
You appear to be extrapolating the views of the loud few over the views of the silent majority. Don't forget that over 40% of Democrats are Christian. Over 50% of Democrats are religious.

I wouldn't know, but organised 'Christianity' in the 'States seems to be wholly concerned with imagined beings and abortion, never with Christian conduct, socialism essentially, such as Jesus stood for.
That's very true. Fundamentalist Islam has everything they love -- males as head of households and the temple/church, females as chattel and 2nd-class citizens. Strict interpretations of "God's will." Dislike of and discrimination against all non-Islam people. Islam taught in schools. Occasional wars to show their superiority. Sword-point conversions.

Maybe that's why they hate Muslims so much -- they're getting away with it and our brand of fundies are not because our secular laws won't let them. lol

Agreed. Party of Trump Republicans hating Muslims is akin to Irish Catholics hating Protestants; it's about religion, not who is conservative or not.
I wouldn't know, but organised 'Christianity' in the 'States seems to be wholly concerned with imagined beings and abortion, never with Christian conduct, socialism essentially, such as Jesus stood for.

Dude, all religions are "organized"....well, except for the Church of England. They're a goat-rope. :)

Same for their beliefs in the spiritual realm. Your broadbrushing seems to only apply to one side of the fence, not both.
RB 60, PMP, Iewitless, Toxic, Stretch, etc. are no more Christian than I am a Maserati. They show us this each and every day by their words... name-calling, vicious lies about other posters and public figures, inability to see others' POV, racism, homophobia, lack of compassion, hubris, and hate hate hate.

Your comments about your Orthodox family are interesting. My best friend from nursing school is Russian Orthodox. She has more of Christ's love and teachings in her little finger than these wannabes have in their entire corpus.
Agreed. There seems to be an inverse correlation between those who loudly scream "I'm a Christian" and their actions as Christians.
Now that you mention it those Muslims might have the right ideas after all. Women as chattel, not being able to vote, drive, walk behind the man, must have sex on his demand not a bad idea after all.
Now that I have you in a tizzy. Just Kidding. lol

That sounds like the average 13-year-old boy's -- or average older Republican male's, same thing -- wet dreams. :laugh: