What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Agreed. There seems to be an inverse correlation between those who loudly scream "I'm a Christian" and their actions as Christians.

I learned to avoid them long ago. Remember when it was popular to put a Christian fish outline on your car or business sign? I developed an aversion to them as well, based on experience.
But their strategy is "death by a thousand cuts". Pass one law and, when it doesn't deliver as promised, use that as an argument for a stricter law, which also won't deliver. Rinse and repeat.

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That's just an assumption, though. We don't actually have any evidence it's true.
Because they're obsessed with their numbers and don't want to hurt them.

Well if that's the case, then that means the amount of people who want to ban guns is tiny and unimportant.

I think we can agree that White Supremacists and Theocrats are both a tiny minority in America. Yet I can name influential activists that fall into those categories. This means there are likely more White Supremacists and Theocrats in America than there are people who want to ban guns.
No serious politician would admit to such a desire. It would cost them too many votes.

I agree, but how come NOBODY is saying they want to ban all guns?
There are popular Youtubers who are openly communist, but none who say they want to ban all guns.
Being a "nationalist", you must also love the idea of the U.S breaking up. All those states being run like one country....

I was referring to Ethnic Nationalism. Each ethnic group should have its own country. The EU goes against that.
I do think America should allow states to secede if they want.
Or perhaps "you've got it completely ass backwards and will never learn anything because you actually think you are the only one who is right." Which would mean that "talking to someone like you is a waste of time."

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You're the one who has been talking out of his ass.
The Bible says nothing against abortion. The Christian opposition to abortion has nothing to do with biblical teachings, it's all apocryphal.

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If you are dumb enough to want to kill off your own bloodline I am okay with that. But Jesus did say this:

"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."

In this case, "offense" means to put an impediment in the way so that he may not come to Christ. I suspect it's the basis for this quote from Didache 2, an early catechism:

"you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is begotten".

Don't try to BS me, fundamentalist atheist Bible thumper.