What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

I love him! I think someone shot our porky, she said darkly. We haven't seen him since The Night of Porcupine Love in fall of 2018. :~(

Armadillos are a lot more common than porcupines around here. So common that there's a joke about it:

How many armadillos does it take to make love? Two to do it and one to watch for cars.
And even more of us started out that way and took a different path.

Usually when someone tells us we don't know jack and should "STFU and listen," it means run like hell, he's gonna start preaching at you.

True, but like most things, the majority of people do what their parents did. This link gives a distribution: https://news.gallup.com/poll/232223/religious-regions.aspx

This link points out 67% are Christian and 21% have no religious preference. https://news.gallup.com/poll/1690/religion.aspx
I agree, but how come NOBODY is saying they want to ban all guns?
There are popular Youtubers who are openly communist, but none who say they want to ban all guns.
There are, of course, the members of the Brady group, as well as the members of other gun control groups. Of course, they all ignore the many countries with very strict gun control laws and much worse problems with gun violence than we have.

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Satanists are huge believers in religious freedom.
But they aren't allowed to practice their religion. Just like voodoo believers and believers in any number of pagan religions. Generally, religious freedom is limited to Abrahamic religions, with a few exceptions for 'harmless' Eastern religions.

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If you are dumb enough to want to kill off your own bloodline I am okay with that. But Jesus did say this:

"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."

In this case, "offense" means to put an impediment in the way so that he may not come to Christ. I suspect it's the basis for this quote from Didache 2, an early catechism:

"you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is begotten".

Don't try to BS me, fundamentalist atheist Bible thumper.

So, nothing from the Bible. Jesus was talking about little children, not fetuses. The Didache is not the Bible.

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