What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

I think it's more like Sun Tzu, but longer. The main point is that expecting an epic poem to be verbally passed on over the campfire for several centuries and expecting it to remain 100% the same is, IMO, asking a lot of human nature.

It seems to have been universal, pre-printing. People used to be able to recite the whole Koran, or even the Bible, so I understand.
Agreed. A rational person would be more likely to focus upon how some "modern" Christians use their religion not just attack all believers. My favorite example is this sentiment:

Those "trained historians of antiquity" were likely biased.

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RJ isn't a troll, he's just a factless, highly opinionated younger man who is deluded like Trump. It appears to be as catching as COVID-19 around here.
I've probably got more real world experience than the both of you and more facts.

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Virtually all reputable scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus - the man - existed.

It comes close to perilously close to Holocaust denial for militant atheists to suggest the person Jesus never existed and was a hoax perpetrated by a small group of illiterate 1st century peasants.

This kind of militant atheism is quite obviously based on emotion, ego, a willful denial of scholarly consensus, and a burning desire to really, really, really wish it were true that the man Jesus never existed.

If that is not an irrational, faith-based Jihad, I do not know what is.
Those "reputable scholars of antiquity" agree that they were told that Jesus existed. None of them had first hand knowledge. It's not even clear that what they said about Jesus wasn't inserted later by Christian 'scholars'.

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Those "reputable scholars of antiquity" agree that they were told that Jesus existed. None of them had first hand knowledge. It's not even clear that what they said about Jesus wasn't inserted later by Christian 'scholars'.

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Those "reputable scholars of antiquity" agree that they were told that Jesus existed. None of them had first hand knowledge. It's not even clear that what they said about Jesus wasn't inserted later by Christian 'scholars'.

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Who made him up, and for what benefit? You think it was all a Martian plot?
Are you being divisive, bigoted and hateful?

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LOL You are free to dodge all questions. I choose to answer them: No, I'm not even though the divisive, bigoted and hateful people on this forum think I'm dividing them from the sane, normal people....and they're correct on that point. :D

Sent from your head where I live rent free
Face it,you fear if Jesus lived and was exactly who he said he was your belief system is toast!
The definition of atheist is one who lacks belief. You have to believe as you do because deep down you understand that your belief system is meaningless.

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Because theists keep pushing it on them.

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Bullshit. That just proves most atheists are white, male and immature. How many times have you been walking around the mall and been jumped by Christians seeking to push their religion on you? Atheists? Hare Krishnas? The latter used to be a real problem in California back in the early 80s. So real it was inserted into the movie "Airport" several times. After a few got the shit beat out of them by people they were pestering, that came to a stop.

A second point is this: It's a free country. If some American wants to stand on a soap box and preach atheism, theism, politics or conspiracy theories, they can. No one is force to listen to them. More people need to grow a fucking spine and stop whining about what others are doing.

Sent from my high tech phone manufactured by Chinese slave labor
Self loathing is what you're dealing with.
That's obviously what you're dealing with. You're terrified that your beliefs are really based on nothing. And you can't justify those beliefs with any facts. All you've got is wishful thinking.

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Yes, there are militant aetheists on message boards, including this thread, who eschew reason and deny scholarly consensus, and are driven by ego and emotion to just really, really, really wish that a historical person named Jesus of Nazareth did not actually exist and was invented out of whole cloth.

I do not think you are like that.

But let's just fess up that there are some atheists who are nearly as bad as fundamentalist bible thumpers - they disregard reason and reputable scholarship, and are driven to by ego and emotion to dubious conclusions and unsupportable articles of faith
You are frantic to deny reality.

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There is literally someone in this thread who goes out of their way to deny consensus scholarship to suggest the man Jesus never existed - that the historical jesus must have been a hoax.

This board has a plethora of intentionally belligerent insults about "sky daddy", "zombie Jesus" et al. which can only be written with premeditated cruelty. I am amazed you claim to have missed them.

I do not even consider myself particularly pious, but I am not going to deny my Orthodox heritage - and even I cringe when I see militant atheists chuckling and yucking it up about Sky Daddy and Zombie Jesus.
As opposed to the deliberate insults about militant atheists?

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