What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Brazil isn't the poorest nation in South America, for sure, but it's also in pretty bad shape, even by those standards. The biggest problem they have is endemic corruption. They've had multiple administrations of opposing parties with various members go to prison. They also have pretty high violence, even by regional standards. I work with a woman that lives in an armed compound outside of Sao Paulo. The few times she leaves the compound are always risky, which is why the compound has a lot of security and is designed to minimize the need for leaving. She can do most of her shopping without leaving.

Her experience isn't exactly rare. There are various other parts of Brazil that are like this. You need heavy security to travel safely in a lot of the country, and the murder rate makes us look like Iceland by comparison.

Funny, but Brazil has very strict gun laws. Maybe gun control isn't the magical solution that the control freaks insist it is.

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I disagree. Singapore is multiracial and not very violent at all. Most of Europe is also multiracial, and several of those countries aren't high in violence either. Australia is multiracial and low in violence.

Now, if you're saying that being multicultural can lead to poverty, I can agree with that. If a lot of people enter a country that start out poor, only some of them will succeed financially, and if you have a welfare state, that can become a burden on the system.

If a social democracy is defined as capitalist with a welfare state, then we already have that.
Not really. Unless that means lots of welfare for rich corporations.

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You think math is proof of alien life? Fascinating. Can you prove the government is stealing your thoughts using math?

Sent from my Batphone in the Batmobile
As I said before, the odds against the Earth being the only place that life has originated are more than astronomical.

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As I said before, the odds against the Earth being the only place that life has originated are more than astronomical.

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I admire your faith in math predicting ETs despite Fermi's Paradox. FWIW, I agree it's unlikey we are alone in the Universe. My point is you have faith in the outcome even though you have no evidence of life off Earth.
I said nothing about "intelligent" life. But that's a possibility.

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You're backpedaling? Do the math, son! If life can exist elsewhere, then so can intelligent life.

You're backpedaling? Do the math, son! If life can exist elsewhere, then so can intelligent life.

I'm not backpedaling. You're the one who started talking about intelligent life. It's a virtual certainty that there is life out there somewhere. The odds for intelligent life are good, but a lot less likely.

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I'm not backpedaling. You're the one who started talking about intelligent life. It's a virtual certainty that there is life out there somewhere. The odds for intelligent life are good, but a lot less likely.

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Disagreed on backpedaling. Correct; it's a good example of taking something on faith even though it's based upon Natural Universe rules. It's just a theory. If you are as educated as you believe yourself to be, then you'll take a closer look at the math and examine how the variables were derived (consider GIGO). All are educated guesses because, as you should know, there is zero evidence of non-terrestrial life. That said, like you, I have faith in the math even though it's unproved.

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I've seen homeless people in every state I lived in. And even if you don't see them from your front door, that doesn't mean they don't exist. I've never seen one in my own neighborhood either. But travel around enough and you will find neighborhoods with people sleeping on the sidewalks.

And they're only pipe dreams as long as we have a right-wing oligarchy in America. If we change that, it becomes more probable.

I beg your pardon, I was not talking about drug addicts, alcoholics, and never do wells who have nothing to offer society. As a disabled person who managed to work to full retirement age I resent able bodied people who live off the government dole. There is nothing wrong with the economies in Los Angeles and San Francisco (for example), it is their government. It's no accident that most of the poverty and squalor you see is in blue states.
I've literally never seen an Atheist on this message board or anywhere else that fits this description. I'm sure they exist, but they must be extremely rare.
And really, even if these Atheists do exist, they're not stoning women to death for practicing witchcraft. Maybe some Atheists are annoying. I think TJ Kirk is really cringe. But comparing annoying Atheists to fundamentalist Christians who literally kill gay people as soon as they get the chance, that's just objectively wrong. The most an Atheist will do is not stfu.

Kill gay people? You are out of your mind.
I beg your pardon, I was not talking about drug addicts, alcoholics, and never do wells who have nothing to offer society. As a disabled person who managed to work to full retirement age I resent able bodied people who live off the government dole. There is nothing wrong with the economies in Los Angeles and San Francisco (for example), it is their government. It's no accident that most of the poverty and squalor you see is in blue states.


I beg your pardon, I was not talking about drug addicts, alcoholics, and never do wells who have nothing to offer society. As a disabled person who managed to work to full retirement age I resent able bodied people who live off the government dole. There is nothing wrong with the economies in Los Angeles and San Francisco (for example), it is their government. It's no accident that most of the poverty and squalor you see is in blue states.

While there is poverty in every state, red states tend to have more poverty than blue states.

And how do you know all the homeless people I saw were drug addicts? Most homeless people are just regular people who lost their jobs. Granted, I didn't actually ask all of these people if they were druggies, but it wouldn't make much sense to just assume they are.
While there is poverty in every state, red states tend to have more poverty than blue states.

And how do you know all the homeless people I saw were drug addicts? Most homeless people are just regular people who lost their jobs. Granted, I didn't actually ask all of these people if they were druggies, but it wouldn't make much sense to just assume they are.

No, most homeless people are drug addicts, alcoholics, or mentally ill. That's why they vote Democrat. And ALL of the homeless problems you hear about are in blue states - California first and foremost.