What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Libertarians say look Communism fails, there's no Communist utopia.

Well, where's the Libertarian Utopia?
Hilarious! I already answered this question and you were left hmm'ing and haww'ing. Instead of realizing that you are totally mistaken, you just waited a few days and repeated the same error. Way too funny.

You still know nothing about economics. Your posts are hilarious.
Hilarious! I already answered this question and you were left hmm'ing and haww'ing. Instead of realizing that you are totally mistaken, you just waited a few days and repeated the same error. Way too funny.

You still know nothing about economics. Your posts are hilarious.

Name your Libertarian Utopia?

You clearly claimed the USA, which isn't Libertarian, in the first place.
Russia was really backwards prior to Soviets, it had no compulsory education, and just healthcare for the elite.

So, actually Soviets increased literacy rates & life expectancies, significantly.

But, those are 2 policies Libertarians champion, no compulsory education, and healthcare for the elite.

I think Libertarianism is even more absurd, because true Libertarians don't believe in much military, police, or border security.

It's like a step above Anarchy, crime would go up, and of course, any country could invade them, or immigrate there.

Besides, the impacts to the environment, just dumping waste all over.

I'm sure some of the Conservatards here will call me a Marxist for saying this, but Lenin actually did improve Russia a lot. He was a terrible person, but life in Leninist Russia was much better than life in Czarist Russia.

If Libertarianism ever did become mainstream, we'd probably end up with an economic Oligarchy. We'd have very "small government" but businesses would be making the laws. The laws would be open borders because that benefits the corporations. This is part of why Conservatism often leads to less freedom for the average person. The Right is about concentrated power, whether that's within the government or the 1%.
I'm sure some of the Conservatards here will call me a Marxist for saying this, but Lenin actually did improve Russia a lot. He was a terrible person, but life in Leninist Russia was much better than life in Czarist Russia.

If Libertarianism ever did become mainstream, we'd probably end up with an economic Oligarchy. We'd have very "small government" but businesses would be making the laws. The laws would be open borders because that benefits the corporations. This is part of why Conservatism often leads to less freedom for the average person. The Right is about concentrated power, whether that's within the government or the 1%.

The data seems to show that Soviets improved Russia after Tsarist Russia.


A newborn child in 1926-27 had a life expectancy of 44.4 years, up from 32.3 years thirty years before. In 1958-59 the life expectancy for newborns went up to 68.6 years.[9] The life expectancy in the USA in 1958-59 was 66.2 for men and 72.9 for women, giving a median of 69.5[10]. The life expectancy in Soviet Union were fairly stable during most years, although in the 1970s went slightly down probably because of alcohol abuse.[citation needed]


I. Komsomol members and Young Pioneer detachments played an important role in the education of illiterate people in villages. In the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, the women's literacy campaign was largely carried out by members of the Ali Bayramov Club, a women's organization founded by Azeri Bolshevik women in Baku in 1920.[4] The most active phase of likbez lasted until 1939. In 1926, the literacy rate was 56.6 percent of the population. By 1937, according to census data, the literacy rate was 86% for men and 65% for women, making a total literacy rate of 75%.[5]
My dude, how am I supposed to prove something isn't real? This is a fallacy that religious people use.
Bingo! That is the correct question to ask if this is somehow an important point for you.

Since you are asking for further clarification I will give you a few statements that might clear things up:

1. I don't HATE any class of people. I do HATE a handful of specific individuals for what they have done to me or my family but I am not beholden to any dogma or ideology' ergo I am not required to HATE any specific superficial characteristics, nor do any superficial characteristics make me feel threatened.

2. LGBTQIATIOAPP is a political interest group, and a particularly annoying one with their nonstop complaining of being victims. They are not victims. I just want them to shut up.

3. I used to support gays and lesbians politically before the invention of "LGBTQIATIOAPP", which has become one of the most cowardly hovels of dishonesty. I cannot and will not support them. I will actively strive to undermine them each and every time they annoy me.

4. There is no such thing as "gay rights." Anyone who uses that term is being dishonest and I typically ƒúq with people who are dishonest with me. All LGBTQIATIOAPP people are equal to me under the law so when any of them claim otherwise after forcing me to listen to bitching and whining and complaining and griping about being "victims" then I feel morally obligated to exact some sort of revenge.

So that's my beef with them in a nutshell. I totally approve of gay marriage ... except that it should just be "marriage." I invite LGBTQIATIOAPP people to events. I associate with them freely. I don't hate them. I don't fear them. I tell every single one that I know exactly what I'm telling you now about what really annoys me and we're all on the same page.
The data seems to show that Soviets improved Russia after Tsarist Russia.


A newborn child in 1926-27 had a life expectancy of 44.4 years, up from 32.3 years thirty years before. In 1958-59 the life expectancy for newborns went up to 68.6 years.[9] The life expectancy in the USA in 1958-59 was 66.2 for men and 72.9 for women, giving a median of 69.5[10]. The life expectancy in Soviet Union were fairly stable during most years, although in the 1970s went slightly down probably because of alcohol abuse.[citation needed]


I. Komsomol members and Young Pioneer detachments played an important role in the education of illiterate people in villages. In the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, the women's literacy campaign was largely carried out by members of the Ali Bayramov Club, a women's organization founded by Azeri Bolshevik women in Baku in 1920.[4] The most active phase of likbez lasted until 1939. In 1926, the literacy rate was 56.6 percent of the population. By 1937, according to census data, the literacy rate was 86% for men and 65% for women, making a total literacy rate of 75%.[5]

Yeah, living standards improved in nearly every way. People had more spending money and better overall health.
What people forget is that as bad as Bolshevikism was, the state of Europe was also pretty terrible before the French Revolution, and that didn't reach Russia like it did on the rest of the continent. So sure, Lenin was bad, but any welfare policies he believed in were more than Czarist Russia had. He even tried to warn the Soviets about how crazy Stalin was, but it was too late.
Bingo! That is the correct question to ask if this is somehow an important point for you.

Since you are asking for further clarification I will give you a few statements that might clear things up:

1. I don't HATE any class of people. I do HATE a handful of specific individuals for what they have done to me or my family but I am not beholden to any dogma or ideology' ergo I am not required to HATE any specific superficial characteristics, nor do any superficial characteristics make me feel threatened.

2. LGBTQIATIOAPP is a political interest group, and a particularly annoying one with their nonstop complaining of being victims. They are not victims. I just want them to shut up.

3. I used to support gays and lesbians politically before the invention of "LGBTQIATIOAPP", which has become one of the most cowardly hovels of dishonesty. I cannot and will not support them. I will actively strive to undermine them each and every time they annoy me.

4. There is no such thing as "gay rights." Anyone who uses that term is being dishonest and I typically ƒúq with people who are dishonest with me. All LGBTQIATIOAPP people are equal to me under the law so when any of them claim otherwise after forcing me to listen to bitching and whining and complaining and griping about being "victims" then I feel morally obligated to exact some sort of revenge.

So that's my beef with them in a nutshell. I totally approve of gay marriage ... except that it should just be "marriage." I invite LGBTQIATIOAPP people to events. I associate with them freely. I don't hate them. I don't fear them. I tell every single one that I know exactly what I'm telling you now about what really annoys me and we're all on the same page.

So really, it's just LGBT activists that you don't like because you don't believe LGBT people are actually oppressed and you think the activists go way too far in their activism. Would that be fair to say?

I'd have to disagree about them being oppressed because we still have a culture where homophobia and transphobia are common. Trump even tried to ban trans people from the military. There was a backlash, but not nearly as bad as it should have been. The sad truth is that half of the country was ok with that.

Now I do agree some of the activists go too far, but it's like that for all activists. I think we should close the border to third world immigrants, but I'll freely admit we have plenty of people who take that too far, even often turning violent like the El Paso shooter. But his actions don't change my mind on immigration.
You're history is off the mark - women of merit, prestige, power, and such - such as a monarch or a queen always weilded a margin of power over "lesser men", much as a historical queen such as Catherine, Victoria, Cleopatra, or otherwise had more "status", power and influence in relation to her time than the "average" or "low-income" woman today has. Women who came from better families, such as the nobility always had access to the best education, job and career opportunities, much as family and social connections still matter in this day and age in spite of allegedly more upward mobility.
Your point about women of high stature is on the mark and I'd like to piggy-back on it.

In Afghanistan, women cover themselves from head to toe, do not go out in public without their man, do not drive, do not ever testify in court, and do not even give the appearance of being unfaithful lest they be stoned to death.

... except daughters of warlords. They don't cover up, they wear cool jeans and low-neck blouses on flights to go shopping in Europe.

I would disagree with your assessment of women never belonging to men. Primates form one-male-to-many-female harems. When a male feels that one of his females is "straying" then he will first threaten and then will beat her into obedience if necessary. When a male claims a female, he is claiming the female as his.

Humans were no different in their evolution and marriage started as a formal public ritual within a population whereby a male publicly states "this particular female is mine so everyone stay away from her." Modern weddings are just reenactments of that. In Islamic societies, the woman still has no more say in it than any woman had a thousand years ago and earlier. For the vast bulk of humanity's existence, daughters were either told by their parents who their husbands would be or they were simply taken by some marauder or raider or invading tribe or what have you and claimed as property.

This episode of Sesame Street was brought to you by the word "property."
The original definition of Socialism is a central planning of all industry and total control (irrespective of ownership) of everything by the government ... as a necessary preparatory step to usher in Communism.

Key Point: Common ownership comes into existence with communism but not before while socialism is controlling everything.

That is the original definition. The responsibility to clear up your misunderstanding is yours and yours alone. I will nonetheless "lead the horse to water" so to speak. You can read all about it HERE.

Which part of this do you think is advocating for central planning by the government without Direct Democracy?

Two things to keep in mind. First, Karl Marx didn't invent Socialism. It existed way before Marx and was defined as collective ownership, often without a government. Secondly, Marx didn't actually write about Socialism and Communism that much, and when he did, he usually didn't outline a coherent philosophy. Most of his writings were dedicated to roasting Capitalism, not building an ideology of Socialism.
The closest thing we have to this is somewhat outlined in Das Kapital, not the Communist Manifesto.

Both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had that. Of course, neither transitioned to Communism. Authoritarian States never relinquish power.

The Soviet Union did, Nazi Germany did not. So even if we're going by your definition, the Nazis were not Socialists, anymore than the North Korean government is democratic.

No, we cannot. "Capitalism" is a slur coined by Marx. It was his way of saying "Economics" with disdain and negative connotation. Marx was a lazy, spoiled crybaby who never wanted to work, who never wanted to contribute and who never wanted to add value to society. Everything about Marxism is an attempt to repudiate sound economics ... which is why Marxism has never worked and why it can never work.

"Capitalism" in its modern context was coined by Louis Blanc, not Marx.

Would you support a fair flat tax, all people equal under the law paying the exact same percentage ... and support ditching the Marxist heavy graduated tax that we have today that comes right out of the Communist Manifesto as a step in the path towards Communism?

Would you support school choice giving all families the freedom and liberty to be responsible for guiding the education of their children ... and support ditching the compulsory Marxist government indoctrination of our children (unless the parents pay additionally for a private school)?

No, I think the rich should pay much more in taxes.

You mean homeschooling? Sure, but within reason. I don't think parents should be allowed to homeschool their kids if they're teaching things that are objectively wrong. But if they're teaching accurately in all of the main subjects, then homeschooling is fine.

You have not yet articulated any substantive difference between Socialism and Social Democracy and Democratic Socialism and Progressivism.

Yes I did. Social Democracy allows for private property. Socialism does not allow private property. I think that right there is a major difference.

Democratic Socialism originally referred to Socialism with elections, but that's not how it's used in modern America. When Bernie talks about Democratic Socialism, he's really describing Social Democracy.

Progressivism just refers to social reform, which of course is a moving target. At one point, if you wanted women to be allowed to vote, you were a Progressive. Today, that's just the norm. I don't consider myself a Progressive.

On that point, on what position do you disagree with the Black Lives Matter platform? BLM is a totally Marxist organization.

BLM is neither an organization nor Marxist. It's a movement. And yes, some of the people who started it were Marxists, but the point of the movement is to stop racism and police brutality. I guarantee that 90% of the people at these marches don't even know what Marxism is or care about economics.

I disagree with BLM because I don't think there is systemic racism against Blacks. I do think we have a major problem with police brutality, but the racism narrative gets in the way of that and discredits it.

That doesn't matter. What matters is government control. If you are supporting greater and greater government control over our lives and over business and industry then you are a socialist regardless of your position on "private ownership."

Then there you go, I'm not Socialist. :cool:
One of the reasons I think the Democrats are less terrible is because they don't grow government as much as Republicans do.

In the United States, all men and women are equal under the law. How's that?

Marriage is a traditional event. All people are free to never marry and to never participate in that tradition. Yes, marriage is legally recognized but there is no requirement for anyone to engage in that custom.

So there you go, we redefined marriage and the world didn't end. So what's wrong about redefining it to accept same-sex marriage?
By the way, America has been recognizing same-sex marriage in all fifty states for a while now. Has anything bad happened as a result of that?
I'm sure some of the Conservatards here will call me a Marxist for saying this, but Lenin actually did improve Russia a lot. He was a terrible person, but life in Leninist Russia was much better than life in Czarist Russia.
Would you care to elaborate? On what are you basing this assessment?

If Libertarianism ever did become mainstream, we'd probably end up with an economic Oligarchy. We'd have very "small government" but businesses would be making the laws.
No. There is a lot wrong with this.

In the above, you are specifically talking about Extreme Libertarianism which is indistinguishable from Utopian Communism, i.e. it's not possible. Under Extreme Libertarianism, there is no fiat currency, just like in Utopian Communism. There is no government (including no military and no police), just like in Utopian Communism. Utopia is simply not achievable, but Communism what Utopia looks like when you approach on the Left (through Socialism) and Extreme Libertarianism is what Utopia looks like when you approach on the Right. Marxism cannot work because it is based on denying human nature. Extreme Libertarianism cannot work because it is based on denying the limited nature of resources. They both deny the inevitability of competition.

Regular plain-old vanilla Libertarianism is "just right." It specifies that liberty and individual freedom is what is paramount, and opposes submission to being soldier ants in the colony, slaving at the behest of the queen, i.e. the government exists to serve the people and not the other way around. Under regular, plain-old vanilla Libertarianism, the economy is governed by sound economics principles and all laws exist to ensure the integrity of the free market, not to give government the power to interfere in it. Libertarian doctrine flows directly from economics, i.e. anything that artificially warps the supply/demand curve is illegal and will yield a less than optimal result for the economy and for everyone. Plain-old vanilla Libertarianism recognizes that the free supply/demand curve establishes the optimal price for goods and services in an economy.

Key Takeaway: Libertarianism is good and you can learn it by cracking open an economics textbook. Extreme Libertarianism is bad and you extrapolate what will happen when there are no laws and its every man for himself, e.g. zombie apocalypse.

One more thing, of course both Communism and Extreme Libertarianism are completely "open borders" because there are no recognized borders anywhere in either.

In Regular, plain-old vanilla Libertarianism there is a very strong national border ... but the process to cross/enter is greatly streamlined.
Which part of this do you think is advocating for central planning by the government without Direct Democracy?
You are the one injecting the empty buzzword "Direct Democracy" into this. There is no requirement for this empty buzzword.

If you are referring to the "democracy" inherent in Communism then that does not exist in any form whatsoever under socialism.

Two things to keep in mind. First, Karl Marx didn't invent Socialism.
Before you go down the wrong tangent, keep in mind that Karl Marx absolutely invented Marxism. When we talk about Socialism we are talking within the context of Marxism and we are simply agreeing to not have to write "Marxist Socialism" every time and that just "Socialism" will do, i.e. we know that's what we are talking about.

Secondly, Marx didn't actually write about Socialism and Communism that much,
The amount is irrelevant. Marx defined both with the Communist Manifesto. We have a common reference for discussion.

... and when he did, he usually didn't outline a coherent philosophy.
We have achieved some common ground!

Marx was a firebrand preacher of a terrible religion based on a highly disfunctional economic model, i.e. one that can never work because it denies human nature in the same way that Catholicism denies human sexuality. Naturally the Manifesto will seem incoherent because everything in it is contradictory.

Most of his writings were dedicated to roasting Capitalism, not building an ideology of Socialism. The closest thing we have to this is somewhat outlined in Das Kapital, not the Communist Manifesto.
Das Kapital is more of the same. In fact it is three grinding volumes of the same gibberish, just expanded. If you'd like, you can pick your favorite paragraph or two from Das Kapital and I'll tell you what's wrong with it ... and I will likely be able to point to its basic mention in the Manifesto.

The Soviet Union did, Nazi Germany did not. So even if we're going by your definition, the Nazis were not Socialists, anymore than the North Korean government is democratic.
You have brought us full circle. You made this comment previously and I have already addressed it thoroughly.

"Capitalism" in its modern context was coined by Louis Blanc, not Marx.
You did yourself a grave disservice. You rushed to Wikipedia and regurgitated what it told you to believe without first checking any authoritative sources or even performing a common sense check.

Capitalism, as it is used today, was coined by Karl Marx. Blanc coined the term, yes, but just to refer to dealing with material equity. Marx, on the other hand, took the term and ascribed to it the meaning of a slur of general economics principles. Marx made the term derogatory and used it to refer to simply doing business and to all of the machinery of an economy.

Fast forward to today. Marxists still hurl the word "capitalism" with the same disdain that Marx had ... it's just that people who recognize that economics works don't see the word "capitalism" as a slur any more than I would worry about a Japanese national calling me a "Yankee."

It was Marx, not Blanc.

No, I think the rich should pay much more in taxes.
When everyone pays the same flat percentage, those with greater incomes pay more. So why do you feel the need to make certain people unequal under the law? Why do you need to make thiings unfair for some people? Would you approve of a law that allows homeless people to steal your stuff because rich people like you should have to "pay more" and the homeless need your stuff more than you do so why are you complaining anyway you heartless greedy bastard! Well, you get my point. Why be unfair to people who you demonize just because they have more than you, but the law shouldn't be unfair to you in the same way?

You mean homeschooling?
No. School vouchers.

I don't think parents should be allowed to homeschool their kids if they're teaching things that are objectively wrong.
... and I suppose you determine what is objectively wrong? Would you send in social services if the parents, while homeschooling their children, should make a mistake?

Just so you know ... I chose those two questions because I knew you would answer this way and yes, you are a socialist. You are giving the socialist party-line answers. You seek to punish the successful just because you envy them. It is not enough for you to just let everyone be happy living their lives, you need to fúk with those who you envy and confiscate what they have as punishment. That is standard socialism.

I am certain that at some point you learned the concept of "fair" and that you know that it is not fair to be unfair to people. You have apparently forgotten that. Marx was all about being totally unfair and totally angry all the time. That's why he insisted that taxation be totally unfair.

As long as you feel that it is the State's job to redistribute other people's wealth rather than to simply have everyone pay their fair share to run the government then you are indeed a socialist.

Yes I did. Social Democracy allows for private property.
... so does socialism, progressivism and democratic socialism. There is a good reason for that. They are all the same.

There's a more important point to be made here. You have not defined any of them and simply saying what one of them "allows" does nothing to define it.

IBDaMann: Is there any difference between noise-cancelling headphones, a martini and a La-Z-Boy recliner?
StoneByStone: Of course. The noise-cancelling headphones allow you to relax.
IBDaMann: ... but so does the martini, and so does the La-Z-Boy recliner.

Socialism does not allow private property.
Yes it does. The NAZIs allowed people to retain their "ownership" of the businesses they nonetheless assumed full control. You keep trying to reach for the word "ownership" but the word "control" is what you need.

Democratic Socialism originally referred to Socialism with elections, but that's not how it's used in modern America. When Bernie talks about Democratic Socialism, he's really describing Social Democracy.
Ummm, like I said, there's no difference.

Progressivism just refers to social reform,
It refers to very specific reform, e.g. abolition of capitalism, redistribution of wealth, i.e. socialism.

BLM is neither an organization nor Marxist. It's a movement.
Nope. You did yourself a grave disservice by rushing to Wikipedia ... oh wait, I already mentioned this.

The Marxist organization that currently calls itself Black Lives Matter has been around for a long time. It has simply rebranded itself relatively recently, leveraging a little political opportunism in Florida with the George Zimmerman controversy to pretend like they just sprang into existence over that event. There's a reason that BLM is 60%-70% caucasian.

I disagree with BLM because I don't think there is systemic racism against Blacks.
Good, good ... we found some more common ground. Do you remember me explaining unfalsifiability in a previous post? There is no such thing as "systemic racism." I could tell BLM to prove to me that there is "systemic racism" and they can respond "Prove to us that it doesn't exist!"

I do think we have a major problem with police brutality,
How many cases of police brutality are there when people don't fúk with the cops?

One of the reasons I think the Democrats are less terrible is because they don't grow government as much as Republicans do.
Let me know when you are ready for some bad news.

So there you go, we redefined marriage and the world didn't end. So what's wrong about redefining it to accept same-sex marriage?
LGBTQIATIOAPP is their own worst enemy. They are very similar to the Palestinians who simply refuse everything. You could be elected to Congress, successfully push through legislation to legalize same-gender marriage provided there is a special form filled out that details responsibilities should children be adopted and LGBTQIATIOAPP will demonize you, they will NOT be happy, they will not credit you for getting them almost all the way there, they will protest and ultimately they will seek to get your insulting travesty undone. They will complain that you "didn't go far enough" and that you didn't make it legal for them to adopt children ... because you are obviously homophobic ... and they will whine and bitch and complain about being victims. Come election time, they will support your Democrat rival and you won't understand why.

Then you will realize why politicians don't dare try to help LGBTQIATIOAPP in any substantive legislative manner. Nobody dares try to pander to them lest they be punished for the effort.
Name your Libertarian Utopia?
When you get a better command of the English language you will avoid inadvertently shifting the goalposts.

Libertarianism can certainly be practiced in the US. People who achieve financial independence live a very Libertarian lifestyle. Since Libertarianism is very much exercised on an individual basis, different people live their own Libertarian Utopias.
So really, it's just LGBT activists that you don't like because you don't believe LGBT people are actually oppressed and you think the activists go way too far in their activism. Would that be fair to say?
It's even more basic. LGBTQIATIOAPP annoys the fúk out of me. But otherwise, yes, you could say that.

I'd have to disagree about them being oppressed because we still have a culture where homophobia and transphobia are common.
I disagree. Part of the problem here is your misuse of the word "homophobia." You need to be writing "homo-dislike" or "homo-disagree" ... but your application of "phobia" more or less blows your argument out of the water.

LGBTQIATIOAPP actively fúk with people who never fúkked with them. They have essentially become Christianphobic and HATE Christians who would otherwise support them. LGBTQIATIOAPP has some of the highest percentage of ashsoles of any organization save ANTIFA and BLM. Many are just shitty people. They actively work to get people to hate them.

Trump even tried to ban trans people from the military.
I agree with the move. You've never served in the military. Ask me how I know.

This issue becomes a loser for you when you start talking about the military. You're fine talking about the DoD, but the military is completely different.

Now I do agree some of the activists go too far, but it's like that for all activists.
It's no excuse. Nobody has license to "go too far."

I think we should close the border to third world immigrants, but I'll freely admit we have plenty of people who take that too far, even often turning violent like the El Paso shooter. But his actions don't change my mind on immigration.
the issue is not "closing" the border. The issue is "controlling" the border. We need to control who enters. I don't want to prevent Guatemalans from entering the US. I want to be able to prevent certain specific Guatemalans, and I want to have basic information on all Guatemalans that enter, i.e. control the border. In fact, once the border is controlled, I can let in more than I did previously because I can streamline proedures and accelerate approvals.
Did my words "I'm not a Christian" provide you a crucial clue?

You haven't been paying attention. I'm one of the few on this board defending human life.

How about you? Do you support the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has not expressed any desire to die to make another living human's life more convenient?

Aaaah, the all to common refrain from ugly chicks with emotional baggage.

Too funny! You speak volumes about yourself by what you read into a post. The topics you mention never even occurred to me. You've got issues, that's for sure.

Once again, you haven't been paying attention. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else. I am NOT a Marxist. I mock Marxists.

Not me. You perhaps.

Are you reading what you write? You are either confusing me with someone else or you are insane.


Just pointing out the obvious. You clearly have issues. A fetus is a human being, but it isn't a person until it's born. Even the Bible says so.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Aaah, you're a projector. Did your therapist recommend you utilize online fora to "vent" and to talk through your issues? Might you be in a session right now or perhaps in the waiting room?

No one on this board should expect anything productive out of you, I suppose.
Says the one who picked a pseudonym that demonstrates that he has issues with women and manhood.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Well there is a strong linkage between homosexuals and pedophilia

It actually is unnatural particularly if you believe in evolution. Do you believe in evolution?
If you believe in evolution, then there's no need to be afraid of homosexuality. Assuming that there's a genetic component, suppressing homosexuals only leads them to procreate. If you allow them to be themselves, then evolution says that whatever genetic component there is will remove itself.

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Their lifestyle involves 24/7 non-stop whining, bitching, bemoaning, complaining, repining, lamenting, griping, sniveling and moping about imaginary victimization ... and they won't ever just shut up and give the rest of the world a moment of peace.

It's all very annoying.

Funny, you and most conservatives are very annoying for the same reasons.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Not at all. When it comes to my intentions, I'm the only expert on the matter. We have to go with what I say they are.

I insult and mock people to express their idiocy. I could go on for days with you. You believe in every WACKY, logically contradictory concept that your slavemasters tell you to believe. That is not somehow my fault for pointing it out.

Nice try though.

Nope. In 100% of the cases, leftists initiate the petty ad hominem. When I respond with observations of lacking education and of lacking cognitive proficiency, I get the same drivel that you are spewing right now.

So, let's apply your logic and ask you why you like to start fights with strangers. Yes, lets.

StoneByStone, why do you like to start fights with strangers?
Purest projection.

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So you haven't given up a car. You are still polluting.

Doesn't sound like you have really sacrificed for Mother Erf. Just another talk a lot but do nothing leftist
Well, you make it obvious that you don't care for "Mother Erf".

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Yes gay marriage has harmed society. It redefines marriage which of course marxists like yourself want to do. That is the real end game, cloaked in "equality". Your last question is laughable

Marxism knows that the biggest threat to collectivism is

1) The nuclear family
2) Religion
3) Private property rights

Is it any wonder that those three things have been under assault by leftists like yourself for decades? It is how you destroyed the black community
Purest paranoia.

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