What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Their lifestyle involves 24/7 non-stop whining, bitching, bemoaning, complaining, repining, lamenting, griping, sniveling and moping about imaginary victimization ... and they won't ever just shut up and give the rest of the world a moment of peace.

It's all very annoying.
How stupid, this is idiocy and a generalization. You obviously don’t know any LBGT people.
That's why you insult people. You're hoping it will start a flame war.
Not at all. When it comes to my intentions, I'm the only expert on the matter. We have to go with what I say they are.

I insult and mock people to express their idiocy. I could go on for days with you. You believe in every WACKY, logically contradictory concept that your slavemasters tell you to believe. That is not somehow my fault for pointing it out.

Nice try though.

So what is the point of that? Do you find it fun to trade insults with strangers?
Nope. In 100% of the cases, leftists initiate the petty ad hominem. When I respond with observations of lacking education and of lacking cognitive proficiency, I get the same drivel that you are spewing right now.

So, let's apply your logic and ask you why you like to start fights with strangers. Yes, lets.

StoneByStone, why do you like to start fights with strangers?
How stupid, this is idiocy and a generalization. You obviously don’t know any LBGT people.
How stupid. Do you often make random, inaccurate guesses? I bet you learned long ago that you in particular should not bet on sports.

I know PLENTY of LGBTQIATIOAPP ... well, not so many of the IATIOAPP but plenty of the others. Yes, they bitch all the fucking time. Bitch, bitch, bitch ... about how they are VICTIMS.

You clearly don't know any.
How stupid. Do you often make random, inaccurate guesses? I bet you learned long ago that you in particular should not bet on sports.

I know PLENTY of LGBTQIATIOAPP ... well, not so many of the IATIOAPP but plenty of the others. Yes, they bitch all the fucking time. Bitch, bitch, bitch ... about how they are VICTIMS.

You clearly don't know any.
Liar, you don’t know any of this is your opinion of them.
Of course it is unnatural. If it were "natural" there would be a homosexual gene. There is not. Therefore it is a choice
This is not accurate. You are correct that something abnormal but completely natural occurs in the development of a homosexual (zygote, embryo, fetus ...) that affects the brain and causes attraction to the same gender in the same way that you are attracted to the opposite gender. The homosexual never got any more choice in the matter than you did.

Homosexuals can't procreate which at our core is what we do. The story ends right there
This is not accurate. Homosexuals can and do procreate just fine with members of the opposite gender. Their children will likely be straight because, as you noted, there is no "homosexual" gene.
This is not accurate. You are correct that something abnormal but completely natural occurs in the development of a homosexual (zygote, embryo, fetus ...) that affects the brain and causes attraction to the same gender in the same way that you are attracted to the opposite gender. The homosexual never got any more choice in the matter than you did.

This is not accurate. Homosexuals can and do procreate just fine with members of the opposite gender. Their children will likely be straight because, as you noted, there is no "homosexual" gene.

This sounds like an admission that homosexuality is a choice. I humbly accept that concession.

Can a homosexual man procreate with another homosexual man?
This sounds like an admission that homosexuality is a choice.
No, it is not. You are conflating homosexuality with a decision to have sex.

A man does not choose to be homosexual any more than a man chooses to be 7'2" in height, but his decision to engage in sex or to play in the NBA is a choice.

Can a homosexual man procreate with another homosexual man?
Nope. Only (biological) man+ (biological) woman can procreate. Homosexuality is irrelevant.
No, it is not. You are conflating homosexuality with a decision to have sex.

A man does not choose to be homosexual any more than a man chooses to be 7'2" in height, but his decision to engage in sex or to play in the NBA is a choice.

Nope. Only (biological) man+ (biological) woman can procreate. Homosexuality is irrelevant.

you are 100% wrong
You have heard people say that? I don't believe you. You can't prove it


Why would I be a vegan? It is an unhealthy lifestyle. But this is where you accuse me of being afraid I am a vegan?
So you don't use a car EVER? Never? You do not own a car?

It's actually very healthy if you do it the right way. But like I said, it's hard to do it the right way. And no, I understand that most people aren't vegan either because they don't understand the benefits or because it's too difficult.
I own a car and use it when biking just isn't possible.
I insult and mock people to express their idiocy. I could go on for days with you. You believe in every WACKY, logically contradictory concept that your slavemasters tell you to believe. That is not somehow my fault for pointing it out.

Do you do that IRL? If someone says something that you think is wrong, are you rude to them?

StoneByStone, why do you like to start fights with strangers?

Have I ever resorted to Ad Homs with you? Have I ever sperged out and started name-calling?

I think what's happening here is that you've turned your ideas into your identity. So now when people debunk your ideas, you take it as a personal attack.
Their lifestyle involves 24/7 non-stop whining, bitching, bemoaning, complaining, repining, lamenting, griping, sniveling and moping about imaginary victimization ... and they won't ever just shut up and give the rest of the world a moment of peace.

It's all very annoying.

Do you have any way of proving that this is true?
Of course it is unnatural. If it were "natural" there would be a homosexual gene. There is not. Therefore it is a choice

Homosexuality and bisexuality are also very common in animals. Do you think they're choosing this too?

Science hasn't found a gay gene, but it has found that same-sex attraction is caused by genetic factors. So if you want to use the science argument here, you have to accept that it's not a choice.

Additionally, just because something occurs naturally in nature doesn't mean it isn't abnormal

Homosexuals can't procreate which at our core is what we do. The story ends right there

But how is that harmful to individuals or society? Has recognizing gay marriage made the world a worse place because homosexuals can't procreate?
Should infertile couples also be regarded as abnormal and not have their marriages recognized?

It's actually very healthy if you do it the right way. But like I said, it's hard to do it the right way. And no, I understand that most people aren't vegan either because they don't understand the benefits or because it's too difficult.
I own a car and use it when biking just isn't possible.

So you haven't given up a car. You are still polluting.

Doesn't sound like you have really sacrificed for Mother Erf. Just another talk a lot but do nothing leftist
Homosexuality and bisexuality are also very common in animals. Do you think they're choosing this too?

Science hasn't found a gay gene, but it has found that same-sex attraction is caused by genetic factors. So if you want to use the science argument here, you have to accept that it's not a choice.

But how is that harmful to individuals or society? Has recognizing gay marriage made the world a worse place because homosexuals can't procreate?

Should infertile couples also be regarded as abnormal and not have their marriages recognized?

Yes gay marriage has harmed society. It redefines marriage which of course marxists like yourself want to do. That is the real end game, cloaked in "equality". Your last question is laughable

Marxism knows that the biggest threat to collectivism is

1) The nuclear family
2) Religion
3) Private property rights

Is it any wonder that those three things have been under assault by leftists like yourself for decades? It is how you destroyed the black community
Yes gay marriage has harmed society. It redefines marriage which of course marxists like yourself want to do. That is the real end game, cloaked in "equality". Your last question is laughable

Marxism knows that the biggest threat to collectivism is

1) The nuclear family
2) Religion
3) Private property rights

Is it any wonder that those three things have been under assault by leftists like yourself for decades? It is how you destroyed the black community

So I won't bother explaining how I'm not a Marxist, because nobody here actually believes that. And no, Marxists don't want to destroy the nuclear family.

Society has always redefined marriage. At one point, it was common for the local king to be able to have sex with your wife if he wanted. For a long time, it was common for husbands to have multiple wives. Then it was one wife, but concubines on the side until the Catholic Church changed its mind and decided that was wrong.
Redefining marriage hasn't always been a bad thing. So instead of saying that same-sex marriage redefines marriage, explain why the way it redefines marriage is bad for society.
So I won't bother explaining how I'm not a Marxist, because nobody here actually believes that.
Yes we do because you are a Marxist, specifically a socialist. In your futile attempt to hide that fact, you absurdly deny that NAZI Germany was socialist. Unbelievable.

And no, Marxists don't want to destroy the nuclear family.
Yes they do. Try reading the Communist Manifesto. Marx' underlying assumption is that parents don't love their children and only seek to exploit them through forced labor until the day they die, ergo Marx demands that the State forcibly remove children from the home and from their parents, where the official State indoctrination is to be incorporated into the children's continuing government-controlled and monitored education until their labor can be exploited by the State instead of by their parents.

Read it.

Society has always redefined marriage.
Really? Name one such redefinition in the 1700's.

At one point, it was common for the local king to be able to have sex with your wife if he wanted.
Yes, it's good to be king ... except that is not a redefinition of marriage.

For a long time, it was common for husbands to have multiple wives.
Marriage has always been a public announcement that a particular woman belongs to a particular man. That does not differ between polygamy and monogamy.
