What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

I was trying to be subtle. It's like parents spelling curse words in front of their toddlers. The toddlers don't understand. Intelligent, educated and sane adults can phrase statements in such a manner on this forum that the truly mentally ill often don't pick up on it because it's beyond their mental capacity to do so.

In another forum one of our resident mental cases disagreed with me on a subject matter which, IMO, was clearly black and white logic. I gave him a link and asked him to explain what it meant in his own words. He refused to do it. Probably because he couldn't do it. He could only regurgitate what he'd heard/read and cut'n'paste. Because of his mental incapacity, he couldn't rephrase the argument in his own words.

There a few ways to determine if a poster has below average IQ and/or mental issues. Asking them to rephrase in their own words is one way that is difficult to fudge online.

Sent from my secret laboratory in Texas :)

For some, like Steven, their posts are all that is necessary to demonstrate their below average IQ.

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For some, like Steven, their posts are all that is necessary to demonstrate their below average IQ.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Steven is a good example as is Teflon Don in his many forms...in fact any person who makes frequent use of Sock Puppets.

OTOH, it's easier for a smart person to act stupidly than for a stupid person to act smart. IMO, some posters are average or better IQ but are letting their "inner child" do the posting. It takes a fair amount of observation and interaction with their posts to see if they are smart, but immature or just "acting out" or if they truly are mentally incapacitated.

It doesn't take a psycho degree to assess this; just common sense plus open-minded observation and questioning. Most people will get a sense of whether a person is mental or just acting like an asshole because they can. They should trust their sense, their "gut", on their assessment since it is most likely correct given they've actually studied the person being evaluated.

FWIW, I think most mental cases gravitate to forums because it's the only interaction they can have with little to no adverse effects. Grokmaster, Truth Detector, Darth and Teflon Don are examples of older people whose elevators do not go to the top anymore. Steven and Earl are probable examples of people who were either genetically predisposed to their condition or had an accident which impaired their brain function.
You need to chill and stop acting so stupid. Your life is quite clearly one giant "fukk-up".
Aaah, you're a projector. Did your therapist recommend you utilize online fora to "vent" and to talk through your issues? Might you be in a session right now or perhaps in the waiting room?

No one on this board should expect anything productive out of you, I suppose.
It's painfully obvious that you're not any kind of Christian.
Did my words "I'm not a Christian" provide you a crucial clue?

You don't actually value human life.
You haven't been paying attention. I'm one of the few on this board defending human life.

How about you? Do you support the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has not expressed any desire to die to make another living human's life more convenient?

You just can't relate to women,
Aaaah, the all to common refrain from ugly chicks with emotional baggage.

... so you want them to be subservient to men,
Too funny! You speak volumes about yourself by what you read into a post. The topics you mention never even occurred to me. You've got issues, that's for sure.

... so you can take what you can't earn.
Once again, you haven't been paying attention. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else. I am NOT a Marxist. I mock Marxists.

In biblical monogamy, adultery would get you stoned to death.
Not me. You perhaps.

And you appear to be the one suffering from TDS. You are clearly deranged.
Are you reading what you write? You are either confusing me with someone else or you are insane.

What do you personally do to save Mother Erf since you care so much about it?

What personal sacrifices have you made to save the planet? Real sacrifices. Don’t say “I recycle”
I wonder if she has ever organized an overseas political action group to bring about real change in Afghanistan for women's rights and for animal rights. ... or in Suadi Arabia. Iran. Pakistan.

I just wonder.
Nobody is afraid of queers. Not agreeing with their lifestyle is not being afraid

But what is the reason for not agreeing with the lifestyle? IMO, it's a fear that you might have gay feelings yourself. And that's what the evidence seems to point to.

It is a lefty trope that is tired and worn. Much like your vagina

Sounds like someone's jealous that he doesn't get to have sex too. :(
What do you personally do to save Mother Erf since you care so much about it?

What personal sacrifices have you made to save the planet? Real sacrifices. Don’t say “I recycle”

I'm vegan, I try to use as little plastic as possible, and I bike instead of driving.
I probably could do more, but I do my best. And I certainly don't pollute because I think it's funny.
But what is the reason for not agreeing with the lifestyle? IMO, it's a fear that you might have gay feelings yourself. And that's what the evidence seems to point to.

Sounds like someone's jealous that he doesn't get to have sex too. :(

So does that logic apply to everything in life that one opposes? If someone disagrees something they are afraid they are that thing? That is a standard left wing trope

If someone opposes conservatism are they afraid they are a conservative?
If someone opposes murder are they afraid they are a murderer?
If someone opposes pedophilia are they afraid they are a pedophile?
So does that logic apply to everything in life that one opposes? If someone disagrees something they are afraid they are that thing? That is a standard left wing trope

If someone opposes conservatism are they afraid they are a conservative?
If someone opposes murder are they afraid they are a murderer?
If someone opposes pedophilia are they afraid they are a pedophile?

Big difference. There are logical reasons for opposing those things. I could explain why Conservatism, murder, and pedophilia hurt people and society as a whole. Homophobes don't have reasons for opposing homosexuality. It's always something ridiculous, like it's unnatural or it leads to pedophilia.
I'm vegan, I try to use as little plastic as possible, and I bike instead of driving.
I probably could do more, but I do my best. And I certainly don't pollute because I think it's funny.

You live in this alternative universe. I don't know anyone who "pollutes" because they think it is funny.

Which of those three things you listed are a sacrifice for you? I don't see anything.
Big difference. There are logical reasons for opposing those things. I could explain why Conservatism, murder, and pedophilia hurt people and society as a whole. Homophobes don't have reasons for opposing homosexuality. It's always something ridiculous, like it's unnatural or it leads to pedophilia.

Well there is a strong linkage between homosexuals and pedophilia

It actually is unnatural particularly if you believe in evolution. Do you believe in evolution?
You live in this alternative universe. I don't know anyone who "pollutes" because they think it is funny.

I've heard people talk about how great it feels to drive hummers because it pisses off Liberals. Congrats?

Which of those three things you listed are a sacrifice for you? I don't see anything.

Ever try being vegan? It's very challenging.
And not using a car is pretty inconvenient.
I've heard people talk about how great it feels to drive hummers because it pisses off Liberals. Congrats?

Ever try being vegan? It's very challenging.
And not using a car is pretty inconvenient.

You have heard people say that? I don't believe you. You can't prove it

Why would I be a vegan? It is an unhealthy lifestyle. But this is where you accuse me of being afraid I am a vegan?
So you don't use a car EVER? Never? You do not own a car?

These are you only two sacrifices? This is how much you care about Mother Erf?
Well there is a strong linkage between homosexuals and pedophilia

That's been debunked.

It actually is unnatural particularly if you believe in evolution. Do you believe in evolution?

Yes, but that's not what "unnatural" means. If something occurs naturally, like homosexuality, it's not unnatural. And even if it was unnatural, so what? Wearing glasses is unnatural. Using a phone is unnatural.

Maybe some people really believe these arguments, but most of them just use this to justify their own fear of homosexuality.
That's been debunked.

Yes, but that's not what "unnatural" means. If something occurs naturally, like homosexuality, it's not unnatural. And even if it was unnatural, so what? Wearing glasses is unnatural. Using a phone is unnatural.

Maybe some people really believe these arguments, but most of them just use this to justify their own fear of homosexuality.

Of course it is unnatural. If it were "natural" there would be a homosexual gene. There is not. Therefore it is a choice

Additionally, just because something occurs naturally in nature doesn't mean it isn't abnormal

Homosexuals can't procreate which at our core is what we do. The story ends right there
But what is the reason for not agreeing with the lifestyle?
Their lifestyle involves 24/7 non-stop whining, bitching, bemoaning, complaining, repining, lamenting, griping, sniveling and moping about imaginary victimization ... and they won't ever just shut up and give the rest of the world a moment of peace.

It's all very annoying.