What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

You are the one injecting the empty buzzword "Direct Democracy" into this. There is no requirement for this empty buzzword.

If you are referring to the "democracy" inherent in Communism then that does not exist in any form whatsoever under socialism.

Before you go down the wrong tangent, keep in mind that Karl Marx absolutely invented Marxism. When we talk about Socialism we are talking within the context of Marxism and we are simply agreeing to not have to write "Marxist Socialism" every time and that just "Socialism" will do, i.e. we know that's what we are talking about.

The amount is irrelevant. Marx defined both with the Communist Manifesto. We have a common reference for discussion.

We have achieved some common ground!

Marx was a firebrand preacher of a terrible religion based on a highly disfunctional economic model, i.e. one that can never work because it denies human nature in the same way that Catholicism denies human sexuality. Naturally the Manifesto will seem incoherent because everything in it is contradictory.

Das Kapital is more of the same. In fact it is three grinding volumes of the same gibberish, just expanded. If you'd like, you can pick your favorite paragraph or two from Das Kapital and I'll tell you what's wrong with it ... and I will likely be able to point to its basic mention in the Manifesto.

You have brought us full circle. You made this comment previously and I have already addressed it thoroughly.

You did yourself a grave disservice. You rushed to Wikipedia and regurgitated what it told you to believe without first checking any authoritative sources or even performing a common sense check.

Capitalism, as it is used today, was coined by Karl Marx. Blanc coined the term, yes, but just to refer to dealing with material equity. Marx, on the other hand, took the term and ascribed to it the meaning of a slur of general economics principles. Marx made the term derogatory and used it to refer to simply doing business and to all of the machinery of an economy.

Fast forward to today. Marxists still hurl the word "capitalism" with the same disdain that Marx had ... it's just that people who recognize that economics works don't see the word "capitalism" as a slur any more than I would worry about a Japanese national calling me a "Yankee."

It was Marx, not Blanc.

When everyone pays the same flat percentage, those with greater incomes pay more. So why do you feel the need to make certain people unequal under the law? Why do you need to make thiings unfair for some people? Would you approve of a law that allows homeless people to steal your stuff because rich people like you should have to "pay more" and the homeless need your stuff more than you do so why are you complaining anyway you heartless greedy bastard! Well, you get my point. Why be unfair to people who you demonize just because they have more than you, but the law shouldn't be unfair to you in the same way?

No. School vouchers.

... and I suppose you determine what is objectively wrong? Would you send in social services if the parents, while homeschooling their children, should make a mistake?

Just so you know ... I chose those two questions because I knew you would answer this way and yes, you are a socialist. You are giving the socialist party-line answers. You seek to punish the successful just because you envy them. It is not enough for you to just let everyone be happy living their lives, you need to fúk with those who you envy and confiscate what they have as punishment. That is standard socialism.

I am certain that at some point you learned the concept of "fair" and that you know that it is not fair to be unfair to people. You have apparently forgotten that. Marx was all about being totally unfair and totally angry all the time. That's why he insisted that taxation be totally unfair.

As long as you feel that it is the State's job to redistribute other people's wealth rather than to simply have everyone pay their fair share to run the government then you are indeed a socialist.

... so does socialism, progressivism and democratic socialism. There is a good reason for that. They are all the same.

There's a more important point to be made here. You have not defined any of them and simply saying what one of them "allows" does nothing to define it.

IBDaMann: Is there any difference between noise-cancelling headphones, a martini and a La-Z-Boy recliner?
StoneByStone: Of course. The noise-cancelling headphones allow you to relax.
IBDaMann: ... but so does the martini, and so does the La-Z-Boy recliner.

Yes it does. The NAZIs allowed people to retain their "ownership" of the businesses they nonetheless assumed full control. You keep trying to reach for the word "ownership" but the word "control" is what you need.

Ummm, like I said, there's no difference.

It refers to very specific reform, e.g. abolition of capitalism, redistribution of wealth, i.e. socialism.

Nope. You did yourself a grave disservice by rushing to Wikipedia ... oh wait, I already mentioned this.

The Marxist organization that currently calls itself Black Lives Matter has been around for a long time. It has simply rebranded itself relatively recently, leveraging a little political opportunism in Florida with the George Zimmerman controversy to pretend like they just sprang into existence over that event. There's a reason that BLM is 60%-70% caucasian.

Good, good ... we found some more common ground. Do you remember me explaining unfalsifiability in a previous post? There is no such thing as "systemic racism." I could tell BLM to prove to me that there is "systemic racism" and they can respond "Prove to us that it doesn't exist!"

How many cases of police brutality are there when people don't fúk with the cops?

Let me know when you are ready for some bad news.

LGBTQIATIOAPP is their own worst enemy. They are very similar to the Palestinians who simply refuse everything. You could be elected to Congress, successfully push through legislation to legalize same-gender marriage provided there is a special form filled out that details responsibilities should children be adopted and LGBTQIATIOAPP will demonize you, they will NOT be happy, they will not credit you for getting them almost all the way there, they will protest and ultimately they will seek to get your insulting travesty undone. They will complain that you "didn't go far enough" and that you didn't make it legal for them to adopt children ... because you are obviously homophobic ... and they will whine and bitch and complain about being victims. Come election time, they will support your Democrat rival and you won't understand why.

Then you will realize why politicians don't dare try to help LGBTQIATIOAPP in any substantive legislative manner. Nobody dares try to pander to them lest they be punished for the effort.

I could live with Nationalist & Environmentally friendly Communism, before Libertarianism, which is the worst system devised by man.

Although, something intermediate, would be much preferred.

As for Palestinians vs LGBTQ, what do they have in common, exactly?

Why should Palestiinians agree to those who steal their land?
When you get a better command of the English language you will avoid inadvertently shifting the goalposts.

Libertarianism can certainly be practiced in the US. People who achieve financial independence live a very Libertarian lifestyle. Since Libertarianism is very much exercised on an individual basis, different people live their own Libertarian Utopias.

Libertarianism is garbage, it would lead to an uneducated poplulace, it would lead to worse environmental protections, it wouldn't solve undocumented immigrants, abortion, illicit drugs, or outsourced jobs.

Libertarianism is an issue, not a solution.
It's even more basic. LGBTQIATIOAPP annoys the fúk out of me. But otherwise, yes, you could say that.

I disagree. Part of the problem here is your misuse of the word "homophobia." You need to be writing "homo-dislike" or "homo-disagree" ... but your application of "phobia" more or less blows your argument out of the water.

LGBTQIATIOAPP actively fúk with people who never fúkked with them. They have essentially become Christianphobic and HATE Christians who would otherwise support them. LGBTQIATIOAPP has some of the highest percentage of ashsoles of any organization save ANTIFA and BLM. Many are just shitty people. They actively work to get people to hate them.

I agree with the move. You've never served in the military. Ask me how I know.

This issue becomes a loser for you when you start talking about the military. You're fine talking about the DoD, but the military is completely different.

It's no excuse. Nobody has license to "go too far."

the issue is not "closing" the border. The issue is "controlling" the border. We need to control who enters. I don't want to prevent Guatemalans from entering the US. I want to be able to prevent certain specific Guatemalans, and I want to have basic information on all Guatemalans that enter, i.e. control the border. In fact, once the border is controlled, I can let in more than I did previously because I can streamline proedures and accelerate approvals.

Why should we have be forced, to let in any Guatemalans?
Well a lot of those so-called Communists were really just conservative Fascists like Stalin.
There are people in every category who are against LGBT rights, but it's mostly a right-wing thing.

The RWNJs will be happy to see you equate fascism with communism.
Well a lot of those so-called Communists were really just conservative Fascists like Stalin.
There are people in every category who are against LGBT rights, but it's mostly a right-wing thing.

Collectivists tend to be more prejudiced against different groups, like LGBTQ, or Immigrants, or different Races, Religions, or Ethnics.

Collectivists are also more aligned to Communism.
The RWNJs will be happy to see you equate fascism with communism.

Economically Hitler was much more like FDR than like Stalin.

But, in terms of prejudices & intolerance, Hitler & Stalin had much more in common.

The big difference between Stalin & Hitler, is that Stalin thought deportations solved ethnic issues first, and murder was just sometimes a secondary phase, while Hitler arrived at the conclusion of mass-murder first hand.
The RWNJs will be happy to see you equate fascism with communism.

I'm not so sure, it's all Stalin, by the way.

Stalin's NKVD was more Jewish than Russian in the early - mid 1930's during the height of NKVD terror.

The NKVD was even founded & run by Jew Genrikh Yagoda.

The Gulag was by Jews like Matvei Berman.

After Stalin purged the NKVD of Jews, there was a major decline in it's brutality.
not true, even if there is a genetic component and there isn't, you are assuming that it would be a dominant trait. That of course is not possible because they are less than 1% of the population. It would be most likely a recessive gene

It is a choice and an immoral one. Calling something what it is, is not fear of it.

It is a specious argument made by disingenuous people. Oh wait, look at who I am talking to

What is your evidence there isn't a genetic component? Just because there's not a "gay gene"? There's no "straight gene" either. Sexuality is wired so deeply into our DNA no one is certain how it works. There are clues, but a lot remains to be understood.
I don't think Fascism and Communism are the same. I'm saying that the Bolsheviks weren't really Commies. They were Fascists who used Communism to gain power, similar to how the Nazis used Socialism.

Me neither. Don't kid yourself, they were. That's what the Righties keep saying.
So how about I ask my (three part) question again and you answer it this time? Notice that the word "person" does not occur in the question nor does the word "being." Notice that Part 1 is a simple "yes or no" question. Here it is one more time:

Part 1) Do you support the legality of killing a living human who has committed no crime and who has not expressed any desire to die? (yes or no)?
Part 2) How does your answer change if said killing mentioned in Part 1 would clearly make some other person's life more convenient?
Part 3) How does your answer change if said killed human's organs/tissue/cells/body parts could definitely benefit someone else, either biologically or financially?

"Living" is defined as per the medical definition, i.e. if there is a heartbeat then there is life.
"Human" is defined as being of the species "Homo Sapiens."
The usual dishonest reply that we've come to expect from you. A fetus is not a separate life. If removed from the mother, it dies, just like, for example, an appendix. It is not yet a person and doesn't yet have any rights. As far as you are concerned, it ceases to be of interest once it's born and is responsible for its own welfare.

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Aaaah, the tired refrain of the Marxist cancer that thoroughly despises sound economics. The dead giveaway is the reference to a free market as "unrestrained capitalism." It sounds so ominous, doesn't it?

The answer is "no." All the best economies are the freest markets. Venezuela is the result of your type of market cluster-f'úk.

The result of your type of market cluster-f'úk results in one man controlling a totally corrupt and omnipotent government while everyone else slaves away while waiting to be executed.

Let's rewrite this into plain English: "Sound economics and individual freedom require strict government control to be successful." Hmmmm. No, I don't think so.

You're a lost cause.

Of course you can't cite even one example of the success of your dogma. All you can do is cite failures of the exact opposite. Nothing but denial and paranoia.

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No. Please learn to read.

Humans have been around for a long time ... assuming you accept Darwin's take on evolution. I am merely pointing out that for the vast majority of humanity's existence, "marriage" was literally a public proclamation by a man declaring a certain woman to be his. All humans, both men and women understood it this way and nobody was somehow confused.

Fast forward to today, the world is different, humans are more advanced in every area yet this customary ritual of marriage has survived, even the part about the father giving away the bride, even the part about the bride wearing a veil (from the earliest arranged marriages, the groom was not supposed to see who he got until the two were pronounced "married" and then the groom could open the veil, see who he got and could even kiss her).

When the topic comes up about what "marriage" is ... it has never been redefined ... it still carries the same traditional marriage of a man publicly claiming a woman. Yes, different cultures have different garb and different positions where people stand during different parts of the customary ritual ... but it's still the same basic fundamental thing.

I'm just waiting for someone to say "Hey, let's replace 'marriage' with [insert new term for new concept] and run it through the legislature." All I hear, however, are people insisting on "redefining" marriage which means nothing more than a warm-fuzzy rewording of the exact same public ritual of a man claiming a woman. LGBTQIATIOAPP simply wants to include public declarations of women claiming women and of men claiming men, but that is not redefining the customary ritual ... it is merely changing the wording of the local law governing the same customary ritual.
Nothing in that contradicts the idea that your concept of marriage is simply that the woman is the property of the man.

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