What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

What is your evidence there isn't a genetic component? Just because there's not a "gay gene"? There's no "straight gene" either. Sexuality is wired so deeply into our DNA no one is certain how it works. There are clues, but a lot remains to be understood.

Why is it harder to believe that some ethnics & races are hardwired differently vs LGBTQ?
I think Fundamentalist Christians have more in common with Fundamentalist Muslims.

Atheists are kind of outliers to both.

That's something I find so funny about the American Right. They have so much in common with the Islamic Right in countries like Iran, but they have this pathological hatred of Muslims, just because they worship a different imaginary sky daddy.
I think Fundamentalist Christians have more in common with Fundamentalist Muslims.

Atheists are kind of outliers to both.

Uh wut? Yes, Xtian fundies, Islamic fundies and any other religious fundies you can think of are all alike.

Atheists are just normal human beings who aren't interested in religion or faith and don't believe in any sort of deities, afterlife, and that kind of thing. Atheists are not the opposite of fundies. The opposite of fundies are the inclusive religions like Unitarians in the United States, most U.S. pagan faiths, etc.
That's something I find so funny about the American Right. They have so much in common with the Islamic Right in countries like Iran, but they have this pathological hatred of Muslims, just because they worship a different imaginary sky daddy.

And also too they are just fine with killing those other-belief ppl 'cause "our Sky Daddy is better than yours."
And also too they are just fine with killing those other-belief ppl 'cause "our Sky Daddy is better than yours."

Good thing we know who the true god is.

That's something I find so funny about the American Right. They have so much in common with the Islamic Right in countries like Iran, but they have this pathological hatred of Muslims, just because they worship a different imaginary sky daddy.

I think it's because of Neocon Jews, they brainwash them, not to mention 9/11.
Yes, it's harder to believe because there's no science behind it. Only racist dribble.

There's actually more genes that explain ethnicity & race, than there is for LGBTQ.

LGBTQ might be caused by exposure to hormones in the womb.

But, we have definite differences in genes among the races.

Even if some are just proportionate, some genes definitely are racially, or ethnically exclusive.

Like Chinese have a gene on DAB1 causing larger & more developed brains, but ONLY Chinese thus far have it.

Like Finns have a gene on HTR2B , causing impulsivity, but ONLY Finns have it.

Also, HIV / AIDS resistance genes are almost exclusive to Caucasian peoples, especially Northern Europeans.
There's actually more genes that explain ethnicity & race, than there is for LGBTQ.

LGBTQ might be caused by exposure to hormones in the womb.

But, we have definite differences in genes among the races.

Even if some are just proportionate, some genes definitely are racially, or ethnically exclusive.

Like Chinese have a gene on DAB1 causing larger & more developed brains, but ONLY Chinese thus far have it.

Like Finns have a gene on HTR2B , causing impulsivity, but ONLY Finns have it.

Also, HIV / AIDS resistance genes are almost exclusive to Caucasian peoples, especially Northern Europeans.

Witold, how many genes define your own sexuality and sexual preference?
I think it's because of Neocon Jews, they brainwash them, not to mention 9/11.

That's definitely part of it too. But Christianity has made it easier for Jews to promote Zionism and Islamophobia. The propaganda material is right there in the religion, all the Jews have to do is tap into it.
Thanks for the link, Witold. Do you understand what it means? Notice the phrasing of "one or more of certain DNA markers". I agree there's a genetic component, but that component isn't even close to being fully understood for any and all sexual preferences.

Why do you agree with the genetic component making people Gay, or Lesbian?

But, not with the genetic component making people Criminal, which just happen to be higher in Blacks?
Why do you agree with the genetic component making people Gay, or Lesbian?

But, not with the genetic component making people Criminal, which just happen to be higher in Blacks?

Why do you feel the need to explain your own inferiority by pretending that you are some scientific expert who can "prove" that your genes are better than mine, or that guy's over there, or that group of ppl over there?

If you are this invested in dredging up bullshit to prove that you're superior to everyone else... you are not.
Why do you agree with the genetic component making people Gay, or Lesbian?

But, not with the genetic component making people Criminal, which just happen to be higher in Blacks?
Notice the difference between a gene and a genetic component.

I follow the science. Do you have a link proving Blacks are criminals because of genetics?
Bigots usually disagree with the words used to describe them.
Too funny! You use the wrong word and then you blame someone else. Tell me you see the humor in that.

I've lost track of how many times I saw an Alt-Righter say they're not sexist,
... which would be exactly zero times if there is no such thing as "Alt-right" ... which there isn't as far as anything you have defined.

That's pretty embarrassing to lose track at zero.

... they just think women are happier with less rights.
Allow me to make a polite suggestion. You don't strengthen your argument by pretending to speak for others or by pretending to know what others think. No one believes that women are happier with less freedom.

In Islamic societies, the doctrine is one of "security" vs. "liberty" and the men choose "security" for the women ... because the men do the choosing. They too are aware that it doesn't make women happier but it "protects" them.

So yeah, I'm not surprised that homophobic people don't like being called homophobic.
Would you be surprised that a Leftist would call people "homophobic" who aren't just because s/he doesn't have sufficient vocabulary to use the correct word?

I could use the term "homo-dislike" but I'm sure they'd find a way around that too.
Now I am intrigued. How does one "find a way around" a label?

We've already seen religious people say they're "saving" gays by denying them rights, so they'd probably say they're not homo-dislikers too.
I am willing to agree with you that many Christians are forced by their faith to deny the very nature of homosexuality. Their particular denomination tells them that they must consider homosexuality an "abomination" while they are required to believe that God made all people in His image. Hence the question, "how could God create an abomination?" The denomination answers "Homosexuality is a choice!" which leads to "Love the sinner, hate the sin." This is an example of a religion being wrong.

I fully support all people adopting whatever assumptions they need for the world to make sense. Scientists and mathematicians do it with every model. We can never understand anything completely so we must fill in gaps with hunches, assumptions and educated guesses. However, the moment one ceases to be honest with oneself and adopts assumptions that require denial of what is already known then the assumption is a false assumption and the system as a whole and all conclusions derived thereof are false. Ergo, Christians who refer to homosexuality as a "choice" are not being true to themselves and are wrong. Christianity has no HATRED requirements.

In the military, the mission is all that matters. Failure is not an option. The military is the tool for accomplishing the mission; it is not a social experiment. There is no "fairness" requirement. If you need a sniper to take out a terrorist NOW and the only guy who can do it is a RACIST! HOMOPHOBE! MISOGYNIST! WHITE SUPREMACIST! TIMESHARE SALESMAN! ... then you have that guy take out the terrorist.

Having said that, no military commander can be successful if his unit suffers from breakdowns in discipline. Are there large numbers of people in the military who have trouble trusting transgender people? Yes. Is that the transgender person's fault? No. Does that matter one iota? No. You can't tell a commander that mission success is all that matters and then force a breakdown in discipline upon him/her. Again, it's no one's fault. It's a human nature situation and the solution is to take the transgender person out of the equation and achieve mission success.

It's not fair that a 5'6" man cannot choose his height and therefore will never be accepted on the LA Lakers as "one of the team" ... but the Lakers need to win above all else so even if you force Shorty onto the team, the coach isn't going to play him. If the high-priced, highly-trained top talent of the Laker team happen to be Shorty-Phobic and will refuse to even play if Shorty so much as enters the locker room then Shorty will not be allowed in the locker room.

Germany has tried this. Germany has required its military to accept transgenders. What is the result? The transgenders are intentionally isolated. They are given odd jobs that they can do by themselves, they don't shower with the rest of the troops, they aren't deployed on regular missions, ... but they wear the uniform and Germany points to them and says "See, we integrated transgenders." Nope. They didn't.

So we can also support LGBT rights even though they have their terrible activists too.
LGBTQIATIOAPP rights are being fully protected. No one has the right to serve in the military. The military is like a sports team and they "draft" the people they believe they need to win and they say thank you but no thank you to the ones they simply do not want.

That's worth repeating: No one has a right to serve in the military and the military can nix anyone at any time. They need to win. To this end, the US military can have non-US citizens all the way up to O-5 (Lieutenant Colonel or Commander).
And also too they are just fine with killing those other-belief ppl 'cause "our Sky Daddy is better than yours."
Too funny. ThatOwlCoward doesn't know the difference between a religion and political leanings ... and claims to have gone to college.

You can't make this schit up.
