What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?


doi: 10.1007/s11126-013-9287-x.
The 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene confers an increased risk for shooting and stabbing behaviors
Kevin M Beaver 1, J C Barnes, Brian B Boutwell
Affiliations expand
PMID: 24326626 DOI: 10.1007/s11126-013-9287-x
There has been a great deal of research examining the link between a polymorphism in the promoter region of the MAOA gene and antisocial phenotypes. The results of these studies have consistently revealed that low activity MAOA alleles are related to antisocial behaviors for males who were maltreated as children.


The effects of the 2-repeat allele could not be examined in Caucasian males because only 0.1% carried it.

What percentage of black males carry the 2-repeat allele?

Analyses revealed that African-American males who carried the 2-repeat allele were, in comparison with other African-American male genotypes, significantly more likely to be arrested and incarcerated.
5.4% apparently, it would explain why most Blacks are decent people.

But, it's the 5.4% ruining it for the rest of them.

5.4% is less than the 10% Rule of Assholes....but it would explain why that 5.4% are assholes. What is your excuse?

Do you think it's right to condemn an entire group of people for the actions of less than 6 out of every 100 Americans?
What makes it an "accusation"? You still have not defined it. I'm happy to be "Alt-Right" if I, in fact, meet the definition. Is there an official "Alt-Right" homepage?

To be honest, it sounds like a made-up word that actually has no meaning used to virtue-signal.

... or it might be insane to believe that a slur is actually a realy thing. We can both agree that it is a very real virtue-signal. How's that?

Although we don't know for sure who coined the term "Alt-Right," Richard Spencer claims he did and there are many popular figures who say they are part of the Alt-Right. So obviously, it's not a slur or an attempt to virtue-signal.

There's no Alt-Right homepage just like there's no Libertarian or Communist homepage. These are ideologies, not organizations. But there is a Wikipedia page, if that helps.

Is claiming something about oneself now being banned by YouTube?

You are not a mind reader. You can't expect anyone to believe that you are.

They were banned by YouTube for the content they were making, which generally go against YouTube's TOS. YouTube is super strict about racism. IMO, they're too strict, as White Nationalism isn't always racist, but that's just how YouTube works.
And if these people are calling themselves Alt-Right and prompting Alt-Right positions, it's fair to assume they're Alt-Right. Are they just pretending to have these beliefs for the views? Maybe. But that can be said about anyone and anything. Until I have evidence that people like Spencer and Enoch are frauds, I'm going to assume they really believe these things.

My anti-LGBTQIATIOAPP sentiments are annoyance. There is no fear involved. Absolutely none. I know others whose sentiments are revulsion at the thought of gay sex, and that is not fear. Your misuse of the "phobia" suffix is erroneous.

Well you seem like you're more of an edgelord who doesn't actually think homosexuality is wrong. So I wouldn't call you homophobic. Someone like Mike Pence is actually homophobic.

Belief in victimhood leads to hatred of the perceived class of victimizers. LGBTQIATIOAPP whip themselves into a raving hatred of "Christians," they demonize them, and they actively fúq with them for no reason other than they HATE Christians. They convert themselves into bigots and then act on their HATRED. They get no sympathy from me.

Can you give me any examples of this in mainstream society? I really don't seen any evidence that LGBT people hate Christians. Are there a few mainstream gay or trans celebrities who talk hatefully about Christians that you can list?
Keep in mind that we're talking about Christians in general, not hatred of specific people who happen to be Christian.

Yes it did. Lots of problems.


Nope. Not the same. Normal people can be expected to be uncomfortable around transgenders.

You do know that Wiccans practice Witchcraft, right? I think a lot of people, even if they aren't religious, would say normal people are uncomfortable around Witches.
Again, what does the data show? I'd be fine with discriminating against any group of people in the military if it meant creating a safer America. But as of now, I haven't seen any data that trans soldiers have been an issue.

Do you have any examples other than the military of transgenders being treated unfairly by Trump or by the government?

5.4% is less than the 10% Rule of Assholes....but it would explain why that 5.4% are assholes. What is your excuse?

Do you think it's right to condemn an entire group of people for the actions of less than 6 out of every 100 Americans?

The elevated murder & crime in Black neighborhoods, is enough reason to try to avoid them.

The 2 repeat allele of MAO-A is ONLY 1 of the factors causing lower MAO-A levels. (It just happens to be the most serious one)

The 3 repeat allele is of MAO-A is also more common in Blacks than Whites.

As is O blood type, which also apparently lower MAO levels too.

On top of that, Blacks probably have more testosterone. (Although I'm not so sure Testosterone has a significant increase in criminality)

Why should I love Blacks?

They were shooting outside my Polish American grandmothers apartment at night, she was afraid to sleep at night.

My Polish American uncle was jumped & robbed (Mugged) by Blacks there.

As for me, I've been stared down, or verbally harassed by random Blacks at least a dozen times.
5.4% is less than the 10% Rule of Assholes....but it would explain why that 5.4% are assholes. What is your excuse?

Do you think it's right to condemn an entire group of people for the actions of less than 6 out of every 100 Americans?

A lot of older Blacks are fine, same with a lot of Black women.

It's mostly Black boys & men from age 12 - 40 that are the issue.

This fits with low MAO + High Testosterone levels.

Because MAO levels increase with age.

Testosterone is highest in puberty to mid ages.
How are the decades of liberal policies working for the blacks in Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis and Chicago?

Better than the conservative policies were.
As we've talked about before, Russia was better under Lenin than under the Czars. Russia still sucked under Lenin, but he was a step up from where Russia was. If you look at Leninist Russia on its own, without context, you'd be getting an inaccurate picture of what Lenin did for the country. Same goes for liberal policies and the darkies.

Yes. Democrats are the party of racism and the party of slavery. Of course they want forced racism legitimized into law.

Parties change. In case you haven't noticed, no modern Democrat is pushing for slavery or segregation
Seriously, this is the most pathetic, cringy, White Guilt argument in all of politics. This is what Cuckservatives say to suck up to Blacks and it fails every time because everyone knows better. Liberals who bitch about "White Supremacy" are cringe, but Cuckservatives are even worse.

Liberal policies created welfare dependency. There was no way to break the cycle.

And yet the people in welfare states are just as free as Americans. Affordable healthcare hasn't cost them their Democracy, social mobility, or western living standards.

Democrats are the party of racism and Republicans came into existence to end slavery.

Deny this:

Yes, yes, and clearly the DNC has in no way changed since then. :rolleyes:

Do you mean to say that Republicans pander to caucasian patriots? Sure, of course.

Please don't tell me you don't believe White Nationalism exists either.
The elevated murder & crime in Black neighborhoods, is enough reason to try to avoid them.

The 2 repeat allele of MAO-A is ONLY 1 of the factors causing lower MAO-A levels. (It just happens to be the most serious one)

The 3 repeat allele is of MAO-A is also more common in Blacks than Whites.

As is O blood type, which also apparently lower MAO levels too.

On top of that, Blacks probably have more testosterone. (Although I'm not so sure Testosterone has a significant increase in criminality)

Why should I love Blacks?

They were shooting outside my Polish American grandmothers apartment at night, she was afraid to sleep at night.

My Polish American uncle was jumped & robbed (Mugged) by Blacks there.

As for me, I've been stared down, or verbally harassed by random Blacks at least a dozen times.

You keep trying to make a case for genetic inferiority but there are huge gaps in your logic....a natural hazard for cherry-pickers.

It appears the alcoholics in Poland are a good reason to avoid going there. Do you or your relatives fit the profile below?

current estimates put 2.5 million Poles in the category of unhealthy consumption. It is often up to the physician to determine when the consumption is problematic. In the hospital, patients are initially counseled for their drinking based on the patient history. Abuse is suspected they either consume more than 14 drinks* per week, or how they answers to the following four questions known as the CAGE questions:

  • Have you ever felt the need to Cut down on how much you drink?
  • Do you get Annoyed when people ask you about how much you drink?
  • Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking?
  • Have you ever felt the need to have a drink the first thing in the morning (Eye-opener)?

Patients in the hospital who say yes to three of these questions are then counseled for alcohol dependence. In general, if drinking is disrupting daily life or work then it is regarded as a problem.

You are right. Many POC are also very devout Christians, and are anti-abortion. But let's not let facts get in the way of the racists' beliefs, eh?

It's amazing how the Right flip-flops on this issue depending on the context. When Blacks are rioting and looting, they're left-wing by virtue of them being black. But when the Right wants to demonize white Liberals, they'll say that Blacks are good Christian folks with traditional values, but they aren't allowed off the plantation. Oh, and they're going to Walk Away any day now.
You keep trying to make a case for genetic inferiority but there are huge gaps in your logic....a natural hazard for cherry-pickers.

It appears the alcoholics in Poland are a good reason to avoid going there. Do you or your relatives fit the profile below?

current estimates put 2.5 million Poles in the category of unhealthy consumption. It is often up to the physician to determine when the consumption is problematic. In the hospital, patients are initially counseled for their drinking based on the patient history. Abuse is suspected they either consume more than 14 drinks* per week, or how they answers to the following four questions known as the CAGE questions:

  • Have you ever felt the need to Cut down on how much you drink?
  • Do you get Annoyed when people ask you about how much you drink?
  • Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking?
  • Have you ever felt the need to have a drink the first thing in the morning (Eye-opener)?

Patients in the hospital who say yes to three of these questions are then counseled for alcohol dependence. In general, if drinking is disrupting daily life or work then it is regarded as a problem.


Poles aren't specifically unique to "Alcoholism" in Europe.

A lot of other Eastern & Western Europeans also drink too much.

But, Poland's murder rate & crime rate, are far below that of the USA.

Besides, Polish-Americans appear to drink a lot less than Poles of Poland.

So, I tend to think despair caused by Communism & now the switch to Capitalism, might have made it worse.

Same, applies to crime, and murder, I don't deny that poverty & despair make matters worse.

What I'm arguing is that Blacks are still worse, no matter what.

For example here in the New York area, many Chinese, Hasidim Jews, Guatemalans etc. live in the same kind of poverty as Blacks, and still seem to have low crime rates & murder rates.
You keep trying to make a case for genetic inferiority but there are huge gaps in your logic....a natural hazard for cherry-pickers.

It appears the alcoholics in Poland are a good reason to avoid going there. Do you or your relatives fit the profile below?

current estimates put 2.5 million Poles in the category of unhealthy consumption. It is often up to the physician to determine when the consumption is problematic. In the hospital, patients are initially counseled for their drinking based on the patient history. Abuse is suspected they either consume more than 14 drinks* per week, or how they answers to the following four questions known as the CAGE questions:

  • Have you ever felt the need to Cut down on how much you drink?
  • Do you get Annoyed when people ask you about how much you drink?
  • Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking?
  • Have you ever felt the need to have a drink the first thing in the morning (Eye-opener)?

Patients in the hospital who say yes to three of these questions are then counseled for alcohol dependence. In general, if drinking is disrupting daily life or work then it is regarded as a problem.


I'm going to say that even I display in many cases ideals & traits more like Poles, than like Americans.

Even though my Polish family has been here since WW1.

For example, I'm far more Collectivist than most Americans.

Poles are quite more Collectivist than Americans.


I also like Poles am generally more thinking oriented, rather than emotional oriented.

(Click the right down for thinking vs feeling)


I'm also far more anti-Jewish, than Americans usually are.

Like Poles are.


I tend to think, that a lot of the way we are, is just the way we are.

Culture, and environment, only plays so much role. (But, still plays a role)
Poles aren't specifically unique to "Alcoholism" in Europe.

A lot of other Eastern & Western Europeans also drink too much.

But, Poland's murder rate & crime rate, are far below that of the USA.

Besides, Polish-Americans appear to drink a lot less than Poles of Poland.

So, I tend to think despair caused by Communism & now the switch to Capitalism, might have made it worse.

Same, applies to crime, and murder, I don't deny that poverty & despair make matters worse.

What I'm arguing is that Blacks are still worse, no matter what.

For example here in the New York area, many Chinese, Hasidim Jews, Guatemalans etc. live in the same kind of poverty as Blacks, and still seem to have low crime rates & murder rates.

So all Euros are drunks like Poles? Interesting.

Yes, the US has a higher crime rate than Poland but:

1) the US has ten times as many people as Poland. Smaller groups are easier to control. With Poland's Nazi and Soviet past, they are used to controlling anyone who gets out of line and still have the Death Camps to prove it.

2) Poland is smaller than New Mexico. Like in #1 above, it's easier to control a population confined to a smaller region. https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Poland/United-States/Geography

3) US crime rates vary by state and city, many lower than Poland. Where I live there was a home break-in about 15 years ago. The two idiots (lower income white males) were quickly caught and sent back to prison. If you are experiencing crime in your neighborhood, why don't you do something about it? Move? Join Neighborhood Watch? Try to make it better rather than screaming hate at other people because of their skin tone? https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/crime-rate-by-state
So all Euros are drunks like Poles? Interesting.

Yes, the US has a higher crime rate than Poland but:

1) the US has ten times as many people as Poland. Smaller groups are easier to control. With Poland's Nazi and Soviet past, they are used to controlling anyone who gets out of line and still have the Death Camps to prove it.

2) Poland is smaller than New Mexico. Like in #1 above, it's easier to control a population confined to a smaller region. https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Poland/United-States/Geography

3) US crime rates vary by state and city, many lower than Poland. Where I live there was a home break-in about 15 years ago. The two idiots (lower income white males) were quickly caught and sent back to prison. If you are experiencing crime in your neighborhood, why don't you do something about it? Move? Join Neighborhood Watch? Try to make it better rather than screaming hate at other people because of their skin tone? https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/crime-rate-by-state

Poland's binge drinking, might be lower than a lot of Europe, actually.


Poland's alcohol consumption, might be higher than a lot of Europe.


So, Poland has more cities, that makes crime lower?

What is it? Some argue city environment, makes for more crime.

Now, you're arguing the exact opposite?

BTW, what's Poland's Nazi past, exactly?

I'd like to hear this one, I'm sure it's going to be real dumb.
....BTW, what's Poland's Nazi past, exactly?

I'd like to hear this one, I'm sure it's going to be real dumb.

Dude, maybe you should read more history and less half-assed White Supremacist genetic theories.

As Russia has done, and the Nazis tried to do, once you kill off all the good people with a spine, all that is left are the bad people and the spineless. You, son, are an example of this problem. You bitch and moan like a 2 year old about other races, you keep trying to trumpet your racial superiority but you never, ever offer any solutions on how to make America better. In fact, your biggest dream is to save enough money in your piggy bank to immigrate to Poland. Now tell me that isn't the action of a spineless and/or bad person.
So all Euros are drunks like Poles? Interesting.

Yes, the US has a higher crime rate than Poland but:

1) the US has ten times as many people as Poland. Smaller groups are easier to control. With Poland's Nazi and Soviet past, they are used to controlling anyone who gets out of line and still have the Death Camps to prove it.

2) Poland is smaller than New Mexico. Like in #1 above, it's easier to control a population confined to a smaller region. https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Poland/United-States/Geography

3) US crime rates vary by state and city, many lower than Poland. Where I live there was a home break-in about 15 years ago. The two idiots (lower income white males) were quickly caught and sent back to prison. If you are experiencing crime in your neighborhood, why don't you do something about it? Move? Join Neighborhood Watch? Try to make it better rather than screaming hate at other people because of their skin tone? https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/crime-rate-by-state

I'd argue, that Poles probably don't commit much crime, in the USA, either.

I know, my Polish American friend & Myself were the ONLY 2 to object, to a group of about 10 (Italians & Irish) throwing rocks at geese & swans in the Lake, and breaking their eggs, they also stole a boat.

I know, my Hungarian American friend, and Myself were the ONLY 2 to object, to a group of also 10 (Italians & Irish) stealing stuff out of cars at night.

I know, another Polish American friend, had called the cops, on his friend of Puerto Rican & Swedish heritage, who had hired a hitman over a bad drug deal.

I don't know, I think MOST Eastern European Americans are just kind of less criminal.

Russian, Albanians, Lithuanians, might be an exception, however.

Then, again Albanians are really Southern Europeans, it's to the East of Southern Italy & to the West of Northern Greece.

As for Russians, they're part Siberian. (Most other Eastern Europeans lack these genes)

Lithuanians are losers, and have more O blood type, surprise, surprise, than other Eastern Europeans.

But, also Lithuania's elite mostly became Polish, so maybe that's why their more volatile.
I'd argue, that Poles probably don't commit much crime, in the USA, either.....

Of course you would. That's what you do; use racism to justify your existence through racial superiority. That's all you do.

My guess is because, in the real world, your aspirations are not being met by reality so you need someone to blame. It's a standard reaction by the weak, lame and stupid.
Dude, maybe you should read more history and less half-assed White Supremacist genetic theories.

As Russia has done, and the Nazis tried to do, once you kill off all the good people with a spine, all that is left are the bad people and the spineless. You, son, are an example of this problem. You bitch and moan like a 2 year old about other races, you keep trying to trumpet your racial superiority but you never, ever offer any solutions on how to make America better. In fact, your biggest dream is to save enough money in your piggy bank to immigrate to Poland. Now tell me that isn't the action of a spineless and/or bad person.

I have actual plans for America, none of which would come into fruition. (Because the USA is kind of you know a dumb & greedy, power mongering country)

For example, create a Black homeland out of Mississippi, a win, win situation for Blacks who can control the police & economy so no more oppression, and no more decay, despair & crime in White regions.

Another example, push sanctions upon China.

Fine companies who outsource.

Fine comanies who hire undocumented immigrants.

Control medias & social medias, through Councils, with 25% Repubican, 25% Democrat, 25% CEO & 25% Stockholder say.

Trust bust Amazon & Walmart for causing issues.

Give the country National healthcare, which is cheaper & saves lives.

Increase disability, increase supplemental income on those making less than 20,000 a year.

Tax plastic products, to look for alternatives that are more environmentally friendly, like hemp products, which biodegrade.

Seek for steam power cars, to stop car pollution & global warming.

Increase, National park land, which creates things to do, happiness, open spaces & environmental protection.
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Of course you would. That's what you do; use racism to justify your existence through racial superiority. That's all you do.

My guess is because, in the real world, your aspirations are not being met by reality so you need someone to blame. It's a standard reaction by the weak, lame and stupid.

That's nonsense, and you speak from a highly ignorant place.

You've obviously have had little contact with Blacks, so you don't have a valid opinion of them.

But, as Blacks take over a neighborhood, the quality of life goes down.

Of course, Individualists don't grasp that much, they're not too good with abstract thought, if you ask me.
Of course you would. That's what you do; use racism to justify your existence through racial superiority. That's all you do.

My guess is because, in the real world, your aspirations are not being met by reality so you need someone to blame. It's a standard reaction by the weak, lame and stupid.

In the early 20th century, Italian, Irish & Jewish gangs were much more prevalent than Polish gangs.

Even though, back then Polish Americans had a lower income, than those groups.
I have actual plans for America, none of which would come into fruition. (Because the USA is kind of you know a dumb & greedy, power mongering country)

For example, create a Black homeland out of Mississippi, a win, win situation for Blacks who can control the police & economy so no more oppression, and no more decay, despair & crime in White regions.

Another example, push sanctions upon China.

Fine companies who outsource.

Fine comanies who hire undocumented immigrants.

Control medias & social medias, through Councils, with 25% Repubican, 25% Democrat, 25% CEO & 25% Stockholder say.

Trust bust Amazon & Walmart for causing issues.

Give the country National healthcare, which is cheaper & saves lives.

Increase disability, increase supplemental income on those making less than 20,000 a year.

Tax plastic products, to look for alternatives that are more environmentally friendly, like hemp products, which biodegrade.

Seek for steam power cars, to stop car pollution & global warming.

Increase, National park land, which creates things to do, happiness, open spaces & environmental protection.

Kid, you really need to stop huffing glue. It makes you look silly.