What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

You're really obnoxious, and dumb.

I really do believe, you're Scots-Irish.

These people, tend to just be this way.

Obnoxious, but only to the terminally stupid. Disagreed with dumb, but that's a relative term.

Why do you think I'm "Scots-Irish"?

Your genetic racist ideas are your undoing, kid. Good luck getting career job when your Facebook page is full of this nonsense.
Obnoxious, but only to the terminally stupid. Disagreed with dumb, but that's a relative term.

Why do you think I'm "Scots-Irish"?

Your genetic racist ideas are your undoing, kid. Good luck getting career job when your Facebook page is full of this nonsense.

Right, it's not right that James Watson got into heat, for saying the truth.

One of the good Scotsman.

Certainly not Trump.

Didn't you admit to being Irish before?

Most Irish down South are definitely Protestants, and likely have little, or nothing to do with actual Irish Catholics.
You make up a lot of "schit".
You're just envious because ThatOwlCoward is so much more cowardly and dishonest than you could ever hope to be. Loser. And you aren't even in second place. You have a lot of work to do just to catch up to crocodile.


As we've talked about before, Russia was better under Lenin than under the Czars.
I thought that I had clearly expressed just how laughable that idea was. Your premise is absurd. Yes, there was poverty and bread lines etc ... but once Lenin began doing his thing, Russians were asking themselves "What have we done!!?"

Parties change. In case you haven't noticed, no modern Democrat is pushing for slavery or segregation
Yes they are.

The Democrat Party plays blacks for being stupid and hypes base emotion every possible incident like George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, et. al. to enflame the sensibilities of "Blacks" and to control them. "Blacks" have been mesmerized by the DNC into believing they are VICTIMS and into allowing themselves to be triggered on command. Obedience is achieved all the same. The DNC makes no effort whatsoever to appeal to "Blacks" intellectually with any solutions to any problems. "Black" communities get zero attention.

In 2016, 2,870 "Blacks" were murdered. The DNC has absolutely no intention of addressing the issue of "Blacks" being murdered. Not at all. 2,570 of those murders were committed by other "Blacks." The DNC absolutely could not care less.

However, when one "Black" gets himself killed, e.g. Trayvon Martin, or because he resisted arrest and attacked cops ... then Democrats rush to enrage "Blacks" and hammer away that they are VICTIMS ... and lock down DNC control over them.

Republicans do not engage in those disgusting practices.

As for segregation, that's what promoting CHAZ was all about. It fizzled but when the day comes that Trump is not in office we will see many more new attempts, all within Democrat-controlled areas.

My presumption is that you have developed a certain special denial as to the above.

Affordable healthcare hasn't cost them their Democracy, social mobility, or western living standards.
Yes it has.

No other country has the right to free speech. Anyone can be jailed for expressing something displeasurable to the ruling class.
People in countries with socialized medicine have degraded quality of life. All you need to do to see it is to take an American kid to Europe. He will not be happy. "What do you mean I can't get a free refill? Why can't I get a box for the food I don't eat? Nevermind, they hardly gave me any food in the first place." Healthcare might be affordable (when it, by chance, happens to be available) but everything else is way expensive.

Yes, yes, and clearly the DNC has in no way changed since then.
I agree. The DNC has not changed. Times have. They have not ... except to become more radicalized socialists.

Please don't tell me you don't believe White Nationalism exists either.
Please don't tell me that you are dishonestly using the word "nationalism" to mean "bigotted supremacist." Are you actually being dishonest in that manner? Is that what you are doing?

I speak English. White nationalist means caucasian patriot. Do you not know this? Do you not speak English well? I shouldn't have to be teaching you the meanings of words.

Obnoxious, but only to the terminally stupid. Disagreed with dumb, but that's a relative term.

Why do you think I'm "Scots-Irish"?

Your genetic racist ideas are your undoing, kid. Good luck getting career job when your Facebook page is full of this nonsense.

What, nonsense, anyways?

Countries that are more "Thinking" & less "Feeling" are clearly more racist & prejudiced in Europe.

Most Thinking countries in Europe
1. Russia (+3.03% Thinking)
2. Belarus (+2.38% Thinking)
3. Ukraine (+2.19% Thinking)
4. Moldova (+1.84% Thinking)
5. Serbia (+1.74% Thinking)
6. Poland (+1.16% Thinking)
7. Montenegro (+1.04% Thinking)
8. Bosnia and Herzegovina (+0.35% Thinking)
9. Lithuania (+0.39% Feeling)
10. Macedonia (+0.46% Feeling)

Map of anti-LGBTQ prejudices in Europe.


Also Collectivist countries in Europe, are more racist & prejudiced in Europe.


Map of racial biases towards Black people in Europe.


It makes sense, and fits, like a glove.

That basically, Western Europeans don't think.

I also think Individualism tends to be from lack of thought, beyond the self.
What, nonsense, anyways?

Countries that are more "Thinking" & less "Feeling" are clearly more racist & prejudiced in Europe.

Most Thinking countries in Europe
1. Russia (+3.03% Thinking)
2. Belarus (+2.38% Thinking)
3. Ukraine (+2.19% Thinking)
4. Moldova (+1.84% Thinking)
5. Serbia (+1.74% Thinking)
6. Poland (+1.16% Thinking)
7. Montenegro (+1.04% Thinking)
8. Bosnia and Herzegovina (+0.35% Thinking)
9. Lithuania (+0.39% Feeling)
10. Macedonia (+0.46% Feeling)

Map of anti-LGBTQ prejudices in Europe.


Also Collectivist countries in Europe, are more racist & prejudiced in Europe.


Map of racial biases towards Black people in Europe.


It makes sense, and fits, like a glove.

That basically, Western Europeans don't think.

I also think Individualism tends to be from lack of thought, beyond the self.

Once again, young man, you are conflating genetics with culture.
Once again, young man, you are conflating genetics with culture.

I'm going to heavily disagree with you there.

My Polish American relatives came to the USA in the early 20th century, around WW1, and i'm still more Collectivist vs Individualist & still more Thinking, than Feeling.

How can that be "Culture"?
My culture is "American" I just happen to agree more with Polish culture, than American culture, on the whole.

There's a clear higher degree of Thinking & higher Collectivism towards Eastern Europe.

Especially with Thinking vs Feeling, for example from Russia to Ireland, every exact country is in place.

Russia is the most thinking, then Belarus, Poland, then Germany, the Netherlands, than the UK & then Ireland the most feeling & least thinking.

That's some strong coincidence.

But, it makes sense, that the climate also gets colder towards the East.

Colder climates, may very well select for better thinking & less feeling.
There is no more fruitless pursuit possible that to ask an Evangelical Conservative an opinion on anything.

I finally got one.

One of the old lady widows in our retirement community has a new boyfriend, some old buck from her stupid church. (Sort of like me except for the embarrassing church part.)

He had the balls to drive into our development with one of those white supremacist Blue Lives Matter flags on his car.

I confronted him with the information that if he brought that rag into our community again, he would not be leaving under his own power.

I haven't seen him since. The old bitch looks the other way when she sees me now. It's all good.
I'm going to heavily disagree with you there.

My Polish American relatives came to the USA in the early 20th century, around WW1, and i'm still more Collectivist vs Individualist & still more Thinking, than Feeling....

You're free to believe so, Witold, but I doubt many intelligent, educated and sane adults agree with such ideas.
You're free to believe so, Witold, but I doubt many intelligent, educated and sane adults agree with such ideas.

You're intelligent, educated & sane?

You're definitely a little on the slow side.

You Western Europeans are such ignorant & arrogant peoples, you are truly the trash of Europe!
You're intelligent, educated & sane?

You're definitely a little on the slow side.

You Western Europeans are such ignorant & arrogant peoples, you are truly the trash of Europe!

Then why do you bother with me? Why not converse with people you consider more like yourself?
You're free to believe so, Witold, but I doubt many intelligent, educated and sane adults agree with such ideas.

What percentage of your thoughts, or feelings are controlled by culture, or by yourself?

I can understand, how being exposed to different traumas, or different reading material, might alter your feelings, or thoughts.

I for one am not aware of this collective, cultural aspiration which controls people's thoughts & feelings.

I'm sometimes lucky if I can control my personal thoughts, or feelings.

Much, less have a culture control them.

Yes, those maps in Europe make a lot of sense.

After generations, for example of being part of the American culture.

I can agree that Irish tend to have more feelings & are more extroverted in America, just like they do in Europe, even after many generations "American"

I can agree that Poles tend to be more introverted & more thinkiing in America, just like they do in Europe, even after many generations of being "American"

How can this be, why are there differences in American groups, in culture, if they have become so "American".

Hard to believe, I just think most of what is in you, is in you.

It also explains, why a lot of people don't change much, because of their personal aspirations, regardless of culture.
You're free to believe so, Witold, but I doubt many intelligent, educated and sane adults agree with such ideas.

Because of childhood (Teen) rebellion phases against their parents.

Kids tend to seek themselves & their peers out, anyways.

Often times, the kids end up more like their parents, in the end, anyways.
I thought that I had clearly expressed just how laughable that idea was. Your premise is absurd. Yes, there was poverty and bread lines etc ... but once Lenin began doing his thing, Russians were asking themselves "What have we done!!?"

No, that was when Stalin took over. Now that was a big step down. But under Lenin, most Russians were happier.
This is why having a Dictatorship is so bad. Even if you get a dictator you like, you never know what the next guy is going to be like. What a timely lesson.

The Democrat Party plays blacks for being stupid and hypes base emotion every possible incident like George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, et. al. to enflame the sensibilities of "Blacks" and to control them. "Blacks" have been mesmerized by the DNC into believing they are VICTIMS and into allowing themselves to be triggered on command. Obedience is achieved all the same. The DNC makes no effort whatsoever to appeal to "Blacks" intellectually with any solutions to any problems. "Black" communities get zero attention.

You're moving the goalposts here. The point is that the DNC is no longer a White Supremacist party like they used to be and they have, in recent history, been better for Blacks than the Republicans. You can say that the reason they've been better is because they believe Blacks are stupid, they play to a fear of racism which no longer exists, and their narrative is entirely emotional. But that's beside the point. The point is Blacks, despite being socially conservative, vote Democrat because that's worked out better for them.

And really, both parties make arguments that hype base emotions. The Republicans do it with the culture war. Biden wants to hurt the Bible, hurt God. That's the same thing, only extra stupid.

Republicans do not engage in those disgusting practices.

Of course they do! They capitalize on tragedies all the time. Trump is doing it right now by shifting blame onto local mayors and China. Even his slimey son did it when he said Democrats are happy about covid deaths. The parties have much more in common than you think.

As for segregation, that's what promoting CHAZ was all about. It fizzled but when the day comes that Trump is not in office we will see many more new attempts, all within Democrat-controlled areas.

You think CHAZ was about government-forced racial segregation?

No other country has the right to free speech. Anyone can be jailed for expressing something displeasurable to the ruling class.
People in countries with socialized medicine have degraded quality of life. All you need to do to see it is to take an American kid to Europe. He will not be happy. "What do you mean I can't get a free refill? Why can't I get a box for the food I don't eat? Nevermind, they hardly gave me any food in the first place." Healthcare might be affordable (when it, by chance, happens to be available) but everything else is way expensive.

That's definitely not true. Most European countries have freedom of speech and people criticize the politicians all the time. There are limitations on speech. You can't threaten someone's life, but you can't do that in America either. No country has 100% unrestrained freedom of speech.
And Europeans have more favorable views of their healthcare system than Americans do. That's why most Americans support making healthcare more affordable, but in Europe, even the Conservatives don't want to change the healthcare systems.

Please don't tell me that you are dishonestly using the word "nationalism" to mean "bigotted supremacist." Are you actually being dishonest in that manner? Is that what you are doing?

I speak English. White nationalist means caucasian patriot. Do you not know this? Do you not speak English well? I shouldn't have to be teaching you the meanings of words.

This is why having a Dictatorship is so bad. Even if you get a dictator you like, you never know what the next guy is going to be like. What a timely lesson.
Expand on this. Why is this a timely lesson.

You're moving the goalposts here. The point is that the DNC is no longer a White Supremacist party like they used to be and they have, in recent history, been better for Blacks than the Republicans.
Debunked at the bottom of my sig.

The point is Blacks, despite being socially conservative, vote Democrat because that's worked out better for them.
Nope. The point is that is hasn't.

And really, both parties make arguments that hype base emotions.
There's no comparison.

Republicans say "You should be afraid of this tangible current event, e.g. looting, violence, the massive killing of living humans who have committed no crime, etc... and then explain what they intend to do about it.

Democrats say "You should FEAR! You should PANIC! Donald Trump! Slavery! Racism! Vote for us or else!"

They capitalize on tragedies all the time. Trump is doing it right now by shifting blame onto local mayors and China.
He gets to when he's correct, just like everybody else. You don't get to deny Trump the ability to point out how Leftist mayors are fúquing over the country. Trump is helping Americans by showing exactly who needs to be voted out of office.

Even his slimey son did it when he said Democrats are happy about covid deaths.
His son would be correct. Democrats are using the coronaflu in an attempt to destroy the US economy ion the hopes that the American people will blame Trump. Democrats become gleeful at the news of COVID deaths because they justify maintaining lockdowns and further harming the economy.

Democrats would celebrate your death if they thought it might help them defeat Trump.

You think CHAZ was about government-forced racial segregation?
You just shifted goalposts.

The idea is to legitimize the creation of separate autonomous zones. In California, Proposition 8 seeks to repeal civil rights, opening the door for separate but equal. Democrats are working towards legitimizing and legalizing racism.


That's definitely not true.
Rude awakening time for you. The United States is the only country with the right to free speech. Check my wording: In any other country anyone can be imprisoned for speech determined to be illegal by the government. This is not up for debate. Pick a country and there are people who have been arrested and jailed by the government for saying something politically incorrect.

When you see people criticizing governments and not getting arrested, yes, that can happen. The point is that they could be arrested for it. If you think otherwise then you are in denial.

[Wikipedia citation deleted]
Don't waste your time with Wikipedia. I won't read it. I only read authoritative sources.
You're just envious because ThatOwlCoward is so much more cowardly and dishonest than you could ever hope to be. Loser. And you aren't even in second place. You have a lot of work to do just to catch up to crocodile.



You are way ahead of Crocodile when it comes to cowardice and dishonesty. But righties just eat that shit up. You, in fact, consider cowardice and dishonesty to be the greatest of virtues. That's why you worship Trump. The most cowardly liar of modern times.

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I thought that I had clearly expressed just how laughable that idea was. Your premise is absurd. Yes, there was poverty and bread lines etc ... but once Lenin began doing his thing, Russians were asking themselves "What have we done!!?"

Yes they are.

The Democrat Party plays blacks for being stupid and hypes base emotion every possible incident like George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, et. al. to enflame the sensibilities of "Blacks" and to control them. "Blacks" have been mesmerized by the DNC into believing they are VICTIMS and into allowing themselves to be triggered on command. Obedience is achieved all the same. The DNC makes no effort whatsoever to appeal to "Blacks" intellectually with any solutions to any problems. "Black" communities get zero attention.

In 2016, 2,870 "Blacks" were murdered. The DNC has absolutely no intention of addressing the issue of "Blacks" being murdered. Not at all. 2,570 of those murders were committed by other "Blacks." The DNC absolutely could not care less.

However, when one "Black" gets himself killed, e.g. Trayvon Martin, or because he resisted arrest and attacked cops ... then Democrats rush to enrage "Blacks" and hammer away that they are VICTIMS ... and lock down DNC control over them.

Republicans do not engage in those disgusting practices.

As for segregation, that's what promoting CHAZ was all about. It fizzled but when the day comes that Trump is not in office we will see many more new attempts, all within Democrat-controlled areas.

My presumption is that you have developed a certain special denial as to the above.

Yes it has.

No other country has the right to free speech. Anyone can be jailed for expressing something displeasurable to the ruling class.
People in countries with socialized medicine have degraded quality of life. All you need to do to see it is to take an American kid to Europe. He will not be happy. "What do you mean I can't get a free refill? Why can't I get a box for the food I don't eat? Nevermind, they hardly gave me any food in the first place." Healthcare might be affordable (when it, by chance, happens to be available) but everything else is way expensive.

I agree. The DNC has not changed. Times have. They have not ... except to become more radicalized socialists.

Please don't tell me that you are dishonestly using the word "nationalism" to mean "bigotted supremacist." Are you actually being dishonest in that manner? Is that what you are doing?

I speak English. White nationalist means caucasian patriot. Do you not know this? Do you not speak English well? I shouldn't have to be teaching you the meanings of words.


You are clearly a slave of the Republican party, which has been lying to you for so long that you no longer have any idea what "truth" is or what the true meanings of words are. To you "patriot" means one who is faithful to the Republican party or to Trump, not one who is faithful to the country and the Constitution. You know nothing except what lies your Republican masters have fed you. You don't seem to know much of anything about Europe either. I did two tours there with the USAF. Tear yourself away from your propaganda mills and find some real sources of information.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
You're intelligent, educated & sane?

You're definitely a little on the slow side.

You Western Europeans are such ignorant & arrogant peoples, you are truly the trash of Europe!

You certainly present as both ignorant and arrogant.

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