What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Uh-huh, and what happens when congress is full of Fascist Republicans?
The Constitution means absolutely nothing unless we have a government willing to enforce it.

Actually, Trump released notes from the transcripts. The White House even said that these were notes, not the full transcripts. And the reason Trump won't release the full transcripts is the same reason he tried to hide the recording of the call. He knows he broke the law. The fact that the notes themselves were incriminating too just shows how dumb he is.
This is perhaps the most open and shut scandal in American history. If you're defending Trump here, it's because you're cool with him cheating in an election. Which I understand, you want him to remain president by any means. But understand, he's setting a dangerous precedent here. If one of the Squad ladies is ever president, she'll be able to get away with the same thing, because Trump normalized it.

How did I not back up my claim here?
And what does this have to do with PragerU being Fake News?


That is so moving the goalposts. The point is that both parties use emotion-based fear tactics.
I could also say it's not Democrats saying we have White Supremacy, it's black people. Oh? There are a lot of white people saying this too? Well, there are also Muslims who oppose gay marriage! It's such a silly deflection. The point is many Republicans (at one point, most Republicans) threw a shitstorm over gay marriage in order to get votes. Now Americans are used to gay marriage, so they moved on to bitching about trans people and bathrooms.

So how come you're ok with men wandering into a public bathroom when you're son is in there? This has nothing to do with protecting children. This is about an irrational fear of trans people that Republicans are taking advantage.

Boys and girls are biologically different, so gender segregation sometimes makes sense. However, it doesn't make sense here. Girls can do everything they do in the Boy Scouts. Allowing girls in doesn't change the Scouts in any way, other than their name. This has nothing to do with preserving the Scouts' activities. This is an irrational fear of the end of gender roles.

I got some good news for you. The War on Christmas does not exist. There is no pressure to not say "Merry Christmas." Trump lied about how under Obama, people weren't saying it, but a quick trip to YouTube shows that Obama publicly wished us a Merry Christmas every year. But still, there are many Conservatives who believe in the War on Christmas because they're emotional. And so, every December, people bitch about hearing "Happy Holidays" because they assume that person has been pressured into saying that.
And Trump didn't even start this. The War on Christmas was actually invented by Fox News.

I agree that mayors and governors should be willing to work with Trump. However, it's the president's job to unite people. The reason people don't want to work with Trump is a reflection of his failure as president.

You didn't detail how they were working towards segregation at all. You brought up Prop 8, which had nothing to do with CHAZ. It was a California proposition referring to gay marriage.
I googled Proposition 16, and this is a California thing too.


Damn, those Marxists are everywhere!

Alright, so what would it take to prove White Nationalism is real? "White Nationalism" is a form of Ethnic Nationalism dedicated to preserving the white race and maintaining a white majority in countries like America that already have a white majority. I could list popular White Nationalists like David Duke, Jared Taylor, and so on. But I did that for the Alt-Right and you denied they exist too. So are you just not willing to accept that certain things are real?

The USA has been more Capitalist & therefore has more Balkanization (Immigrants)

No surprise, Capitalist greed was a prime motivation to bring in Blacks, Jews & Latinos.

The UK & Germany started following this in the 1960's (Mostly)

Russia in the early 2000's (Mostly)

Poland & Hungary since 2015 (Mostly)

It's definitely Capitalism, NOT Marxism, which erodes culture.

Marxism if anything helped protect Eastern Europe, from the brunt of the death spiral of Balkanization in the USA & to a lesser extent much of Western Europe.
So "Christian values" are just freedom of speech and freedom of religion?

Again. Do you assume to have the intellect to make anyone chase your ass down this left wing rabbit hole? This is not about what is and what is not Christianity.....its about the guaranteed right of every citizen, every faith, every race, every gender to exercise their choices........not YOUR CHOICES. If you have a problem with TRUMP Christianity.......don't vote for him. :laugh:

Whatever Christian Values are........they are protected by the Bill of Rights. You have no say in what is and what is not Politically Correct Christianity. :laugh: Its simple. Cast your vote and lose and allow others to exercise their same right and WIN. The left has already phoned in this election.......look who the hell they appointed as place holders. Could you pick 2 worse candidates? :palm: A 42 year career LOSER white Millionaire......and then a virtue signaled running mate.......an EX COP.

Yeah.......that's just who the snowflakes want representing their Marxist Ideologies. :bigthink:

No wonder the left wants mail in voting with no ID required. They need all the dead they can muster to vote. They have already lost the young demography......and a great deal of the Black support. They need the dead and their PETS to vote.
Last edited:
So "Christian values" are just freedom of speech and freedom of religion?

Multiculturalism, tends to come from a lack of manpower & or Capitalist greed.

The Polish government was actually the first to do it AFTER the Mongol invasions. (Because Mongols killed off up to million of Poles)

Poland signed the Statute of Kalisz, just a number of years, after the Mongol invasion, and brought in Jewish immigant (Refugees)

It was a mistake, and MOST Poles now know it.

But, Western Europeans haven't learned it, very well.

Balkanization causes chaos all over the World.
The USA has been more Capitalist & therefore has more Balkanization (Immigrants)

No surprise, Capitalist greed was a prime motivation to bring in Blacks, Jews & Latinos.

The UK & Germany started following this in the 1960's (Mostly)

Russia in the early 2000's (Mostly)

Poland & Hungary since 2015 (Mostly)

It's definitely Capitalism, NOT Marxism, which erodes culture.

Marxism if anything helped protect Eastern Europe, from the brunt of the death spiral of Balkanization in the USA & to a lesser extent much of Western Europe.

Conservatives use a lot of buzzwords that essentially mean nothing other than "we don't like this thing." Absolutely every liberal thing is called "Marxist" by the Right. And when something the Right likes is destroying the country, like Capitalism, the Right simply blames the destruction on Marxism.
Multiculturalism, tends to come from a lack of manpower & or Capitalist greed.

The Polish government was actually the first to do it AFTER the Mongol invasions. (Because Mongols killed off up to million of Poles)

Poland signed the Statute of Kalisz, just a number of years, after the Mongol invasion, and brought in Jewish immigant (Refugees)

It was a mistake, and MOST Poles now know it.

But, Western Europeans haven't learned it, very well.

Balkanization causes chaos all over the World.

I think I told you my theory on it. Poles were able to realize this because, unlike the people on the other side of the Berlin Wall, they didn't have constant Jewish propaganda.
Actually, Trump released notes from the transcripts.
More education on the meanings of words.

It was a transcript. The transcript was created from the various notes taken by multiple people who were present. It was still a transcript. Moron Trump-haters felt compelled to deny the reality that blew a gaping hole in their hopes and dreams of saying "GOTCHA!" to Trump.

If you and I have a pleasant conversation over lunch and I jot down some notes ... and I go home and write up a transcript of our conversation from those notes, I will have written a transcript from the notes. I might run the transcipt by you to verify that the transcript matches what you remember ... and then when I release the transcript, it's a transcript of our conversation. It is not the notes of the conversation; it is the transcript that was made from the notes.

I shouldn't have to be teaching you this.

The White House even said that these were notes, not the full transcripts.
Incorrect. You really should do your own independent research and not regurgitate every WACKY thing that you are ordered to believe.

The White House included the description of how the transcript was created, i.e. from notes and not from a recording, so that it would not be presumed to be a VERBATIM transcript.

CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.(TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the record, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.

This is perhaps the most open and shut scandal in American history.

If you're defending Biden here, it's because you're cool with scandals if the Democrats create them ... and you are willing to crucify Trump ... when Democrats create the scandals.

Trump never cheated. You were gullible and embraced every baseless claim you were told to believe.

How did I not back up my claim here?
I posted a Prager U video that contained factual data that effectively debunked your claims, in spades. You simply dismissed the factual data because you don't like Prager U. That is a fallacy. You tipped your king. You refuse to contest the debunking of your point. Done.

And what does this have to do with PragerU being Fake News?[/qouote]
Because it's not until you show it to be. You have not shown any errors to exist in any Prager U video that I have posted. You don't get to dismiss any until you do.

What you did amounts to you sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming "La-La-La-La ... I can't hear you ... La-La-La-La"

The point is that both parties use emotion-based fear tactics.
Nope. The point is that the Democrats are ENTIRELY dishonest whereas the Republicans are all about discussing what they see as being problems and exactly what steps they plan to take to correct those problems.

Yes, both sides appeal to emotion. Irrelevant. The point is that the Democrats are wholly dishonest.

The point is many Republicans (at one point, most Republicans) threw a shitstorm over gay marriage in order to get votes.[/quote4]
You don't know what "most Republican think/thought. In fact, you haven't gotten anything right about Republicans or Conservatives. You have done nothing but regurgitate mischaracterizations that you have been instructd to believe.

I don't know what else to tell you other than you would do well to run your thoughts by me first for a sanity check.

Now Americans are used to gay marriage, so they moved on to bitching about trans people and bathrooms.
Nope. B has nothing to do with A. There aren't many fathers who want men walking into the public bathrooms being used by their daughters. This is not a partisan issue. Fathers alone will vote such a measure down. I won't speak for mothers but I'm pretty sure most of them feel the same way.

So how come you're ok with men wandering into a public bathroom when you're son is in there?
Just because I am.

This has nothing to do with protecting children. This is about an irrational fear of trans people that Republicans are taking advantage.['quote]
Do you have a young daughter?

Boys and girls are biologically different, so gender segregation sometimes makes sense.[/quoet]
Yes, of course.

However, it doesn't make sense here.
I knew you were going to say this. You're wrong.

The purpose of the Boy Scouts was to give young boys positive male role model guidance. It's not a question of whether girls can do everything boys can do. It's silly to teach a girl how to be a good man. The purpose of the Girl Scouts is still to provide positive adult role model guidance for girls to be good women. It would be silly to teach a boy how to be a good woman.

Well, this is just another way the LGBTQIATIOAPP has intentionally fúqqed with a Christian group just because LGBTQIATIOAPP are shitehead ashsole bigots who like nothing more than to fúq with Christians who have never done anything to them. This is why I'm motivated to simply fúq with LGBTQIATIOAPP and to work to block gay marriage however I can (even though I would otherwise vote to approve it) just to send a message that they are schithead fúqs. As long as they exist to fúq with others then I'm going to fúq with them. They can sit on this and spin around.

I got some good news for you. The War on Christmas does not exist.
I'm not a Christian. I don't care.

The war on the phrase "Merry Christmas" is real. I observe it. I, for one, say "Happy Holidays" (except on Christmas day at Christmas parties). I don't get worked up over it but I can understand the Christian perspective.

There is no pressure to not say "Merry Christmas."
You're delusional. Are Wal-Mart employees barred from saying "Merry Christmas"? All over the country there are Leftists who attack Christianity. You are welcome to deny it. I don't get worked up over it so I'm the wrong person to be convincing.

JPP limits me to one video so I had to add a space and break the link
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOHAZcLtQbY

I agree that mayors and governors should be willing to work with Trump.

However, it's the president's job to unite people.
Yep. It's his job to offer to provide all the help needed ... like he did.

The reason people don't want to work with Trump is a reflection of his failure as president.
Nope. TDS is the reason Leftists won't work with Trump. It's why Leftists would be willing to throw the country under the bus rather than work with Trump.

I googled Proposition 16, and this is a California thing too.
Yes, it's the Democrats drive to get civil rights repealed in California so they can legitimize and legalize racism and begin with the segregation.

Damn, those Marxists are everywhere!
Quite the understatement.

Alright, so what would it take to prove White Nationalism is real?
Step 1. Define it, unambiguously.
Step 2. Show it.


White Nationalism" is a form of Ethnic Nationalism dedicated to preserving the white race and maintaining a white majority in countries like America that already have a white majority.
Question: What do you call what nationalistic whites express?

I'm still trying to get beyond your hijacking of the English language and your expectation that I not say anything about it.

I could list popular White Nationalists like David Duke,
David Duke is a segregationist. He's fine with blacks being in the majority and having full power in their own communities. David Duke does not fit your hijacked defintion of "white nationalist" whereas he is white and patriotic ... but you say that's not what you mean.

Jared Taylor,
I had to look this guy up. OK, I don't get it. I watched a vew videos. Yes, people like you call him a "RACIST!" but I need you to specify in which video he says something RACIST! I didn't see/hear anything in the cursory review that I made.

and so on.
This doesn't help me out. I don't know who falls into the "so on." I am not aware of anyone who falls into your definition. No one.

But I did that for the Alt-Right and you denied they exist too.
You agreed that "Alt-Right" is just an ill-defined slur for anyone who disagrees with you. What is left for me to do?
I think I told you my theory on it. Poles were able to realize this because, unlike the people on the other side of the Berlin Wall, they didn't have constant Jewish propaganda.

A lot of Jews controlled Soviet Poland, post WW2.

Jakub Berman, Hillary Minc, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Swiatl, Roman Zambrowski, Salomon Morel, Helena Wolinska-Brus, Maria Gurowska, Pawel Finder, etc.

This changed with the 1968 Political Campaign, AKA the 1968 anti-Zionist purges.

When Poland had saught out to strip Jews of jobs, and allow them to leave the country, many fled to Israel, Sweden, and Great Britain.
Can you give me one example of Trump having lied to the American people pertaining to his official duties as President (i.e. not tweets or tabloid gossip) or is it the case that as far as you know, Trump has never lied in relation to his official duties?

Of course I'm not referring to the many times he plays you gullible leftists like a Gibson Stratocaster; that's not lying ... that's priceless entertainment.

Precious! Leftists are such morons!




You are the actual moron. You believe everything that Trump says, no matter how obvious a lie or how outlandish. He's lied about COVID from the very beginning. He lies about everything. You righties are the ones being played.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
... which shows your truly poor judgement. Of course, you are a cowardly moron who has to heavily filter reality in order to squeeze the finest, purest, high-quality misinformation into your safe space for distillation and digestion. I realize that the light of day in my posts cannot be allowed to comingle.

Nope. You should have just asked. Patriotism is love for country and I am a patriot. If the Republican Party were to dissolve I could live with that. If the Democrat Party were to dissolve I would celebrate that Sauron is dead! ... the Sith empire has been destroyed.

Really? Give me an example of something you claim that I do not know but that you do.

Bring it on, baby ... bring it on.

Ramstein? Under which commander?

Did you ever see this guy? [he's not me, by the way]


Not Ramstein. First tour at Tempelhof in West Berlin, second starting out in a small town called Rimbach, then finishing up in Augsburg, when my entire unit moved down there. As for your paragraph about "a cowardly moron", that's just you talking to your mirror. You don't know just how deeply you've been brainwashed. You don't appear to read anything except right-wing propaganda.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Nope. Silly statment. Only Congress can amend the Constitution. I shouldn't have to teach you this.

Biden did that, not Trump. Your TDS has generated an inversion delusion in your mind. Biden bragged about it. Trump released the transcript. There's nothing to debate.

You are exceedingly gullible if you fell for that.

You don't get to dodge by dismissal. That is a fallacy, specifically fallacy 38a from this master list.

You need to explain what information is inaccurate otherwise your argument is DEBUNKED.

Christians, not Republicans. Christians. I shouldn't have to be teaching you the difference between a religion and a Political Party. They are not the same thing.

Men should absolutely not be allowed in women's bathrooms. I don't want any men wandering into a public bathroom when my daughter is in there. I really don't care whose widdle feewings get hurt.

What's your opposition to the existence of a group for boys ... or a group for girls? Are you opposed to the idea that boys and girls are different and that some groups would be optimal by being tailored for boys/girls respectively?

Aaaahh, you fell for the dishonesty and are now regurgitating it.

Christians do not oppose people saying "Happy Holidays." This is your dishonest mischaracterization.

Christians oppose the pressure to not say "Merry Christmas." Christians like to celebrate Christmas in particular ... they like to say "Merry Christmas." All my Christian friends anticipate that I am going to wish them "Happy Holidays" and I know that they are going to wish me a "Merry Christmas" ... and they know that I am not pressuring them to not ... and everybody is happy.

What Christians oppose is the elimination of every last vestige of society celebrating Christmas along with them. Wal-Mart has succumbed to the pressure and won't display any "Merry Christmas" signs. Christians aren't pressuring the removal of "Happy Hanukkah" or anything ... they are watching the traditional salutation being eliminated ... and they don't like that.

Your mischaracterization is particularly disturbing.

You are a bigot.

Bingo! Mayors and Governors should not be refusing to work with Trump. Trump has offered and offered and Governors and Mayors REFUSE. All the blame rests with the states. Trump has done all he can do.

Yes, the Democrats are at fault here as well. What surprises me somewhat is that you fall for all of it ... across the board.

Because I have been detailing how they are actively working towards segregation and you simply dismiss it ALL. The problem is on your end. Have you read up on Proposition 16? Were you paying attention when CHAZ occurred?


You just pulled that out of your delusional azz.

Prop 8 would have easily passed had Democrat "blacks" not rallied to shoot it down. Deal with it.

... because now we're talking about Prop 16, not Prop 8.


Sure. Irrelevant.

Yes, but not effectively.

So you don't know what an authoritative source is. Hint: it has nothing to do with "far left" or "far right." The information has to be "from the source." Wikipedia is awash in errors because those running it have corrupted every entry to align it to the Marxist party line.

I used to be a Wikipedia contributor. I tried correcting glaring errors in physics and math ... only have some socialist WACKO at Wikipedia change it back to his preferred egregious physics violations. I tried editing out unsubstantiated opinions to keep Wikipedia in line with its stated policy only to have some socialist WACKO put those unsubstantiated opinions right back in.

Wikipedia is worthless propaganda, to be used only for possible links to authoritative sources. Pick a wiki pertaining to a topic in which socialists have equity and I will show you errors and propaganda. It's one of the channels for your political slavemasters to tell you what to regurgitate. If you want to take a huge step in freeing yourself, ditch Wikipedia.

I really don't care how much propaganda you absorb, why should I absorb it too?

I'm all ears.
Trump doesn't care what the Constitution says or what Congress says. All he cares about is what he says. And Congress cannot amend the Constitution. I see that you failed American Government.
Trump released the transcript after he had it edited.
You are a Puritan. Puritanism has created far more problems than it solved, especially since it didn't solve any problems.
Funny, but dismissal is all the right has to defend Trump.
You are the bigot: Republicans are always right and Democrats are always wrong. Purest bigotry.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
You're not a very good mind-reader. Trump sufficiently enjoys toying with helpless, humorless Leftists.

All of the criticisms are without content. They amount to petty name-calling, of the sort you would expect on a 3rd-grade playground.

Make that a 2nd-grade playground.

Trump enjoys toying with helpless, gullible fools like you. Trump's responses are just petty name calling, just what you'd expect from a schoolyard bully. Which pretty much describes Trump's psychology.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Trump enjoys toying with helpless, gullible fools like you. Trump's responses are just petty name calling, just what you'd expect from a schoolyard bully. Which pretty much describes Trump's psychology.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Conservatives use a lot of buzzwords that essentially mean nothing other than "we don't like this thing." Absolutely every liberal thing is called "Marxist" by the Right. And when something the Right likes is destroying the country, like Capitalism, the Right simply blames the destruction on Marxism.
True dat.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I think I told you my theory on it. Poles were able to realize this because, unlike the people on the other side of the Berlin Wall, they didn't have constant Jewish propaganda.
What does the Berlin Wall have to do with anything?

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
More education on the meanings of words.

It was a transcript. The transcript was created from the various notes taken by multiple people who were present. It was still a transcript. Moron Trump-haters felt compelled to deny the reality that blew a gaping hole in their hopes and dreams of saying "GOTCHA!" to Trump.

If you and I have a pleasant conversation over lunch and I jot down some notes ... and I go home and write up a transcript of our conversation from those notes, I will have written a transcript from the notes. I might run the transcipt by you to verify that the transcript matches what you remember ... and then when I release the transcript, it's a transcript of our conversation. It is not the notes of the conversation; it is the transcript that was made from the notes.

I shouldn't have to be teaching you this.

Incorrect. You really should do your own independent research and not regurgitate every WACKY thing that you are ordered to believe.

The White House included the description of how the transcript was created, i.e. from notes and not from a recording, so that it would not be presumed to be a VERBATIM transcript.


If you're defending Biden here, it's because you're cool with scandals if the Democrats create them ... and you are willing to crucify Trump ... when Democrats create the scandals.

Trump never cheated. You were gullible and embraced every baseless claim you were told to believe.

I posted a Prager U video that contained factual data that effectively debunked your claims, in spades. You simply dismissed the factual data because you don't like Prager U. That is a fallacy. You tipped your king. You refuse to contest the debunking of your point. Done.

And what does this have to do with PragerU being Fake News?[/qouote]
Because it's not until you show it to be. You have not shown any errors to exist in any Prager U video that I have posted. You don't get to dismiss any until you do.

What you did amounts to you sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming "La-La-La-La ... I can't hear you ... La-La-La-La"

Nope. The point is that the Democrats are ENTIRELY dishonest whereas the Republicans are all about discussing what they see as being problems and exactly what steps they plan to take to correct those problems.

Yes, both sides appeal to emotion. Irrelevant. The point is that the Democrats are wholly dishonest.

The point is many Republicans (at one point, most Republicans) threw a shitstorm over gay marriage in order to get votes.[/quote4]
You don't know what "most Republican think/thought. In fact, you haven't gotten anything right about Republicans or Conservatives. You have done nothing but regurgitate mischaracterizations that you have been instructd to believe.

I don't know what else to tell you other than you would do well to run your thoughts by me first for a sanity check.

Nope. B has nothing to do with A. There aren't many fathers who want men walking into the public bathrooms being used by their daughters. This is not a partisan issue. Fathers alone will vote such a measure down. I won't speak for mothers but I'm pretty sure most of them feel the same way.

Just because I am.

This has nothing to do with protecting children. This is about an irrational fear of trans people that Republicans are taking advantage.['quote]
Do you have a young daughter?

Boys and girls are biologically different, so gender segregation sometimes makes sense.[/quoet]
Yes, of course.

I knew you were going to say this. You're wrong.

The purpose of the Boy Scouts was to give young boys positive male role model guidance. It's not a question of whether girls can do everything boys can do. It's silly to teach a girl how to be a good man. The purpose of the Girl Scouts is still to provide positive adult role model guidance for girls to be good women. It would be silly to teach a boy how to be a good woman.

Well, this is just another way the LGBTQIATIOAPP has intentionally fúqqed with a Christian group just because LGBTQIATIOAPP are shitehead ashsole bigots who like nothing more than to fúq with Christians who have never done anything to them. This is why I'm motivated to simply fúq with LGBTQIATIOAPP and to work to block gay marriage however I can (even though I would otherwise vote to approve it) just to send a message that they are schithead fúqs. As long as they exist to fúq with others then I'm going to fúq with them. They can sit on this and spin around.

I'm not a Christian. I don't care.

The war on the phrase "Merry Christmas" is real. I observe it. I, for one, say "Happy Holidays" (except on Christmas day at Christmas parties). I don't get worked up over it but I can understand the Christian perspective.

You're delusional. Are Wal-Mart employees barred from saying "Merry Christmas"? All over the country there are Leftists who attack Christianity. You are welcome to deny it. I don't get worked up over it so I'm the wrong person to be convincing.

JPP limits me to one video so I had to add a space and break the link
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOHAZcLtQbY


Yep. It's his job to offer to provide all the help needed ... like he did.

Nope. TDS is the reason Leftists won't work with Trump. It's why Leftists would be willing to throw the country under the bus rather than work with Trump.

Yes, it's the Democrats drive to get civil rights repealed in California so they can legitimize and legalize racism and begin with the segregation.

Quite the understatement.

Step 1. Define it, unambiguously.
Step 2. Show it.


Question: What do you call what nationalistic whites express?

I'm still trying to get beyond your hijacking of the English language and your expectation that I not say anything about it.

David Duke is a segregationist. He's fine with blacks being in the majority and having full power in their own communities. David Duke does not fit your hijacked defintion of "white nationalist" whereas he is white and patriotic ... but you say that's not what you mean.

I had to look this guy up. OK, I don't get it. I watched a vew videos. Yes, people like you call him a "RACIST!" but I need you to specify in which video he says something RACIST! I didn't see/hear anything in the cursory review that I made.

This doesn't help me out. I don't know who falls into the "so on." I am not aware of anyone who falls into your definition. No one.

You agreed that "Alt-Right" is just an ill-defined slur for anyone who disagrees with you. What is left for me to do?

"Marxist" is just an Ill defined slur for anyone who disagrees with you. As far as Wikipedia is concerned, you are such a deranged right-wing "schithead fúq". that you probably tried to put in your right-wing BS even in articles purely about math and science.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I think I told you my theory on it. Poles were able to realize this because, unlike the people on the other side of the Berlin Wall, they didn't have constant Jewish propaganda.

WTF are you yammering about? Are you claiming the Berlin Wall was in Poland? Are you claiming German Jews were the problem causing the Berlin Wall? What "Jewish propaganda" are you referencing?
Conservatives use a lot of buzzwords that essentially mean nothing other than "we don't like this thing." Absolutely every liberal thing is called "Marxist" by the Right.
Too funny. You are accusing of that which you are guilty.

You use empty buzzwords in every post and refuse to unambiguously define them, even when asked. You then express your confusion at things being called "Marxist" when you won't read Marx. Instead, you often make up crap about Marx's positions and try to pass it off as genuine Marxism.

You have yet to acknowledge that "common ownership" is a characteristic of communism, not of socialism.
You have yet to acknowledge that centralized planning and control is a characteristic of socialism, not of communism.
You have yet to acknowledge that once a socialist government centralizes control that the capitalist concept of "ownership" becomes moot.

And when something the Right likes is destroying the country, like Capitalism, the Right simply blames the destruction on Marxism.
More denial on your part. We've been over this.

Capitalism = Sound Economics. It was just Marx's slur for economics. Marx totally denied human nature and declared the supply/demand curve to be the greatest evil. Marx was insane.

Anyway, you pick up where Marx left off. You are speaking in gibberish. Economics is a science. It doesn't destroy countries. Denial of human nature and poor economics does, however, destroy countries.