What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Trump enjoys toying with helpless, gullible fools like you. Trump's responses are just petty name calling, just what you'd expect from a schoolyard bully. Which pretty much describes Trump's psychology.
Trump doesn't care what the Constitution says or what Congress says. All he cares about is what he says.
So you fancy yourself a mind reader. Too funny.

And Congress cannot amend the Constitution. I see that you failed American Government.
The States get their say via the Senate ... so yes. I see that you failed American Government.

Trump released the transcript after he had it edited.
I'm sure it went through several rounds of editing and review. All government documents do. Your point? Are you going to assert that Zalensky claimed the transcript to be inaccurate? Do you have evidence suggesting it is inaccurate?

You are a Puritan. Puritanism has created far more problems than it solved, especially since it didn't solve any problems.
Too funny! Where did this come from? You're pretty WACKY. Knowing that you are on the left brings order and consistency to my universe.

Republicans are always right and Democrats are always wrong.
Yes, Democrats are always wrong ... but that's their doing. How is it somehow my fault? If Democrats want to right they are free to do so at any time.

I can't agree with you, however, that Republicans are always right. They're not.

This video is always good for a chuckle. Biden bragging about using his position as VP to strongarm Ukraine into NOT investigating his son Hunter. Precious!

Too funny. You are accusing of that which you are guilty.

You use empty buzzwords in every post and refuse to unambiguously define them, even when asked. You then express your confusion at things being called "Marxist" when you won't read Marx. Instead, you often make up crap about Marx's positions and try to pass it off as genuine Marxism.

You have yet to acknowledge that "common ownership" is a characteristic of communism, not of socialism.
You have yet to acknowledge that centralized planning and control is a characteristic of socialism, not of communism.
You have yet to acknowledge that once a socialist government centralizes control that the capitalist concept of "ownership" becomes moot.

More denial on your part. We've been over this.

Capitalism = Sound Economics. It was just Marx's slur for economics. Marx totally denied human nature and declared the supply/demand curve to be the greatest evil. Marx was insane.

Anyway, you pick up where Marx left off. You are speaking in gibberish. Economics is a science. It doesn't destroy countries. Denial of human nature and poor economics does, however, destroy countries.

You are such a right-wing hack. Capitalism destroys countries. Unless it's controlled, it turns countries into shithole banana republics. And you always accuse others of that of which you are guilty. All you've really got is denial, like all righties. The right lies, and has for decades. All they, and you, have got are lies, fearmongering and denial. Plus a bunch of paranoid conspiracy theories.

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So you fancy yourself a mind reader. Too funny.

The States get their say via the Senate ... so yes. I see that you failed American Government.

I'm sure it went through several rounds of editing and review. All government documents do. Your point? Are you going to assert that Zalensky claimed the transcript to be inaccurate? Do you have evidence suggesting it is inaccurate?

Too funny! Where did this come from? You're pretty WACKY. Knowing that you are on the left brings order and consistency to my universe.

Yes, Democrats are always wrong ... but that's their doing. How is it somehow my fault? If Democrats want to right they are free to do so at any time.

I can't agree with you, however, that Republicans are always right. They're not.

This video is always good for a chuckle. Biden bragging about using his position as VP to strongarm Ukraine into NOT investigating his son Hunter. Precious!

What Trump thinks is quite obvious to anyone who isn't deep in TDS.
You are unbelievably ignorant, 3/4 of the states have to ratify the amendment, either via the state legislature or a convention.
The 'transcript' says whatever Trump wanted it to say. Zalensky said whatever Trump wanted him to say. Where's the tape? The evidence that it's not accurate is simply that Trump controlled the creation of the transcript. Trump lies. Always.
I'm a rationalist. You're insane. A typical rightie. And deep in TDS.

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Nope. Debunked in my sig.

Nope. Government interference in the free market is what causes the failures. Anyone who understands economics knows this.

You are dismissed.

Oh wait! I want to leave you with this:

You are totally ignorant and delusional. The U.S. barely avoided becoming a shithole banana republic in the early 20th century. It was only government regulation and the rise of unions that prevented that and gave us a strong middle class. Trump is trying to destroy the middle class.
Capitalism increasingly concentrates both power and wealth in the hands of a few. That concentration corrupts the free market, the government and the entire country.
And you can't provide a single example of the success of unfettered capitalism.
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WTF are you yammering about? Are you claiming the Berlin Wall was in Poland? Are you claiming German Jews were the problem causing the Berlin Wall? What "Jewish propaganda" are you referencing?

She thinks to the West of the Soviet bloc, got more indoctrinated by Jewish propaganda of Liberalism.

Then again, Austria is pretty Nationalist, so is Greece, and they are at the fringes of the Soviet bloc.
A lot of Jews controlled Soviet Poland, post WW2.

Jakub Berman, Hillary Minc, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Swiatl, Roman Zambrowski, Salomon Morel, Helena Wolinska-Brus, Maria Gurowska, Pawel Finder, etc.

This changed with the 1968 Political Campaign, AKA the 1968 anti-Zionist purges.

When Poland had saught out to strip Jews of jobs, and allow them to leave the country, many fled to Israel, Sweden, and Great Britain.

That's pretty much exactly what would happen during the Middle Ages. Since the Poles weren't raised on Jewish media, they were able to rightfully place blame on the Jews without being called "racist."
WTF are you yammering about? Are you claiming the Berlin Wall was in Poland? Are you claiming German Jews were the problem causing the Berlin Wall? What "Jewish propaganda" are you referencing?

The Berlin Wall was symbolic of the division between the democratic Western countries and the authoritarian the Eastern Bloc. Because the Soviet Union controlled which media the Eastern Bloc countries got to see, countries like Poland weren't exposed to the Jewish media regularly coming out of America.
The Jews use their position in several fields, including the media, to spread Multiracialism and Zionism throughout the West.
Too funny. You are accusing of that which you are guilty.

You use empty buzzwords in every post and refuse to unambiguously define them, even when asked.

Name one time I used a so-called buzzword and then refused to clearly define it. I've literally not done this once.

You have yet to acknowledge that "common ownership" is a characteristic of communism, not of socialism.
You have yet to acknowledge that centralized planning and control is a characteristic of socialism, not of communism.
You have yet to acknowledge that once a socialist government centralizes control that the capitalist concept of "ownership" becomes moot.

No, I acknowledged that common ownership is Communist. Collective ownership, that is to say employees having control over the means of production through Direct Democracy, happens during Socialism.
I didn't say the government controlling the economy was Communism. I was very clear in saying that Communism is a stateless and classless society. A centrally planned economy without collective ownership is State Capitalism.

More denial on your part. We've been over this.

Capitalism = Sound Economics. It was just Marx's slur for economics. Marx totally denied human nature and declared the supply/demand curve to be the greatest evil. Marx was insane.

Anyway, you pick up where Marx left off. You are speaking in gibberish. Economics is a science. It doesn't destroy countries. Denial of human nature and poor economics does, however, destroy countries.

I don't care to defend Marx. I only point out that "Marxism" isn't just anything the Right thinks is bad.
The Berlin Wall was symbolic of the division between the democratic Western countries and the authoritarian the Eastern Bloc. Because the Soviet Union controlled which media the Eastern Bloc countries got to see, countries like Poland weren't exposed to the Jewish media regularly coming out of America.
The Jews use their position in several fields, including the media, to spread Multiracialism and Zionism throughout the West.

Polish Americans, don't seem to be too thrilled with Zionism, or even Jews, either.


Asked if they favor or oppose establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the West Bank and the Gaza strip, 63.

8 percent declared in favor, with only 11.

1 percent opposed. Americans in general just barely tip the scales in favor of an independent state, with nearly 30 percent opposed.

Given that response on Palestinian statehood, it is perhaps not surprising that Polish Americans are less likely than Americans in general to say their sympathies are more with the Israelis (23.

1 percent versus nearly 60 percent) in the Middle East situation. But the percentage who declare themselves to be for the Palestinians is about the same as the general populace.

3/4 of the states have to ratify the amendment, either via the state legislature or a convention.
Yes, you are correct. I was referring to the voting on determining an amendment, not to ratification but yes, ratification must occur per Article V.

Article. V.
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

I regret any confusion I may have caused.

The 'transcript' says whatever Trump wanted it to say. Zalensky said whatever Trump wanted him to say.
Nope. You are on the hook to provide evidence that the transcript is inaccurate. You are on the hook to explain why a rational person should believe your argument that Trump strongarmed Zalensky when neither Trump nor Zalensky are claiming such.

Until then your argument is dismissed.

Where's the tape?
Exactlty. On what are you basing your argument?

The evidence that it's not accurate is simply that Trump controlled the creation of the transcript.
This is a clear indication that it is accurate, however it is merely evidence. The fact that Zalensky corroborates the accuracy of the transcripts is additional evidence that it is accurate.

Do you have any evidence indicating that the thranscript does not match the call? Do you have any evidence that Trump strongarmed Zalensky despite Zalensky denying that outright? Do you have any reason that a rational person should just be gullible and buy the same line of crap that you embraced just because you have TDS?

Do you have anything at all?
The Berlin Wall was symbolic of the division between the democratic Western countries and the authoritarian the Eastern Bloc. Because the Soviet Union controlled which media the Eastern Bloc countries got to see, countries like Poland weren't exposed to the Jewish media regularly coming out of America.
The Jews use their position in several fields, including the media, to spread Multiracialism and Zionism throughout the West.

LOL. Thanks for the difference between reading about it out of books and living it. The Berlin Wall was in Berlin, Germany. You're thinking of "The Iron Curtain". OTOH, your antisemitism is well over a thousand years old.
LOL. Thanks for the difference between reading about it out of books and living it. The Berlin Wall was in Berlin, Germany. You're thinking of "The Iron Curtain". OTOH, your antisemitism is well over a thousand years old.


I'm aware that the Berlin Wall was, obviously, in Berlin.

Hmmm..... now I wonder why people have been saying the same thing about Jews for so long. :rolleyes:
The Republicans simply want Donald Trump's values!

Lying, Cheating, Fear-Mongering, Torture, Using Nuclear Weapons on his enemies, Locking up his political adversaries, ending Free elections, Destroying our governmental institutions, adultery, Racism, Misogyny, Nepotism, ending healthcare for millions, Cheating on taxes, pardoning criminals and murderers, ending Free Speech, scamming the public, etc.

LOL. Thanks for the difference between reading about it out of books and living it. The Berlin Wall was in Berlin, Germany. You're thinking of "The Iron Curtain". OTOH, your antisemitism is well over a thousand years old.

I think Jews are getting worse, and worse, as time goes on. (Making your reaction to them absurd)

They played on Russian collectivism to destroy Russia with Communism.

With only results to destroy the Russian economy, long term.

They are now playing on Western European & especially American Individualism to destroy Western Whites by multiculturalism.

The difference is Russians survived Communism as an ethnicity, as opposed to Western Whites, who might not survive Multiculturalism as ethnic groups.

It's very likely in 50 years, White Americans will be less numerous than Latinos in the USA.