What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Yeah, people always self-segregate. Which is why we really shouldn't have any racial minority in power, but it's especially bad with Jews because they have a culture and history that makes them hostile towards European people.

Immigrant groups will often stick together, since there's strength in numbers, as long as they're the same race.

Jews are hostile towards European people because European people have a history of being hostile towards Jews.

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That's just normal for the right.

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Only for the far Right and it's normal for the far Left too. That's the problem with extremists: they're extreme.

Sent from Mount Doom using the One Ring
Show me evidence that the majority of the businesses in Nazi Germany were run by the government.
This is an attempt to shift the goalposts into irrelevancy.

Show me that Herman Goering did not have complete, centralized control of industry. I don't care how he implemented complete, centralized control, show me that there wasn't central planning and control.

From the Communist Manifesto - Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

You are quibbling that when Goering seized businesses that the State was not the owner at that point. Absurd.

I didn't invent the term.
Yes you did. Nowhere in any volume of Das Kapital does the term "direct democracy" appear. You invented that term.

And no, we already debunked the claim that the Nazis were Socialist.
Nope. Your claims are debunked in my sig. I clearly reviewed every point with you and the only ones you dispute are those in which you have invented your own terms and are attempting to redefine socialism.

Where we stand is that your claim is ridiculously absurd, i.e. that the National Socialists who had complete centralized planning and control, who were checking off the boxes in the Communist Manifesto, somehow weren't socialist. When the textbook socialist nature of NAZI Germany is recounted to you, you simply point irrelevant trivia about how Goering told owners of the businesses he seized that they were still the owners.

Then we look at your motives for making such absurd statements, i.e. you don't want to be identified as being a NAZI ... because you accuse Trump of that ... because you have extreme TDS. It seems your greatest fear is facing the realization that Trump is a great President and you are the NAZI. You are the one who wants to unfairly confiscate all the wealth from the Jews ... ummm, sorry, from the evil 1%. You are the one who doesn't want parents having control over what their children learn because you want to ensure all youth receive the Hitler Youth indoctrination and are raised with the party line mentality.

This is where we stand until you can provide some logical, authoritative rationale otherwise:

You are a socialist.
NAZI Germany was socialist.
Trump has never lied and never fallen short in the execution of his official duties as President.
Democrats are the party of slavery and as we shall see in California, Republicans were and are the party of civil rights.

You said that Wikipedia is Marxist. :rolleyes:
You write that like you are pretending to be an authority on the people who run Wikipedia. So go ahead, explain how you just such an authority.

You are in for some well-deserved mockery. You are naive and gullible. Wikipedia is run by Marxists and now I know where you get your disinformation. This is going to be another souce of fun for you and me.
Jews are hostile towards European people because European people have a history of being hostile towards Jews.

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Jews have only gotten worse, and worse.

Meanwhile, Western Europeans have only accepted them more & more.

That's not necessarily true for Eastern Europeans.

For example, in the 20th & 21st centuries Poles, Lithuanians & Hungarians were arguably far more anti-Semitic, than they were in the 14th - 19th centuries.

Eastern Europeans just seem to be more rational people.

Which, I think this chart on Thinking vs Feeling proves it too well.

And what does any of that have to do with the Berlin Wall. The Wall was between the Soviet military zone of Berlin (East Berlin) and the three western military zones (American, British and French, or West Berlin). Much of Eastern Europe could easily receive Western TV and radio. You appear to be suffering from the usual right-wing paranoia about Jews.

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The Soviet Union controlled which media the Eastern Bloc countries could have. Which means they weren't exposed to nearly as much Jewish propaganda from America.
Jews are hostile towards European people because European people have a history of being hostile towards Jews.

That's debatable, but it's beside the point. The point is that Jews having so much power in Western societies is problematic because of this hostility.
The Soviet Union controlled which media the Eastern Bloc countries could have. Which means they weren't exposed to nearly as much Jewish propaganda from America.

True about Jewish influences in "America' not so sure Western Europe which is even less racist than America, (Overall)

I know some Swedish & English medias are run by Jews. (Presumably)

Not so sure, about the rest of Western Europe, however.
That's debatable, but it's beside the point. The point is that Jews having so much power in Western societies is problematic because of this hostility.

I'm going to say we're just different.

Italians in America are still very anti-Black just like in Italy.

Poles in America are still very anti-Muslim just like in Poland.

Yes, I've already been through the fist-fights & even riots & slurs Italian American kids used towards Blacks here.

While, I've had less contact with Polish-Americans, simply due to being in neighborhoods that are approx 5% Polish & 25 - 38% Italian.

But, every Pole I've met has been very anti-Muslim.

Including some of the more educated ones.

One of my ex co-workers was of a strong Polish background, and has just graduated college as a Mechanical engineer. (He also said he fcking hates Islamic refugees to me) How Poland isn't stupid, because they rejected Islamic refugees.

1 guy I met who was half Polish & half Italian, and a construction engineer, had a lot of nasty things to say about Jews & Blacks & Muslims.

I just think it's partially in your genes.
The Soviet Union controlled which media the Eastern Bloc countries could have. Which means they weren't exposed to nearly as much Jewish propaganda from America.

I'm actually 4th generation Polish-American, and my father is 3rd generation Polish-American.

My father, like myself in many ways sound more Polish, than American.

For example, both of us don't like Jews, or Muslims, very much.

My dad has been qouted saying "Muslims & Jews are incompitable with Western civilization, they are both stubborn & aggressive Semitic peoples"

My dad has been qouted saying "Jews aren't his kind of people, they never have enough money, power, or control"

Although, we both support Palestinians over Israelis.

Both of us, blame Wallstreet & Companies for outsourcing & hiring H2B visas, hiring undocumented immigrants etc.

Why don't we sound all too "American"?
This is an attempt to shift the goalposts into irrelevancy.

Show me that Herman Goering did not have complete, centralized control of industry. I don't care how he implemented complete, centralized control, show me that there wasn't central planning and control.

Nope, we've already been through this. Hermann Göring had the power to centrally plan the economy, but he never chose to do so. So the economy remained Capitalist. Now if you have some evidence that the Nazi government actually did nationalize all business and have a centrally planned economy, feel free to post it.

"The Great Depression spurred State ownership in Western capitalist countries. Germany was no exception; the last governments of the Weimar Republic took over firms in diverse sectors. Later, the Nazi regime transferred public ownership and public services to the private sector. In doing so, they went against the mainstream trends in the Western capitalist countries, none of which systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930s. Privatization in Nazi Germany was also unique in transferring to private hands the delivery of public services previously provided by government."



Looks like the Nazis were even more Capitalist than other Western countries.

Nowhere in any volume of Das Kapital does the term "direct democracy" appear. You invented that term.

As much as I'd like to take credit for the term, it was actually being used back in the 18th century, which was quite a few years before I was born.
If you want to get into #semantics, sure, Marx didn't actually use the words "Direct Democracy" or "Direkte Demokratie." But the way he described how the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" would function is what we would today describe as a form of Direct Democracy.

Then we look at your motives for making such absurd statements, i.e. you don't want to be identified as being a NAZI ... because you accuse Trump of that ... because you have extreme TDS. It seems your greatest fear is facing the realization that Trump is a great President and you are the NAZI. You are the one who wants to unfairly confiscate all the wealth from the Jews ... ummm, sorry, from the evil 1%. You are the one who doesn't want parents having control over what their children learn because you want to ensure all youth receive the Hitler Youth indoctrination and are raised with the party line mentality.

I've literally never called Trump a Nazi, so I have no idea where you're getting this from.
The rest is just some Godwin's Law bullshit.

Wikipedia is run by Marxists and now I know where you get your disinformation. This is going to be another souce of fun for you and me.

I'm actually 4th generation Polish-American, and my father is 3rd generation Polish-American.

My father, like myself in many ways sound more Polish, than American.

For example, both of us don't like Jews, or Muslims, very much.

My dad has been qouted saying "Muslims & Jews are incompitable with Western civilization, they are both stubborn & aggressive Semitic peoples"

My dad has been qouted saying "Jews aren't his kind of people, they never have enough money, power, or control"

Although, we both support Palestinians over Israelis.

Both of us, blame Wallstreet & Companies for outsourcing & hiring H2B visas, hiring undocumented immigrants etc.

Why don't we sound all too "American"?

There are always going to be outliers. Each of my four grandparents is from a Western European country, but none of them are super cucked like most white people.
I'm going to say we're just different.

Italians in America are still very anti-Black just like in Italy.

Poles in America are still very anti-Muslim just like in Poland.

Yes, I've already been through the fist-fights & even riots & slurs Italian American kids used towards Blacks here.

While, I've had less contact with Polish-Americans, simply due to being in neighborhoods that are approx 5% Polish & 25 - 38% Italian.

But, every Pole I've met has been very anti-Muslim.

Including some of the more educated ones.

One of my ex co-workers was of a strong Polish background, and has just graduated college as a Mechanical engineer. (He also said he fcking hates Islamic refugees to me) How Poland isn't stupid, because they rejected Islamic refugees.

1 guy I met who was half Polish & half Italian, and a construction engineer, had a lot of nasty things to say about Jews & Blacks & Muslims.

I just think it's partially in your genes.

Italian-Americans hate Blacks because, due to when Italians were immigrating to America, Italian neighborhoods ended up being right next to black neighborhoods. Same goes for the Irish. Southerners also hate Blacks because they're forced to be around so many of them.

I would be interested in seeing a study on Polish-American feelings towards Muslims. It has been proven that certain people are genetically programmed to be more religious. If the Poles have religiosity in their genes, then it would make sense that they're more likely to hate people of other religions.
True about Jewish influences in "America' not so sure Western Europe which is even less racist than America, (Overall)

I know some Swedish & English medias are run by Jews. (Presumably)

Not so sure, about the rest of Western Europe, however.

Western Europe has been flooded with American Jewish media since right after WWII.

Europe is less racist than America because there are much less racial minorities in Europe. However, that's starting to change now. As Europe becomes multiracial, we're starting to see far-right parties getting more power.
Italian-Americans hate Blacks because, due to when Italians were immigrating to America, Italian neighborhoods ended up being right next to black neighborhoods. Same goes for the Irish. Southerners also hate Blacks because they're forced to be around so many of them.

I would be interested in seeing a study on Polish-American feelings towards Muslims. It has been proven that certain people are genetically programmed to be more religious. If the Poles have religiosity in their genes, then it would make sense that they're more likely to hate people of other religions.

An excellent example of LW racism. Thank you. :clap:

Intelligent, educated people know that a genetic tendency towards spiritual needs is one thing but hating someone else for being different is another matter.
Nope, we've already been through this. Hermann Göring had the power to centrally plan the economy, but he never chose to do so.
Incorrect. The Four Year Plan was Hitler's preparation for war and his direct orders to Goering. Goering complied in following the central plan. Obviously no one ever informed you that Wehrmacht's Panzer divisions were feared throughout Europe and Africa. Obviously no one informed you of the holy hell Hitler rained down on Europe with his luftwaffe or of the thousands of ships sunk by Hitler's Unterseeboots (submarines). You would have me believe that Goering somehow did not follow Hitler's orders and that Hitler's military equipment just appeared out of thin air.

Your quote is from neither Das Kapital nor The Communist Manifesto.

As much as I'd like to take credit for the term, it was actually being used back in the 18th century,
Irrelevant. Karl Marx did not use it. It is not a term involved in Marxism.

My personal experience. You aren't likely to convince me that I don't know what I know. But let's not change the subject away from your authority on the Wikipedia staff. Please elaborate.
Western Europe has been flooded with American Jewish media since right after WWII.

Europe is less racist than America because there are much less racial minorities in Europe. However, that's starting to change now. As Europe becomes multiracial, we're starting to see far-right parties getting more power.

QED. Another reason to vote Republican. Kudos!