What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Not just Italians, but Poles too.

Yes, a lot of the Bronx was formerly Italian & so was Brooklyn & turned Black, and Puerto Rican.

Similar with many cities around New Jersey & Connecticut.

Maybe Poles even more so.

A lot of Polish neighborhoods in Chicago turned Black, or Puerto Rican, over the years.

Hamtranck Michigan & Dearborn Michigan had a lot of Poles, and now a lot of Muslims.

Buffalo, New York used to have a lot of Polish enclaves, it also has a lot of Black enclaves.

Same with Poles in New Britain, Connecticut. (There's a lot of Puerto Ricans there)

Even Greenpoint, Brooklyn has a good deal of Puerto Ricans.

That's why when you hear about racial fights in America, it usually involves white people whose ancestors come from Ireland, South Europe, or Eastern Europe. Those are the immigrants who came here later and ended up getting stuck in the ghettos with the Blacks and Browns. The only exception is Anglo-Saxons, specifically the ones in the American South, since there are lots of Blacks there due to the slave trade.
How many Poles are in the UK overall, though? There are a lot of Polish children of immigrants born in the UK and assimilation usually take two or three generations.

Crime usually isn't a factor in xenophobia. It's more about the entirely emotional fear that a new people is taking over.

I'm going to think that prejudices against Poles are greater in the UK, than against Blacks & Muslims, mostly due to political correctness, and the media.
That's why when you hear about racial fights in America, it usually involves white people whose ancestors come from Ireland, South Europe, or Eastern Europe. Those are the immigrants who came here later and ended up getting stuck in the ghettos with the Blacks and Browns. The only exception is Anglo-Saxons, specifically the ones in the American South, since there are lots of Blacks there due to the slave trade.

I think there's been a lot of riots, that have been neglected in history in the USA.

My dad has a book on Poughkeepsie, NY.

It spoke of 3 riots.

1 of Poles vs Blacks, the Poles rented a pavilion at an amusement park, and the Blacks thought they could go where they wanted, so the Poles & Blacks had a riot.

1 of Irish Catholics vs Scots-Irish (Ulster Protestants) in Poughkeepsie, and that the Scots-Irish were taking Irish Catholics out of their homes & beating them up.

1 of a Book riot, which happened when they took out the book store due to expanding the roads, and the Book store refused, and it caused a riot.

I can find, almost none of this information online.
How many Poles are in the UK overall, though? There are a lot of Polish children of immigrants born in the UK and assimilation usually take two or three generations.

Crime usually isn't a factor in xenophobia. It's more about the entirely emotional fear that a new people is taking over.

There's about 880,000 Poles born in Poland in the UK.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poles...ely 800,000 people,UK after English and Welsh.

Or about 1.3% of the UK's population.

Notice the UK media makes Poles in jail as a negative thing in the UK.



Meanwhile, they make out Blacks in prison as something akin to "Racism".


I don't know about overall, but in America, Italians are more likely to live around non-white people. So if I had to guess, I'd say that they are more likely to be racist.

I think that might play SOME role.

But, for example, I have a neighbor family from my former neighborhood (Putnam Lake, NY) who's father is a Scottish immigrant who lived in the Bronx, and who's Mother is Scottish & Irish descent from Queens.

Their kids are super Liberal.

For example, all 1 of their kids does on Facebook is complain about Confederate memorials, and praise Black Lives Matter, and constantly bickers about prejudices against Blacks.

He even said when a Black killed a little White child (Recently) t wasn't racist.

On the other hand, I have on Facebook many Italian Americans who live in Putnam Lake, NY & they are largely from Bronx & Yonkers families, and a lot of them are racist & or Conservative.

Actually, 1 of them is an Italian American, who grew up here, and I know attacked a Black Jamaican immigrant, for no reason in the park.
I don't know about overall, but in America, Italians are more likely to live around non-white people. So if I had to guess, I'd say that they are more likely to be racist.

I think Germanic speakers in general are just less racist.

I remember in my gym, about 15 years ago, this one German-American guy got upset for me saying "I hate Blacks"

He didn't say much, but looked pissed off.

He at another time, said he grew up in a Black Housing project, and had many Black friends.

The funny thing is, when he divorced his Italian (Sicilian wife) he'd mouth off at Italians, calling them hot headed idiots.

I think Germanic peoples are just kind of idiotic, they might be the most ambitious people.

But, do I think their masses are intelligent? Absolutely not.


In that same gym, the Italian American owner, grew up in the White wealthy suburbs of Somers, NY.

Used to egg my racism on, saying things like "White power to me" or "Blacks cause crime"

Why is that?

I think Italians are just more racist.
Redheads might be more racist, though.

I know 1 Redheaded Irish American guy approached me in the gym.

He told me we have to take back America from minorities to create a White country.

I know for example, the ONLY kid in that Scottish slightly Irish family I mentioned earlier who isn't super-Liberal is the Red head in the family.

He was my friend growing up, and is apparently the ONLY 1 in the Family which is Red haired & Also the ONLY 1 in that family which supports Trump.
I don't know about overall, but in America, Italians are more likely to live around non-white people. So if I had to guess, I'd say that they are more likely to be racist.

The most Nationalist friend I have on Facebook, is more than half Polish & Czech, and a little Irish & Scottish.

He constantly says it's okay to be White, and says Whites are under attack.

He also says Whites are prejudiced upon.

That White privilege is a joke, and that Irish & Poles were prejudiced upon & made it.

He also goofed on Aunt Jemima being racist.

He grew up in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York far away from minorities.

Now he lives in Wingdale, NY which is far from minorities too.

His Polish family came here during the Civil War!
That's why when you hear about racial fights in America, it usually involves white people whose ancestors come from Ireland, South Europe, or Eastern Europe. Those are the immigrants who came here later and ended up getting stuck in the ghettos with the Blacks and Browns. The only exception is Anglo-Saxons, specifically the ones in the American South, since there are lots of Blacks there due to the slave trade.

We aren't the same, as "Whites"

Italians, Poles & Irish Catholics are also much tougher than Germanics in the USA.

For example, I've had 3 German blooded Americans & 1 English blooded American run away from me when they pissed me off.

But, I've never seen that for Italians, Irish or Poles, for example.

I know my Italian - Irish American friend had a Norweigan - English blooded neighbor who stole his car & crashed it.

When my Italian - Irish American friend approached him yelling, the Norweigan - English blooded neighbor dude started to cry.

I remember, in wrestling in public schools, I also made a English blooded American cry, because I was too "Tough for him"

I think Germanic's are just kind of weaker, they are more submissive & subservient.

They are beta-bytches, generally, and also explains their elevated genocide, war & mass murder.

Because, they submit to authority.
Venezuela is the typical distraction used by the ignoranuses on the right.
Marxist dumbfúqs rush to EVADE the topic of Venezuela.

So let's talk about Venezuela. Why should the US rush to feed people from garbage dumpsters? Why should the US rush to destroy its economy? What is it about Venezuela that should compel the US to be like it?

Communism is not the same as a capitalist economy with rational controls.
Yes, communism specifically mangles the Supply/Demand curve. Communism denies human nature. I see you are still pretending to have learned some economics. That only works until you encounter someone who understands economics.

You're a loser. Call up to your mother in the kitchen to bring you down some more cookies.

Every shithole banana republic is an example where your dogma has failed.
Don't stop there. Keep going. Explain how it was economics itself that failed and not the government interference in the market?

The U.S., Canada and Western Europe are examples of my ideology succeeding.
Dismissed. I don't consider rioting and looting to be a success. I don't consider Chicago's violence to be a success. I don't consider Canada's vast healthcare unavailability and multi-year-long wait times for serious procedures to be a success. I don't consider Western Europe to be a success. There's a reason the UK left the European Union which is straddled with Greece and Italy.

No thanks. I don't want your type of "success" turning my world into a shittole. WalMart and Amazon are my types of success i.e. what results when a free market is allowed to thrive unhindered.

Go learn some economics ... and math and science and logic and other academic topics.

You believe in Global Warming. Ask me how I know. [hint: warmizombie recruiters target gullible, scientifically illiterate morons like you. They target the "low hanging fruit" first]
I think Germanic speakers in general are just less racist.

I remember in my gym, about 15 years ago, this one German-American guy got upset for me saying "I hate Blacks"

He didn't say much, but looked pissed off.

He at another time, said he grew up in a Black Housing project, and had many Black friends.

The funny thing is, when he divorced his Italian (Sicilian wife) he'd mouth off at Italians, calling them hot headed idiots.

I think Germanic peoples are just kind of idiotic, they might be the most ambitious people.

But, do I think their masses are intelligent? Absolutely not.


In that same gym, the Italian American owner, grew up in the White wealthy suburbs of Somers, NY.

Used to egg my racism on, saying things like "White power to me" or "Blacks cause crime"

Why is that?

I think Italians are just more racist.

I think that's more just anecdotal evidence. Nazi Germany was much more racist than Fascist Italy. Even the later racism of Fascist Italy was based on Nazi Germany, but still didn't go as far.
I think that's more just anecdotal evidence. Nazi Germany was much more racist than Fascist Italy. Even the later racism of Fascist Italy was based on Nazi Germany, but still didn't go as far.

Italy's far more racist than Germany today, though.

Check out these Racist scores towards Black faces.

Italy here is even higher than Poland, while Germany is barely higher than other North-West Europeans!


Besides, Germans are a little different than other "Germanic's"

For example, the South has some Italian like mixture, while the East has some Slavic like mixture.
We aren't the same, as "Whites"

Italians, Poles & Irish Catholics are also much tougher than Germanics in the USA.

For example, I've had 3 German blooded Americans & 1 English blooded American run away from me when they pissed me off.

But, I've never seen that for Italians, Irish or Poles, for example.

I know my Italian - Irish American friend had a Norweigan - English blooded neighbor who stole his car & crashed it.

When my Italian - Irish American friend approached him yelling, the Norweigan - English blooded neighbor dude started to cry.

I remember, in wrestling in public schools, I also made a English blooded American cry, because I was too "Tough for him"

I think Germanic's are just kind of weaker, they are more submissive & subservient.

They are beta-bytches, generally, and also explains their elevated genocide, war & mass murder.

Because, they submit to authority.

I think the Vikings, Prussians, and Nazis did a pretty good job showing that Germanic peoples can be tough. This would probably be more of a result of modern Germanic culture. Especially considering that the English are genetically closer to the Irish than they are other Germanic peoples.
And of course, these are just individual cases.
I gave you two studies that showed that the majority of companies in Nazi Germany were private. If the government pays private companies for a war effort, that's still Capitalism.
You are fighting tooth and nail to EVADE the central planning and control. Whether there was some independent ownership is not relevant. Was there State control and planning of the industries?

This is where you answer "Why yes there was."

Did all financing and credit for German businesses occur centrally with the State?

This is where you answer "Now that mention it, yes, all credit and finance was controlled centrally by the Reichbank."

Your efforts to treat economics as though a socialist government cannot employ its principles is bogus, it is not the case that a socialist government is somehow not socialist if you can point to some business transactions.

The problem here is that you aren't very good at economics so you don't what is and what isn't economics ... and you haven't read Marx so you don't know what is or isn't Marxism. In the end, you rush to absorb disinformation from the likes of Wikipedia, blissfully unaware of what parts are egregiously erroneous.

Unfortunately, I have already come to the realization that I am wasting my time. You are aware that socialism is very bad and leads to schittole slave societies in which people are relegatd to fishing through the garbage for food. You know that socialism has a well-deserved negative stigma and that if you were identified as being the socialist that you are that your credibility would be shot out of the water. However, you still feel compelled to espouse socialism. Your strategy is to simply claim that you are not socialist. Your belief is that others will therefore be obligated to conclude that what you espouse must not be socialism. I'd like to meet the person who is fooled by that.

Similarly, you don't want people to recognize that Germany's National Socialists were socialist so that what you espouse won't be labelled as socialist and immediately rejected.

We come down to the two crucial questions:

1. Do you acknowledge that sound economics makes for an optimal economy?
2. What problems has economics caused in the world?

I didn't quote anything.

Yes you did. Please note the quotation marks:

"The Great Depression spurred State ownership in Western capitalist countries. Germany was no exception; the last governments of the Weimar Republic took over firms in diverse sectors. Later, the Nazi regime transferred public ownership and public services to the private sector. In doing so, they went against the mainstream trends in the Western capitalist countries, none of which systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930s. Privatization in Nazi Germany was also unique in transferring to private hands the delivery of public services previously provided by government."

You quoted this while we were discussing Marx's socialism, but Marx did not write this. Every quote I have given you has come directly from Marx.

I said that what Marx described in Das Kapital, his concept of the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat," involves Direct Democracy.
Yes you repeat this despite my numerous reminders that Karl Marx never used the term "Direct Democracy" in either Das Kapital or in the Communist Manifesto.

Your personal experiences? So is this anecdotal evidence?
If I tell you that it's raining outside my window right now, who are you to tell me that it isn't? I am not trying to convince you that Wikipedia is run by Marxists; you are trying to convince me that it is not. Since you acknowledge that you know nothing of the Wikipedia staff then you shouldn't be trying to convince me that my personal experience is somehow flawed.

Now, you have two choices. You can learn from my experience which you are getting free of charge, or you can dismiss it because maintaining your image on an anonymous message board is more important. I don't care which one you choose, but you can bet your bottom dollar that I am going to mock you each and every time you allow yourself to be led astray by Wikipedia.
