What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

That's pretty much exactly what would happen during the Middle Ages. Since the Poles weren't raised on Jewish media, they were able to rightfully place blame on the Jews without being called "racist."

Want to make a wager, that Saxony is the smartest & most Nationalist portion of East Germany, because it has more Slavic DNA, than other portions of East Germany?

R1a haplogroup is clearly highest in Saxony out of all Germans.


Eastern European DNA is clearly highest in Saxony.


Saxony voted the most for AfD.


Saxony first in education scores in Germany.


Bautzen the most Slavic region in Germany, also had the most rough up Muslim refugees in Germany. (Likely)




Hating people because of their religion, not because of anything that individual did.

See, it is Individualism, that is the Western European issue.

You tend to view groups as just on an individual basis.

In reality, groups tend to Balkanize, and that can cause chaos, or even replacement.

I think Individualists are kind of ignorant & naive, they have vividly idiotic views of the World, because they are idealistic, not realistic.

I don't hate anyone. I just accept that having Jews in power is problematic.

Groups tend to prefer their own.

That's why this Individualist approach is so goofy.

My school was only maybe 5% Black, and ALL the Black kids, tended to form 1 group.

My school was only maybe 5% Eastern European.

Yes, there was sort of an Eastern European group, we had 2 Hungarian descendants, 2 Polish descendants (Including myself) and a Prussian German descendant.

Could there have been a ethnic basis, for such?

In a neighboring town there was a lot more Eastern Europeans, and the Poles, Slovaks, Hungarians, Russians, all hung out in 1 group, and I've ;personally seen this group.
Want to make a wager, that Saxony is the smartest & most Nationalist portion of East Germany, because it has more Slavic DNA, than other portions of East Germany?

R1a haplogroup is clearly highest in Saxony out of all Germans.


Eastern European DNA is clearly highest in Saxony.


Saxony voted the most for AfD.


Saxony first in education scores in Germany.


Bautzen the most Slavic region in Germany, also had the most rough up Muslim refugees in Germany. (Likely)





I wouldn't say voting for the AfD is always a sign of intelligence. The AfD has a lot of bad policies too. They're sexist, homophobic, anti-environmentalist, and Zionist.
Really, the only good thing about them is that they want to stop non-white immigration, which really isn't much of an issue in Germany, anyway. I support stopping non-white immigration, but it's not a super important issue in Germany like it is in America. The AfD also conflates race and religion a lot. They're against Islam in Europe.

As for Saxons doing the best on tests, keep in mind that East Germany has less Blacks and Browns than West Germany.
I don't know if Slavs are smarter than other Europeans. If we're going by IQ, the North Slavs have about the same as the rest of Europe. The highest are the Finns, followed closely by the Swiss and the Dutch.
I wouldn't say voting for the AfD is always a sign of intelligence. The AfD has a lot of bad policies too. They're sexist, homophobic, anti-environmentalist, and Zionist.
Really, the only good thing about them is that they want to stop non-white immigration, which really isn't much of an issue in Germany, anyway. I support stopping non-white immigration, but it's not a super important issue in Germany like it is in America. The AfD also conflates race and religion a lot. They're against Islam in Europe.

As for Saxons doing the best on tests, keep in mind that East Germany has less Blacks and Browns than West Germany.
I don't know if Slavs are smarter than other Europeans. If we're going by IQ, the North Slavs have about the same as the rest of Europe. The highest are the Finns, followed closely by the Swiss and the Dutch.
I'm pro-Environmentalism & anti-Zionism, but the other things I can live with.

Yeah, well Saxony did better vs other East Germans on test scores too.

Excluding Berlin, ,most of East Germany is fairly uniform in terms of Blacks & Browns, no?

But, Saxony being the most Slavic blooded, makes sense, it's the ONLY region of Germany which has indigenous Slavic Sorbians.

Sorbs were more numerous in the early 20th century.

For example, there were about 160,000 Sorbs, ( around Saxony) at the beggining of the 20th century.

By the way, Leibniz the famous inventor of calculus & binary code, was half Slavic Sorbian.
I wouldn't say voting for the AfD is always a sign of intelligence. The AfD has a lot of bad policies too. They're sexist, homophobic, anti-environmentalist, and Zionist.
Really, the only good thing about them is that they want to stop non-white immigration, which really isn't much of an issue in Germany, anyway. I support stopping non-white immigration, but it's not a super important issue in Germany like it is in America. The AfD also conflates race and religion a lot. They're against Islam in Europe.

As for Saxons doing the best on tests, keep in mind that East Germany has less Blacks and Browns than West Germany.
I don't know if Slavs are smarter than other Europeans. If we're going by IQ, the North Slavs have about the same as the rest of Europe. The highest are the Finns, followed closely by the Swiss and the Dutch.

There's some data on East Germany vs West Germany in 1991 & again in 2009.


Apparently in 1991 West Germany was more anti-Semitic, than East Germany in 1991.

East Germany had 12% of it's population against Jews in 1991.
As opposed to West Germany had 27% of it's population against Jews in 1991.
As opposed to Poland which had 34% of it's population against Jews in 1991.

So, how do you figure it's the Soviet Bloc?
You are totally ignorant and delusional.
What is clear is that you are an economics miscreant. I'm fairly confident you don't have anything intelligent to contribute.

It was only government regulation and the rise of unions that prevented that
Unions are a cancer. They die one way or the other, either by being eradicated or because they kill the host. Of course it's always best to eradicate them as early as possible.

Capitalism increasingly concentrates both power and wealth in the hands of a few.
Economies only thrive to the extent that the market is free. I wouldn't expect you to understand this since you are a member of society's moron class. Everywhere that has contracted your ideological cancer has succumbed and collapsed in short order. How could you expect any other result when the moron class seizes power?

Captialism = Sound Economics. Sound Economics makes economies thrive. Marxism causes desperate infusions of fiscal chemotherapy but it only buys time.

Explain to me why the US should become Venezuela. The floor is yours.

And you can't provide a single example of the success of unfettered capitalism.
You can't provide me a single example of where it has failed.
You can't provide me a single example of where your ideology has succeeded.

Talk to me about Venezuela.
Name one time I used a so-called buzzword and then refused to clearly define it. I've literally not done this once.
"Collective Ownership."

You invented this term. It does not appear in either the Communist Manifesto or in Das Kapital. You try to play it like "common ownership" except to apply it to socialism in order to prove that the NAZIs somehow weren't socialist. It's not going to work.

The NAZIs were textbook socialists. The had full centralized CONTROL and planning. All credit was centralized in the Reichbank. If the government seizes your business and begins running it, it you no longer own it, even if the government reassures you that you "still own it ... just go away and we'll let you know whe you can come back."

II was very clear in saying that Communism is a stateless and classless society.
Show me where you used the word "stateless."

A centrally planned economy without collective ownership is State Capitalism.

I only point out that "Marxism" isn't just anything the Right thinks is bad.
As you are aware, Marxism is what Marx espoused; I use the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital as authoritative sources. I claim that if you are using something other than these the you are guilty of claiming Marxism is something that it is not ... like redefining socialism.
Groups tend to prefer their own.

That's why this Individualist approach is so goofy.

My school was only maybe 5% Black, and ALL the Black kids, tended to form 1 group.

My school was only maybe 5% Eastern European.

Yes, there was sort of an Eastern European group, we had 2 Hungarian descendants, 2 Polish descendants (Including myself) and a Prussian German descendant.

Could there have been a ethnic basis, for such?

In a neighboring town there was a lot more Eastern Europeans, and the Poles, Slovaks, Hungarians, Russians, all hung out in 1 group, and I've ;personally seen this group.

Yeah, people always self-segregate. Which is why we really shouldn't have any racial minority in power, but it's especially bad with Jews because they have a culture and history that makes them hostile towards European people.

Immigrant groups will often stick together, since there's strength in numbers, as long as they're the same race.
I'm pro-Environmentalism & anti-Zionism, but the other things I can live with.

Yeah, well Saxony did better vs other East Germans on test scores too.

Excluding Berlin, ,most of East Germany is fairly uniform in terms of Blacks & Browns, no?

But, Saxony being the most Slavic blooded, makes sense, it's the ONLY region of Germany which has indigenous Slavic Sorbians.

Sorbs were more numerous in the early 20th century.

For example, there were about 160,000 Sorbs, ( around Saxony) at the beggining of the 20th century.

By the way, Leibniz the famous inventor of calculus & binary code, was half Slavic Sorbian.

I don't know if Saxony has more Slavic blood than other East German states. There are a good amount of Sorbians in Brandenburg too.
There's some data on East Germany vs West Germany in 1991 & again in 2009.


Apparently in 1991 West Germany was more anti-Semitic, than East Germany in 1991.

East Germany had 12% of it's population against Jews in 1991.
As opposed to West Germany had 27% of it's population against Jews in 1991.
As opposed to Poland which had 34% of it's population against Jews in 1991.

So, how do you figure it's the Soviet Bloc?

The Soviet Union government was anti-semitic and kept Jews in place, but the average people didn't think much of Jews either way. Which makes sense, if the government is taking care of a problem but not talking about it, we tend not to notice or think about it. So that could explain why there was more anti-semitism in West Germany than East Germany. As for Poland, there was still a lot of Jews there, which could explain why even in a Soviet puppet state, there was still anti-semitism. If lots of Jews are around, it's going to make people anti-semitic. I would like to get the stats on how many Jews there were in each European country at the time, but I'm almost positive there were a lot less in East Germany since so many of them were sent to camps in Poland.
"Collective Ownership."

You invented this term. It does not appear in either the Communist Manifesto or in Das Kapital. You try to play it like "common ownership" except to apply it to socialism in order to prove that the NAZIs somehow weren't socialist. It's not going to work.

I didn't invent the term. These terms were later coined to refer to control of the means of production in Socialism as opposed to Communism. In Socialism, as Marx explained in Das Kapital, there is Direct Democracy so the workers can vote on what happens with the companies they work for. As opposed to Communism, where supposedly this wouldn't even be needed. Marx didn't really explain clearly how Communism would function, so today most Communists have their own theories on how common ownership would work.

And no, we already debunked the claim that the Nazis were Socialist. Most of the businesses in Nazi Germany were private. If you think they were Socialist because they still have regulations, then literally every country is Socialist.

The NAZIs were textbook socialists. The had full centralized CONTROL and planning. All credit was centralized in the Reichbank. If the government seizes your business and begins running it, it you no longer own it, even if the government reassures you that you "still own it ... just go away and we'll let you know whe you can come back."

Show me evidence that the majority of the businesses in Nazi Germany were run by the government.

Show me where you used the word "stateless."


As you are aware, Marxism is what Marx espoused; I use the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital as authoritative sources. I claim that if you are using something other than these the you are guilty of claiming Marxism is something that it is not ... like redefining socialism.

You said that Wikipedia is Marxist. :rolleyes:
The Soviet Union controlled the media, so the countries within the Eastern Bloc weren't nearly as exposed to Jewish media like the Western countries were.
And what does any of that have to do with the Berlin Wall. The Wall was between the Soviet military zone of Berlin (East Berlin) and the three western military zones (American, British and French, or West Berlin). Much of Eastern Europe could easily receive Western TV and radio. You appear to be suffering from the usual right-wing paranoia about Jews.

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Yes, you are correct. I was referring to the voting on determining an amendment, not to ratification but yes, ratification must occur per Article V.

I regret any confusion I may have caused.

Nope. You are on the hook to provide evidence that the transcript is inaccurate. You are on the hook to explain why a rational person should believe your argument that Trump strongarmed Zalensky when neither Trump nor Zalensky are claiming such.

Until then your argument is dismissed.

Exactlty. On what are you basing your argument?

This is a clear indication that it is accurate, however it is merely evidence. The fact that Zalensky corroborates the accuracy of the transcripts is additional evidence that it is accurate.

Do you have any evidence indicating that the thranscript does not match the call? Do you have any evidence that Trump strongarmed Zalensky despite Zalensky denying that outright? Do you have any reason that a rational person should just be gullible and buy the same line of crap that you embraced just because you have TDS?

Do you have anything at all?

You claimed that Congress could change the Constitution. That's obviously a lot more than "determining an amendment".
So why doesn't Trump release the tape if the transcript is accurate? Since you're clearly the one with TDS, why would a rational person be gullible and believe anything that Trump says just because he's Trump? There's no actual evidence that the transcript is accurate, just hearsay. The tape is the only way to prove it, one way or the other. But it's just like Trump's taxes. Hidden from the light of day. Why does Trump have such a need to hide the truth?
Again, your position is simply denial. Why do you fear the truth?

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What is clear is that you are an economics miscreant. I'm fairly confident you don't have anything intelligent to contribute.

Unions are a cancer. They die one way or the other, either by being eradicated or because they kill the host. Of course it's always best to eradicate them as early as possible.

Economies only thrive to the extent that the market is free. I wouldn't expect you to understand this since you are a member of society's moron class. Everywhere that has contracted your ideological cancer has succumbed and collapsed in short order. How could you expect any other result when the moron class seizes power?

Captialism = Sound Economics. Sound Economics makes economies thrive. Marxism causes desperate infusions of fiscal chemotherapy but it only buys time.

Explain to me why the US should become Venezuela. The floor is yours.

You can't provide me a single example of where it has failed.
You can't provide me a single example of where your ideology has succeeded.

Talk to me about Venezuela.

Nothing but denial. You're clearly ignorant of much more than economics. Venezuela is the typical distraction used by the ignoranuses on the right. Communism is not the same as a capitalist economy with rational controls. Every shithole banana republic is an example where your dogma has failed. The U.S., Canada and Western Europe are examples of my ideology succeeding.You also don't seem to know the difference between communism and Communism.

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