What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Expand on this. Why is this a timely lesson.

Debunked at the bottom of my sig.

Nope. The point is that is hasn't.

There's no comparison.

Republicans say "You should be afraid of this tangible current event, e.g. looting, violence, the massive killing of living humans who have committed no crime, etc... and then explain what they intend to do about it.

Democrats say "You should FEAR! You should PANIC! Donald Trump! Slavery! Racism! Vote for us or else!"

He gets to when he's correct, just like everybody else. You don't get to deny Trump the ability to point out how Leftist mayors are fúquing over the country. Trump is helping Americans by showing exactly who needs to be voted out of office.

His son would be correct. Democrats are using the coronaflu in an attempt to destroy the US economy ion the hopes that the American people will blame Trump. Democrats become gleeful at the news of COVID deaths because they justify maintaining lockdowns and further harming the economy.

Democrats would celebrate your death if they thought it might help them defeat Trump.

You just shifted goalposts.

The idea is to legitimize the creation of separate autonomous zones. In California, Proposition 8 seeks to repeal civil rights, opening the door for separate but equal. Democrats are working towards legitimizing and legalizing racism.


Rude awakening time for you. The United States is the only country with the right to free speech. Check my wording: In any other country anyone can be imprisoned for speech determined to be illegal by the government. This is not up for debate. Pick a country and there are people who have been arrested and jailed by the government for saying something politically incorrect.

When you see people criticizing governments and not getting arrested, yes, that can happen. The point is that they could be arrested for it. If you think otherwise then you are in denial.

Don't waste your time with Wikipedia. I won't read it. I only read authoritative sources.

Trump would love to imprison anyone who told the truth about him. As it is, he never addresses the content of any criticism. He just attacks the critic. And his cultists think that's wonderful.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Expand on this. Why is this a timely lesson.

Debunked at the bottom of my sig.

Nope. The point is that is hasn't.

There's no comparison.

Republicans say "You should be afraid of this tangible current event, e.g. looting, violence, the massive killing of living humans who have committed no crime, etc... and then explain what they intend to do about it.

Democrats say "You should FEAR! You should PANIC! Donald Trump! Slavery! Racism! Vote for us or else!"

He gets to when he's correct, just like everybody else. You don't get to deny Trump the ability to point out how Leftist mayors are fúquing over the country. Trump is helping Americans by showing exactly who needs to be voted out of office.

His son would be correct. Democrats are using the coronaflu in an attempt to destroy the US economy ion the hopes that the American people will blame Trump. Democrats become gleeful at the news of COVID deaths because they justify maintaining lockdowns and further harming the economy.

Democrats would celebrate your death if they thought it might help them defeat Trump.

You just shifted goalposts.

The idea is to legitimize the creation of separate autonomous zones. In California, Proposition 8 seeks to repeal civil rights, opening the door for separate but equal. Democrats are working towards legitimizing and legalizing racism.


Rude awakening time for you. The United States is the only country with the right to free speech. Check my wording: In any other country anyone can be imprisoned for speech determined to be illegal by the government. This is not up for debate. Pick a country and there are people who have been arrested and jailed by the government for saying something politically incorrect.

When you see people criticizing governments and not getting arrested, yes, that can happen. The point is that they could be arrested for it. If you think otherwise then you are in denial.

Don't waste your time with Wikipedia. I won't read it. I only read authoritative sources.

No, you only read right-wing propaganda sources. Wikipedia generally includes references to authoritative sources.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
What percentage of your thoughts, or feelings are controlled by culture, or by yourself?

I can understand, how being exposed to different traumas, or different reading material, might alter your feelings, or thoughts.

I for one am not aware of this collective, cultural aspiration which controls people's thoughts & feelings.

I'm sometimes lucky if I can control my personal thoughts, or feelings.

Much, less have a culture control them.

Yes, those maps in Europe make a lot of sense.

After generations, for example of being part of the American culture.

I can agree that Irish tend to have more feelings & are more extroverted in America, just like they do in Europe, even after many generations "American"

I can agree that Poles tend to be more introverted & more thinkiing in America, just like they do in Europe, even after many generations of being "American"

How can this be, why are there differences in American groups, in culture, if they have become so "American".

Hard to believe, I just think most of what is in you, is in you.

It also explains, why a lot of people don't change much, because of their personal aspirations, regardless of culture.

Culture doesn't control, it influences. You are asking the wrong questions. It's like GIGO - garbage in, garbage out. If you ask the right questions, you are more likely to to obtain the answers.

In your case you are coming up with the answers you want then asking a question that gives you that answer. Dude, that's flawed logic.
Culture doesn't control, it influences. You are asking the wrong questions. It's like GIGO - garbage in, garbage out. If you ask the right questions, you are more likely to to obtain the answers.

In your case you are coming up with the answers you want then asking a question that gives you that answer. Dude, that's flawed logic.

Every culture, has introverts & extroverts.

But, at different proportionate rates.

If culture is dictating such kind of personality traits, it's clearly not very uniform.

I would agree, in some cases, culture might make people more introverted.

For example, a lot of Whites learn to be more introverted in the inner-city.

Because, if you say "Hi" to a Black person, they might snap.

I've seen it personally & heard this from others before.

Then, again, with friends, some will still be more extroverted, or more introverted, regardless.

So, yeah, I tend to think it's just more how you are.
Every culture, has introverts & extroverts.

But, at different proportionate rates.

If culture is dictating such kind of personality traits, it's clearly not very uniform.

I would agree, in some cases, culture might make people more introverted.

For example, a lot of Whites learn to be more introverted in the inner-city.

Because, if you say "Hi" to a Black person, they might snap.

I've seen it personally & heard this from others before.

Then, again, with friends, some will still be more extroverted, or more introverted, regardless.

So, yeah, I tend to think it's just more how you are.
Another mistake you make is "reading into" a statement what you want to see. I wrote that "culture influences", you read that "culture might make people". That's a logic error.

People can be predisposed to be more extroverted or introverted. External factors can influence them one way or the other. I'm more naturally introverted but my sister is very extroverted. I'm content to stay home, work in my shop and listen to music. My sister likes to visit, chat, get into other people's business, etc. The Marine Corps taught me that there are occasions when I must demonstrate leadership by speaking in front of others, making tough calls be it who to promote, who to file charges against and who to send on a risky mission. People have a range of abilities; some are better at one ability than another, be we all have those abilities...well, except for the psychos but they're broken, abnormal.

You are trying to make all human beings fit a genetic model based on where their ancestors were geographically located. That's been disproved for decades now. Culture is the main influence upon a person, but all normal human beings have the choice to break free of their cultural influences and choose other influences.
Culture doesn't control, it influences. You are asking the wrong questions. It's like GIGO - garbage in, garbage out. If you ask the right questions, you are more likely to to obtain the answers.

In your case you are coming up with the answers you want then asking a question that gives you that answer. Dude, that's flawed logic.

I'm going to sharply disagree.

I've grown up amongst many Italians & Irish, both have been here in the USA, typically for 80 - 150 years.

The Italians still have traits more like Italy, and Irish still have traits more like Ireland.

Irish really are more extroverted than Italians, and really are more emotional.

As these maps show.


Italians really are more prejudiced against Black people.

Like this map shows.


Italians are more anti-LGBTQ too.

Like this map shows.


How can this be, that on the whole, Irish & Italians still differ in the USA, after generations?

That differences lean towards their host country?
Another mistake you make is "reading into" a statement what you want to see. I wrote that "culture influences", you read that "culture might make people". That's a logic error.

People can be predisposed to be more extroverted or introverted. External factors can influence them one way or the other. I'm more naturally introverted but my sister is very extroverted. I'm content to stay home, work in my shop and listen to music. My sister likes to visit, chat, get into other people's business, etc. The Marine Corps taught me that there are occasions when I must demonstrate leadership by speaking in front of others, making tough calls be it who to promote, who to file charges against and who to send on a risky mission. People have a range of abilities; some are better at one ability than another, be we all have those abilities...well, except for the psychos but they're broken, abnormal.

You are trying to make all human beings fit a genetic model based on where their ancestors were geographically located. That's been disproved for decades now. Culture is the main influence upon a person, but all normal human beings have the choice to break free of their cultural influences and choose other influences.

I think you've spent too much time in Texas, where most Whites are similar mixes of German, Scots-Irish, English & Norse.

That most Latinos are Mexican.

Here in New York, we have a lot more diversity, and different groups.

Yes, after generations there are still vast differences.
Another mistake you make is "reading into" a statement what you want to see. I wrote that "culture influences", you read that "culture might make people". That's a logic error.

People can be predisposed to be more extroverted or introverted. External factors can influence them one way or the other. I'm more naturally introverted but my sister is very extroverted. I'm content to stay home, work in my shop and listen to music. My sister likes to visit, chat, get into other people's business, etc. The Marine Corps taught me that there are occasions when I must demonstrate leadership by speaking in front of others, making tough calls be it who to promote, who to file charges against and who to send on a risky mission. People have a range of abilities; some are better at one ability than another, be we all have those abilities...well, except for the psychos but they're broken, abnormal.

You are trying to make all human beings fit a genetic model based on where their ancestors were geographically located. That's been disproved for decades now. Culture is the main influence upon a person, but all normal human beings have the choice to break free of their cultural influences and choose other influences.

I don't agree, the fact that you & your sister are of the same culture, and are different, says it's not culture.
(Rolls eyes)

BTW, even on Poles vs Ukrainians here, I've noticed the differences.

Ukrainian Americans are also more extroverted than Polish Americans.


How can that be?

I've known enough Polish-Americans, most of them are still introverted, after generations of being "American"

Ukrainian-Americans I've met have been extroverted, just like the map, even after generations of being "American".
I've met a lot more Poles than Ukrainians in my life.

But, I've met more Ukrainian extroverts, rather than Polish ones.

Most Poles are kind of quiet, and reserved, even after generations of being "American"

As compared to the Ukrainians I've met, are kind of noisy, humorous, and talkative, even after generations of being "American"
I think you've spent too much time in Texas, where most Whites are similar mixes of German, Scots-Irish, English & Norse.

That most Latinos are Mexican.

Here in New York, we have a lot more diversity, and different groups.

Yes, after generations there are still vast differences.

Really? Is that what you think, Witold? Please tell me where I've lived, worked and visited over the past six decades.
Really? Is that what you think, Witold? Please tell me where I've lived, worked and visited over the past six decades.

It's NOT surprising that you're more introverted than your sister.

Studies confirm men are more introverted than women.

Not really surprising, to anybody, except those with low IQ scores.
Expand on this. Why is this a timely lesson.

Because Trump is redefining the president's powers in a very authoritarian way. You might like that, because you like Trump, but what happens when we have another Democrat as president? Would you be ok with President AOC or President Omar extorting foreign countries to stage phony investigations of their political opponents or sabotaging the post office during an election year?

Debunked at the bottom of my sig.

Where does it explain how the DNC is still run by White Supremacists?
I must say, if that's the case, these are some of the most ineffective White Supremacists in history.

Nope. The point is that is hasn't.

PragerU is far-right Fake News.

There's no comparison.

Republicans say "You should be afraid of this tangible current event, e.g. looting, violence, the massive killing of living humans who have committed no crime, etc... and then explain what they intend to do about it.

Democrats say "You should FEAR! You should PANIC! Donald Trump! Slavery! Racism! Vote for us or else!"

Republicans also say we should be afraid of gays getting married, trans women in women's bathrooms, girls joining the boy scouts, people saying "Happy Holidays," Obama wearing a tan suit, Obama riding a bike with a helmet, pretty much anything to do with Obama, and a vegan becoming president.
Both parties do this, but if you really want to get into it, the Republicans are infinitely worse. Conservatives are afraid of change, and the Republicans have no problem exploiting that fear.

He gets to when he's correct, just like everybody else. You don't get to deny Trump the ability to point out how Leftist mayors are fúquing over the country. Trump is helping Americans by showing exactly who needs to be voted out of office.

Trump should be working with those mayors to reduce the violence. The reason he won't is because he lacks the maturity to work with people who disagree with him, he has no concept of putting the country before his own snowflake feelings.

His son would be correct. Democrats are using the coronaflu in an attempt to destroy the US economy ion the hopes that the American people will blame Trump. Democrats become gleeful at the news of COVID deaths because they justify maintaining lockdowns and further harming the economy.

Democrats would celebrate your death if they thought it might help them defeat Trump.

That's the kind of emotion-based hyperbole that you accuse Democrats of using.

You just shifted goalposts.

The idea is to legitimize the creation of separate autonomous zones. In California, Proposition 8 seeks to repeal civil rights, opening the door for separate but equal. Democrats are working towards legitimizing and legalizing racism.

How did I shift the goalposts here? We were talking about racial segregation and you said that's what CHAZ was about. So I asked if you thought CHAZ was about racial segregation.

Republicans were more likely to support Prop 8 than Democrats. It's a huge jump to say Prop 8 would have led to forced segregation, but if that's the case, why are Republicans not to blame for this too?

And what does this have to do with CHAZ? CHAZ wasn't part of California.

Rude awakening time for you. The United States is the only country with the right to free speech. Check my wording: In any other country anyone can be imprisoned for speech determined to be illegal by the government. This is not up for debate. Pick a country and there are people who have been arrested and jailed by the government for saying something politically incorrect.

When you see people criticizing governments and not getting arrested, yes, that can happen. The point is that they could be arrested for it. If you think otherwise then you are in denial.

The same thing can be said about America. If the government determines that speech you made was threatening violence, you can be arrested.

European countries are also a lot more tolerant towards drugs and prostitution than America. So it could be argued countries like Germany and Portugal are more free than America.

Don't waste your time with Wikipedia. I won't read it. I only read authoritative sources.


What would you consider an "authoritative source" that isn't far-right? There have been tons of documentation on White Nationalism, but I have a feeling the news you follow pretends it doesn't exist.
That's why you worship Trump. The most cowardly liar of modern times.
Can you give me one example of Trump having lied to the American people pertaining to his official duties as President (i.e. not tweets or tabloid gossip) or is it the case that as far as you know, Trump has never lied in relation to his official duties?

Of course I'm not referring to the many times he plays you gullible leftists like a Gibson Stratocaster; that's not lying ... that's priceless entertainment.

Precious! Leftists are such morons!



You are clearly a slave of the Republican party,
... which shows your truly poor judgement. Of course, you are a cowardly moron who has to heavily filter reality in order to squeeze the finest, purest, high-quality misinformation into your safe space for distillation and digestion. I realize that the light of day in my posts cannot be allowed to comingle.

To you "patriot" means one who is faithful to the Republican party or to Trump,
Nope. You should have just asked. Patriotism is love for country and I am a patriot. If the Republican Party were to dissolve I could live with that. If the Democrat Party were to dissolve I would celebrate that Sauron is dead! ... the Sith empire has been destroyed.

You know nothing except what lies your Republican masters have fed you.
Really? Give me an example of something you claim that I do not know but that you do.

You don't seem to know much of anything about Europe either.
Bring it on, baby ... bring it on.

I did two tours there with the USAF.
Ramstein? Under which commander?

Did you ever see this guy? [he's not me, by the way]

Because Trump is redefining the president's powers in a very authoritarian way.
Nope. Silly statment. Only Congress can amend the Constitution. I shouldn't have to teach you this.

Would you be ok with President AOC or President Omar extorting foreign countries to stage phony investigations of their political opponents
Biden did that, not Trump. Your TDS has generated an inversion delusion in your mind. Biden bragged about it. Trump released the transcript. There's nothing to debate.

... or sabotaging the post office during an election year?
You are exceedingly gullible if you fell for that.

PragerU is far-right Fake News.
You don't get to dodge by dismissal. That is a fallacy, specifically fallacy 38a from this master list.

38) Shifting the Burden (e.g. require opponents to disprove your assertion/argument)
a) Cops & Robbers Fallacy ("I shot you" "No you didn't") i.e. claiming your assertion/argument still stands because you dismissed the falsification/refutation thereof

You need to explain what information is inaccurate otherwise your argument is DEBUNKED.

Republicans also say we should be afraid of gays getting married,
Christians, not Republicans. Christians. I shouldn't have to be teaching you the difference between a religion and a Political Party. They are not the same thing.

trans women in women's bathrooms,
Men should absolutely not be allowed in women's bathrooms. I don't want any men wandering into a public bathroom when my daughter is in there. I really don't care whose widdle feewings get hurt.

... girls joining the boy scouts,
What's your opposition to the existence of a group for boys ... or a group for girls? Are you opposed to the idea that boys and girls are different and that some groups would be optimal by being tailored for boys/girls respectively?

... people saying "Happy Holidays,"
Aaaahh, you fell for the dishonesty and are now regurgitating it.

Christians do not oppose people saying "Happy Holidays." This is your dishonest mischaracterization.

Christians oppose the pressure to not say "Merry Christmas." Christians like to celebrate Christmas in particular ... they like to say "Merry Christmas." All my Christian friends anticipate that I am going to wish them "Happy Holidays" and I know that they are going to wish me a "Merry Christmas" ... and they know that I am not pressuring them to not ... and everybody is happy.

What Christians oppose is the elimination of every last vestige of society celebrating Christmas along with them. Wal-Mart has succumbed to the pressure and won't display any "Merry Christmas" signs. Christians aren't pressuring the removal of "Happy Hanukkah" or anything ... they are watching the traditional salutation being eliminated ... and they don't like that.

Your mischaracterization is particularly disturbing.

Conservatives are afraid of change,
You are a bigot.

Trump should be working with those mayors to reduce the violence.
Bingo! Mayors and Governors should not be refusing to work with Trump. Trump has offered and offered and Governors and Mayors REFUSE. All the blame rests with the states. Trump has done all he can do.

Yes, the Democrats are at fault here as well. What surprises me somewhat is that you fall for all of it ... across the board.

How did I shift the goalposts here?
Because I have been detailing how they are actively working towards segregation and you simply dismiss it ALL. The problem is on your end. Have you read up on Proposition 16? Were you paying attention when CHAZ occurred?

So I asked if you thought CHAZ was about racial segregation.

Republicans were more likely to support Prop 8 than Democrats.
You just pulled that out of your delusional azz.

Prop 8 would have easily passed had Democrat "blacks" not rallied to shoot it down. Deal with it.

It's a huge jump to say Prop 8 would have led to forced segregation,
... because now we're talking about Prop 16, not Prop 8.

The same thing can be said about America. If the government determines that speech you made was threatening violence, you can be arrested.

European countries are also a lot more tolerant towards drugs and prostitution than America.
Sure. Irrelevant.

So it could be argued countries like Germany and Portugal are more free than America.
Yes, but not effectively.

What would you consider an "authoritative source" that isn't far-right?
So you don't know what an authoritative source is. Hint: it has nothing to do with "far left" or "far right." The information has to be "from the source." Wikipedia is awash in errors because those running it have corrupted every entry to align it to the Marxist party line.

I used to be a Wikipedia contributor. I tried correcting glaring errors in physics and math ... only have some socialist WACKO at Wikipedia change it back to his preferred egregious physics violations. I tried editing out unsubstantiated opinions to keep Wikipedia in line with its stated policy only to have some socialist WACKO put those unsubstantiated opinions right back in.

Wikipedia is worthless propaganda, to be used only for possible links to authoritative sources. Pick a wiki pertaining to a topic in which socialists have equity and I will show you errors and propaganda. It's one of the channels for your political slavemasters to tell you what to regurgitate. If you want to take a huge step in freeing yourself, ditch Wikipedia.

There have been tons of documentation on White Nationalism,
I really don't care how much propaganda you absorb, why should I absorb it too?

I'm all ears.
Trump would love to imprison anyone who told the truth about him.
You're not a very good mind-reader. Trump sufficiently enjoys toying with helpless, humorless Leftists.

As it is, he never addresses the content of any criticism.
All of the criticisms are without content. They amount to petty name-calling, of the sort you would expect on a 3rd-grade playground.

And his cultists think that's wonderful.
Make that a 2nd-grade playground.
The Right often talks about how things would be so great if America just embraced Christian values like we supposedly did in the past. I know two Christian values they want to bring back are homophobia and a ban on abortion, but is that it? What else do you guys want to do to make America more Christian?

What "IDIOT" would follow anyone down this Marxist Rabbit Hole?

Its Simple. Compliance to the 1st amendment is what Every Christian reserves, the exact same right as any secular to vote for the person that best reflects the founding principles of this republic....the 1st makes sure that secular type religious nuts (as human secularism is nothing but the worship of the human flesh in place of the spiritual philosophy adhered by all types of Christians) cannot dictate free will choices.

Read the Bill of Rights.....Christians want and demand nothing more than that which is guaranteed. ;)

One thing is certain..........NO CHRISTIAN needs to be virtue signaled by any human secular who knows nothing about Christianity. Its strange is it not that the leftist (void of any faith) is always attempting to direct the efforts of the conservatives by telling them what and what is not acceptable in the faith of Christianity? These people are stupid.....as they have already phoned in this defeat in the general election. They know they don't have a chance.....why try? They are spending nothing in support of JOE....hell they are even using speeches from 2008, they are to cheap to pay anyone to draft any original ideas. Joe is nothing but a place holder as they have no viable candidate in 2020. :bigthink:
Last edited:
Nope. Silly statment. Only Congress can amend the Constitution. I shouldn't have to teach you this.

Uh-huh, and what happens when congress is full of Fascist Republicans?
The Constitution means absolutely nothing unless we have a government willing to enforce it.

Biden did that, not Trump. Your TDS has generated an inversion delusion in your mind. Biden bragged about it. Trump released the transcript. There's nothing to debate.

Actually, Trump released notes from the transcripts. The White House even said that these were notes, not the full transcripts. And the reason Trump won't release the full transcripts is the same reason he tried to hide the recording of the call. He knows he broke the law. The fact that the notes themselves were incriminating too just shows how dumb he is.
This is perhaps the most open and shut scandal in American history. If you're defending Trump here, it's because you're cool with him cheating in an election. Which I understand, you want him to remain president by any means. But understand, he's setting a dangerous precedent here. If one of the Squad ladies is ever president, she'll be able to get away with the same thing, because Trump normalized it.

How did I not back up my claim here?
And what does this have to do with PragerU being Fake News?

Christians, not Republicans. Christians. I shouldn't have to be teaching you the difference between a religion and a Political Party. They are not the same thing.


That is so moving the goalposts. The point is that both parties use emotion-based fear tactics.
I could also say it's not Democrats saying we have White Supremacy, it's black people. Oh? There are a lot of white people saying this too? Well, there are also Muslims who oppose gay marriage! It's such a silly deflection. The point is many Republicans (at one point, most Republicans) threw a shitstorm over gay marriage in order to get votes. Now Americans are used to gay marriage, so they moved on to bitching about trans people and bathrooms.

Men should absolutely not be allowed in women's bathrooms. I don't want any men wandering into a public bathroom when my daughter is in there. I really don't care whose widdle feewings get hurt.

What's your opposition to the existence of a group for boys ... or a group for girls? Are you opposed to the idea that boys and girls are different and that some groups would be optimal by being tailored for boys/girls respectively?

So how come you're ok with men wandering into a public bathroom when you're son is in there? This has nothing to do with protecting children. This is about an irrational fear of trans people that Republicans are taking advantage.

Boys and girls are biologically different, so gender segregation sometimes makes sense. However, it doesn't make sense here. Girls can do everything they do in the Boy Scouts. Allowing girls in doesn't change the Scouts in any way, other than their name. This has nothing to do with preserving the Scouts' activities. This is an irrational fear of the end of gender roles.

Aaaahh, you fell for the dishonesty and are now regurgitating it.

Christians do not oppose people saying "Happy Holidays." This is your dishonest mischaracterization.

Christians oppose the pressure to not say "Merry Christmas."

I got some good news for you. The War on Christmas does not exist. There is no pressure to not say "Merry Christmas." Trump lied about how under Obama, people weren't saying it, but a quick trip to YouTube shows that Obama publicly wished us a Merry Christmas every year. But still, there are many Conservatives who believe in the War on Christmas because they're emotional. And so, every December, people bitch about hearing "Happy Holidays" because they assume that person has been pressured into saying that.
And Trump didn't even start this. The War on Christmas was actually invented by Fox News.

Bingo! Mayors and Governors should not be refusing to work with Trump. Trump has offered and offered and Governors and Mayors REFUSE. All the blame rests with the states. Trump has done all he can do.

Yes, the Democrats are at fault here as well. What surprises me somewhat is that you fall for all of it ... across the board.

I agree that mayors and governors should be willing to work with Trump. However, it's the president's job to unite people. The reason people don't want to work with Trump is a reflection of his failure as president.

Because I have been detailing how they are actively working towards segregation and you simply dismiss it ALL. The problem is on your end. Have you read up on Proposition 16? Were you paying attention when CHAZ occurred?

You didn't detail how they were working towards segregation at all. You brought up Prop 8, which had nothing to do with CHAZ. It was a California proposition referring to gay marriage.
I googled Proposition 16, and this is a California thing too.

So you don't know what an authoritative source is. Hint: it has nothing to do with "far left" or "far right." The information has to be "from the source." Wikipedia is awash in errors because those running it have corrupted every entry to align it to the Marxist party line.

I used to be a Wikipedia contributor. I tried correcting glaring errors in physics and math ... only have some socialist WACKO at Wikipedia change it back to his preferred egregious physics violations. I tried editing out unsubstantiated opinions to keep Wikipedia in line with its stated policy only to have some socialist WACKO put those unsubstantiated opinions right back in.

Wikipedia is worthless propaganda, to be used only for possible links to authoritative sources. Pick a wiki pertaining to a topic in which socialists have equity and I will show you errors and propaganda. It's one of the channels for your political slavemasters to tell you what to regurgitate. If you want to take a huge step in freeing yourself, ditch Wikipedia.

I really don't care how much propaganda you absorb, why should I absorb it too?

I'm all ears.


Damn, those Marxists are everywhere!

Alright, so what would it take to prove White Nationalism is real? "White Nationalism" is a form of Ethnic Nationalism dedicated to preserving the white race and maintaining a white majority in countries like America that already have a white majority. I could list popular White Nationalists like David Duke, Jared Taylor, and so on. But I did that for the Alt-Right and you denied they exist too. So are you just not willing to accept that certain things are real?
What "IDIOT" would follow anyone down this Marxist Rabbit Hole?

Its Simple. Compliance to the 1st amendment is what Every Christian reserves, the exact same right as any secular to vote for the person that best reflects the founding principles of this republic....the 1st makes sure that secular type religious nuts (as human secularism is nothing but the worship of the human flesh in place of the spiritual philosophy adhered by all types of Christians) cannot dictate free will choices.

Read the Bill of Rights.....Christians want and demand nothing more than that which is guaranteed. ;)

One thing is certain..........NO CHRISTIAN needs to be virtue signaled by any human secular who knows nothing about Christianity. Its strange is it not that the leftist (void of any faith) is always attempting to direct the efforts of the conservatives by telling them what and what is not acceptable in the faith of Christianity? These people are stupid.....as they have already phoned in this defeat in the general election. They know they don't have a chance.....why try? They are spending nothing in support of JOE....hell they are even using speeches from 2008, they are to cheap to pay anyone to draft any original ideas. Joe is nothing but a place holder as they have no viable candidate in 2020.

So "Christian values" are just freedom of speech and freedom of religion?