What makes a man gay?

What makes a person obsess whether another is gay or not?

I wouldn't say it's an obsession. It's a question, maybe a curiosity, but no obsession.
Kinda like asking why do you say stupid shit? Not an obsession, just a question, or curiosity.
And how is asking a singe question a sign of obsession?

You are trying to fight against the factthat people are being born gay. I do not know why you keep harping at it and pretending it is a choice. Who would choose to be hated and beat up? Who would choose to living a life outside of the regular society? Who would pick getting beaten up or killed by bullies? Animals have a huge desire to pass their DNA into the future. Do you think gays chose not to do that? Being gay is a life outside of the one gays are born in, due to hate and nonacceptance by people like Tinker. They can go to a store and be denied service. They can go shopping and face rejection due to right wing hate of the Supreme Court. They are not treated the same at work. Being gay is tough on a person's entire existence. It is not a choice. it is who they are.
You are trying to fight against the factthat people are being born gay. I do not know why you keep harping at it and pretending it is a choice. Who would choose to be hated and beat up? Who would choose to living a life outside of the regular society? Who would pick getting beaten up or killed by bullies? Animals have a huge desire to pass their DNA into the future. Do you think gays chose not to do that? Being gay is a life outside of the one gays are born in, due to hate and nonacceptance by people like Tinker. They can go to a store and be denied service. They can go shopping and face rejection due to right wing hate of the Supreme Court. They are not treated the same at work. Being gay is tough on a person's entire existence. It is not a choice. it is who they are.

People do this shit all the time.

Look at any goth girl in high school living out of society and being different just to be different.

Some people get off on that stuff, namely homosexuals.

They like to be different.
I wouldn't say it's an obsession. It's a question, maybe a curiosity, but no obsession.
Kinda like asking why do you say stupid shit? Not an obsession, just a question, or curiosity.

Jesus Christ, Buford.

You righties have a PARTICULAR obsession with gays and drag queens right now. Seems to be your current fad. Your’hate du jour’.

One of you claims they are a ‘danger to our children’s future’, yet supports the proliferation of guns. Do you see how fucked up those premises are?

I don’t walk around wondering what makes a person gay nor whether they even ARE gay anymore than I wonder whether they’re a Pisces or Gemini.

Get off the fucking gay bashing bandwagon bullshit. There are a lot more important things to worry about.

Regarding stupid shit? I shit smarter things than you.
Jesus Christ, Buford.

You righties have a PARTICULAR obsession with gays and drag queens right now. Seems to be your current fad. Your’hate du jour’.

One of you claims they are a ‘danger to our children’s future’, yet supports the proliferation of guns. Do you see how fucked up those premises are?

I don’t walk around wondering what makes a person gay nor whether they even ARE gay anymore than I wonder whether they’re a Pisces or Gemini.

Get off the fucking gay bashing bandwagon bullshit. There are a lot more important things to worry about.

Regarding stupid shit? I shit smarter things than you.

If they, like you, would shut the fuck up, no one would care.

Yes, we know you are scared shitless of guns and gun owners.

I doubt anyone walks around wondering what makes someone gay
Most can't fathom why a man would want a dick up his ass.

Yes, there are more things to worry about. Like how badly Biden
is screwing up this country and why the Ho VP isn't concerned
with illegals crossing our border, since she was put in charge of
controlling it. She's done nothing but cackle stupidity...forever.

Yes, you are full of shit. You should stop splattering it on JPP.
If they, like you, would shut the fuck up, no one would care.

Yes, we know you are scared shitless of guns and gun owners.

I doubt anyone walks around wondering what makes someone gay
Most can't fathom why a man would want a dick up his ass.

Yes, there are more things to worry about. Like how badly Biden
is screwing up this country and why the Ho VP isn't concerned
with illegals crossing our border, since she was put in charge of
controlling it. She's done nothing but cackle stupidity...forever.

Yes, you are full of shit. You should stop splattering it on JPP.

Who the fuck started this thread you fucking moron?
If they, like you, would shut the fuck up, no one would care.

Yes, we know you are scared shitless of guns and gun owners.

I doubt anyone walks around wondering what makes someone gay
Most can't fathom why a man would want a dick up his ass.

Yes, there are more things to worry about. Like how badly Biden
is screwing up this country and why the Ho VP isn't concerned
with illegals crossing our border, since she was put in charge of
controlling it. She's done nothing but cackle stupidity...forever.

Yes, you are full of shit. You should stop splattering it on JPP.

I'm a gun owner and I'm not scared shitless of much, even at 76.
That's with my nine firearms all basically in storage.

People who don't prioritize the same things are not going to share many opinions, Arby,
and we're trying to preserve a nation of totally incompatible people.
I'd personally rather partition it.

Most righties don't realize how different at the very core that they are from lefties,
and since most don't spend much time in the nation's great urban cultural centers,
they think leftists are on the fringe rather than the actual numeric majority.

You've spent a considerable amount of time in Philadelphia, however,
so you ought to understand a little more than you let on.
If they, like you, would shut the fuck up, no one would care.

Yes, we know you are scared shitless of guns and gun owners.

I doubt anyone walks around wondering what makes someone gay
Most can't fathom why a man would want a dick up his ass.

Yes, there are more things to worry about. Like how badly Biden
is screwing up this country and why the Ho VP isn't concerned
with illegals crossing our border, since she was put in charge of
controlling it. She's done nothing but cackle stupidity...forever.

Yes, you are full of shit. You should stop splattering it on JPP.

They WERE shutting the fuck up, fucktard, until the uptight righties started their hate campaigns against them. That kind of shit precipitates more aggressive tactics.

I’ve seen more gun violence up close than you ever will, puss, so give me a fucking break on ‘scared’.

Your poster buddy was wondering just that. Why does a man take a dick up his ass? You support your buddy, so I guess you wander through the day thinking the same thoughts.

Thanks for sharing your ignorance. Always worth a chuckle.
What does that have to do with my post? Dipshit...

You cannot be this dumb... oh ... wait.

Here is your 'post explaining for dummies', summary...

RB - "...If they, like you, would shut the fuck up, no one would care...."

RB says the above in a thread started by right wing nut job who was the one who would NOT STFU about it. RB is so daft that he does not see that it is right wingers bringing up Drag Queens and LGBTQ issues mulitple times daily while saying 'others are talking about it'.

Fact : You cannot find a single Policy point the right is discussing more than this 'woke/groomer, LBBTQ' crap. It is the number one issue the right is pushing out every day.

Why? Because they HOPE it is more effective than the prior 3 Campaigns pushing PoC 'Brown Menace' hate, which backfires as PoC vote in significant numbers and thus campaigning on hating them is not, big picture smart.

2016 GE : Only Trump (republi'cans') can protect you from the Brown Menace Mexican rapists and we will build the wall ...
2018 MT : Only Trump and Republi'cans' can protect you from the Brown Menace migrants who bring disease and crime...
2020 GE : Only Trump (republi'cans') can protect you from Antifa and keep people who look like Corey Booker from moving into your suburbs near your wives and daughters...

Republi'can' voters dine on non stop hate and fear each election cycle which the Republi'can' politicians drop or no longer care about to any degree immediate after the election ends.
This time they are betting that the Trans community is so small, it won't cost them too many votes.
I'm a gun owner and I'm not scared shitless of much, even at 76.
That's with my nine firearms all basically in storage.

People who don't prioritize the same things are not going to share many opinions, Arby,
and we're trying to preserve a nation of totally incompatible people.
I'd personally rather partition it.

Most righties don't realize how different at the very core that they are from lefties,
and since most don't spend much time in the nation's great urban cultural centers,
they think leftists are on the fringe rather than the actual numeric majority.

You've spent a considerable amount of time in Philadelphia, however,
so you ought to understand a little more than you let on.

I'm not scared shitless of much either. Maybe the GF :eek:
That's with firearms scattered throughout my home.

Yes, and the prioritization has become more divided in
the last 20-30 years. My cousin spent his career in
S. Philly as a cop. He moved back here. So did his
city born daughter (who said 20 yrs. ago she was
a city girl. Buy yeah, we're spread out here in hick
land, but we have some cultural centers too.

I've spent time in Manhattan, Baltimore, Alexandria
(Fort Belvoir had this big black lady cook, and was
she a good cook!), D.C. Phila. and even Boston.
It's just too crowded for me. But there is much more
to do in the city, We hicks often come to visit, but we
don't stay long. I'm sure you are thankful.
You cannot be this dumb... oh ... wait.

Here is your 'post explaining for dummies', summary...

RB - "...If they, like you, would shut the fuck up, no one would care...."

RB says the above in a thread started by right wing nut job who was the one who would NOT STFU about it. RB is so daft that he does not see that it is right wingers bringing up Drag Queens and LGBTQ issues mulitple times daily while saying 'others are talking about it'.

Fact : You cannot find a single Policy point the right is discussing more than this 'woke/groomer, LBBTQ' crap. It is the number one issue the right is pushing out every day.

Why? Because they HOPE it is more effective than the prior 3 Campaigns pushing PoC 'Brown Menace' hate, which backfires as PoC vote in significant numbers and thus campaigning on hating them is not, big picture smart.

2016 GE : Only Trump (republi'cans') can protect you from the Brown Menace Mexican rapists and we will build the wall ...
2018 MT : Only Trump and Republi'cans' can protect you from the Brown Menace migrants who bring disease and crime...
2020 GE : Only Trump (republi'cans') can protect you from Antifa and keep people who look like Corey Booker from moving into your suburbs near your wives and daughters...

Republi'can' voters dine on non stop hate and fear each election cycle which the Republi'can' politicians drop or no longer care about to any degree immediate after the election ends.
This time they are betting that the Trans community is so small, it won't cost them too many votes.

WTF does Trump have to do with someone wondering why a man takes a dick up his ass? You are one fucked up dude.
WTF does Trump have to do with someone wondering why a man takes a dick up his ass? You are one fucked up dude.

OMG you are so painfully dumb that even the 'dummies' version was not dumb enough for you.

You suggested this was an issue because the 'left won't stop talking about it'.

That is factually wrong as it is the right who push this as their major election issue as they believe it will motivate their base to vote.

I am not sure i can dumb it down enough for you but lets see if the above is something you can comprehend.
People do this shit all the time.

Look at any goth girl in high school living out of society and being different just to be different.

Some people get off on that stuff, namely homosexuals.

They like to be different.

That is ridiculous. You are so judgemental. Did you have a tough time choosing if you would be gay or straight? I know nobody who had to make a tough choice for that. They are just being what they were born to be. I am sure most of us went to school with kids who were gay. We see they are gay when they are little kids.
No people do not like being discriminated against and being beaten or killed.
That is ridiculous. You are so judgemental. Did you have a tough time choosing if you would be gay or straight? I know nobody who had to make a tough choice for that. They are just being what they were born to be. I am sure most of us went to school with kids who were gay. We see they are gay when they are little kids.
No people do not like being discriminated against and being beaten or killed.

We've already established that being gay is a choice.

You were part of that discussion.
What does that have to do with my post? Dipshit...

You told someone else to shut the fuck up. How about YOU shut the fuck up, along with Nora. And just leave the fucking gay people alone? How about that, hot rod?