What Thomas Jefferson learned from the Muslim book of jihad

The statement that he would like to attend a Unitarian church because they do not force a belief in Christ's Deity makes him a Christian in your mind? He didn't believe in the Divinity of Christ, at that time, expressed in his letters. His letters also spoke to how he didn't believe in the Divinity, but followed the precepts of the morality better than those who did. Much like I as a Buddhist have stated that. It does not make me a Christian.

Historical accuracy is important. Especially if you were to use him as an example of the Christian Founders. It would be inaccurate.
Go back the Unitarian website link that I provided. Jefferson didn't provide the public with details of his beliefs. My opinion is as valid as yours.
Go back the Unitarian website link that I provided. Jefferson didn't provide the public with details of his beliefs. My opinion is as valid as yours.
LOL. The Letters were not "public". You are mistaken. You chose a site that wanted to believe as you do, rather than viewed the actual letters.
If Franklin drank what most Americans now call beer he would have never said that. When Franklin said that beer was beer like it is made in England and in Microbreweries all over the US now. Malty, full bodied beers with hops and lots of flavor. Not this watered down piss that is sold by budmillercoors with watered down flavors and tomato juice and lime flavorings. Franklin would have been revolted by the shit they sell on tv now. Sam Adams BARELY makes the grade.

Bear was thick and rich and was considered preserved food in the old days.
NO American beer of today even comes close.
If Franklin drank what most Americans now call beer he would have never said that. When Franklin said that beer was beer like it is made in England and in Microbreweries all over the US now. Malty, full bodied beers with hops and lots of flavor. Not this watered down piss that is sold by budmillercoors with watered down flavors and tomato juice and lime flavorings. Franklin would have been revolted by the shit they sell on tv now. Sam Adams BARELY makes the grade.
I agree with you to a point. I think Sam Adams is too complex for a beer. Guiness or Beck's Dark is more to my liking. Also I don't see how a warm beer made with dirty water and flies buzzing around, all conditions prevalent during colonial times, would be all that desireable.
LOL. The Letters were not "public". You are mistaken. You chose a site that wanted to believe as you do, rather than viewed the actual letters.
"lol" The site I chose was the first that popped up from Google, sorted by relevancy, and happened to be from the Unitarian church. :)
Sam Adams is too danged hoppy.
Yeah god knows you don't want any hops in your beer. That is the problem with American Macro Brews. They have driven the taste completely out of beer. Sam Adams brags about using a pound of hops per barrel of beer. Hop heads would consider that a mildly hoppy beer. Beer is supposed to have hops. Water Malt Yeast and Hops. No rice, no beechwood no corn.
Yeah god knows you don't want any hops in your beer. That is the problem with American Macro Brews. They have driven the taste completely out of beer. Sam Adams brags about using a pound of hops per barrel of beer. Hop heads would consider that a mildly hoppy beer. Beer is supposed to have hops. Water Malt Yeast and Hops. No rice, no beechwood no corn.
I like Guinness. And the stuff served here (Guinness even) will never match the stuff served in the UK.

However, Hops is not the only thing you can use to brew beer, nor is it my favorite flavor.
@ Socrtease You forgot flies.

none of the beers I drink have flies. Fermenters are sealed, air is the enemy of fermenting beer. Did you know that the reason Budweiser uses Beechwood is because it SPEEDS up the fermentation process, thus allowing them to get more of their thin tasteless swill out to the frat house puke fests.
none of the beers I drink have flies. Fermenters are sealed, air is the enemy of fermenting beer. Did you know that the reason Budweiser uses Beechwood is because it SPEEDS up the fermentation process, thus allowing them to get more of their thin tasteless swill out to the frat house puke fests.
I was referring to your post 140; in Franklin's time. And not during the fermentation process, but at the time of serving. :clink:
wrong oh great one, the world would be in a mess if everyone was like me.

no new cars sold in 18 years.

no debt.

No criiminal record, not even a traffic ticket. The business of crime would lose billions. no burgler alarms, prisons, cops, etc...

No wars, etc...

MT Dew would be the only soft drink in the world.

You forget one simple fact. Where there are people, there is chrime, and there has never been a human civilation that shows otherwise. Even in the hippy world, crime existed. Anybody remember manson?

Great write Southern Man. It is essential to remember history.
Thank you sir. I toast a cold ale to you! :clink:

Your welcome man. it was excellent I thought. probably the best write I have seen on here, and I thank you.

May be we can go to a ethanol plant, and get hammered before they denature the ethanol with gas. I will bet money most hippy liberials don't realize that it is moonshine.
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Your welcome man. it was excellent I thought. probably the best write I have seen on here, and I thank you.

May be we can go to a ethanol plant, and get hammered before they denature the ethanol with gas. I will bet money most hippy liberials don't realize that it is moonshine.

E85 has a maximum gasoline content of 15%. It's only there to make it unpalatable. When I've bought it here it has been nearly pure. In fact during the summer the dispenser is overun with grasshoppers.

Thatnks for the offer, but I like my alcoholic beverages more toward the high end, like a Beck's Dark, a well made Martini, or a family-brewed moonshine.