When Does Life End?

Sure you are, just as long as they fit your eugenics agenda.

It's all in how one looks at it. My primary concern is to avoid unnecessary suffering. If preventing severely genetically defective children from coming into the world and needlessly suffering is considered eugenics then so be it.

Lest you forget:

Thanks, again, for promoting my beliefs. :)
It's all in how one looks at it. My primary concern is to avoid unnecessary suffering. If preventing severely genetically defective children from coming into the world and needlessly suffering is considered eugenics then so be it.

let's kill 47 million children to keep 200k from failing to meet apple's objectives for life......sort of like, let's destroy the health care system to make sure 30 million people get health care.....
let's kill 47 million children to keep 200k from failing to meet apple's objectives for life......sort of like, let's destroy the health care system to make sure 30 million people get health care.....

Sort of like the dozens of countries which implemented health care and the citizens approve. Once again, show me one country with a universal plan where a political party is campaigning for a return to a "pay or suffer" system. And let's face it there is always, always someone wanting to run for office. If the citizens in any country wanted a return to the old health care rip-off there would be a stampede of politicians campaigning on that.

As for abortion it's preventing the suffering we know will occur.
It's all in how one looks at it. My primary concern is to avoid unnecessary suffering. If preventing severely genetically defective children from coming into the world and needlessly suffering is considered eugenics then so be it.

Sounds close to what your mentor Hitler used for justification.

Thanks, again, for promoting my beliefs. :)

You must mean the one where you equate rape and incest into mommy not being ready.
and that is the essence of your lie.....you do NOT know, in fact, statistically we know that the majority will NOT suffer....

What majority are you talking about? The majority of unwanted children are not brought into the world so, of course, they do not suffer. With abortion being available a person who chooses to bear a child either wants a child or is not overly opposed to having one.
Sounds close to what your mentor Hitler used for justification.

Ahhhh, the Hitler comparison. I hope you're not a non-smoker because, you know, Hitler was a non-smoker, as well. :)

You must mean the one where you equate rape and incest into mommy not being ready.

You disappoint me, Freedom. Every time you posted you included an excerpt from my posts adding, "Lest we forget". I thought that was very nice of you and as soon as I thanked you, you stopped. Sometimes you remind me of a contrary child. :nono:
Ahhhh, the Hitler comparison. I hope you're not a non-smoker because, you know, Hitler was a non-smoker, as well. :)

Since the comparison fits you, the real question should be whether or not you're a smoker.

You disappoint me, Freedom. Every time you posted you included an excerpt from my posts adding, "Lest we forget". I thought that was very nice of you and as soon as I thanked you, you stopped. Sometimes you remind me of a contrary child. :nono:

Do you support an abortion because of rape or incest?

I'll trade you abortion in the case of rape or incest in exchange for no abortions in all other cases....

Ah, yes. Trading in human lives. Bartering. Let's see how far we can lower what it means to be a human being.

It never ceases to amaze me the logic used by anti-abortionists. Fetuses are human beings but, hey, if Mommy wasn't in the mood at the time it's fine to kill the human being. That's the anti-abortionist idea of reverence for life.

You now equate rape and incest as "....Mommy wasn't in the mood at the time..."!!


And don't try to dance your way around this one; because that was the answer you gave to a post about rape and incest.

Your comprehension level is appalling. What I wonder is why you would interpret what I said that way. Do you want to tell us something?

Above is the exchange; why don't you show where the comprehension level failed??

Obviously your comprehension level is lacking; because I thought it was pretty clear what I wanted to tell you.
But if you failed to understand, I'll repeat it.

Since the comparison fits you, the real question should be whether or not you're a smoker.

Above is the exchange; why don't you show where the comprehension level failed??

Obviously your comprehension level is lacking; because I thought it was pretty clear what I wanted to tell you.
But if you failed to understand, I'll repeat it.


Thank-you. See, we can get along. :)
Thank-you. See, we can get along. :)

I see you like editing posts, just like you like editing the truth.

Do you support an abortion because of rape or incest?

I'll trade you abortion in the case of rape or incest in exchange for no abortions in all other cases....

Ah, yes. Trading in human lives. Bartering. Let's see how far we can lower what it means to be a human being.

It never ceases to amaze me the logic used by anti-abortionists. Fetuses are human beings but, hey, if Mommy wasn't in the mood at the time it's fine to kill the human being. That's the anti-abortionist idea of reverence for life.

You now equate rape and incest as "....Mommy wasn't in the mood at the time..."!!


And don't try to dance your way around this one; because that was the answer you gave to a post about rape and incest.

Your comprehension level is appalling. What I wonder is why you would interpret what I said that way. Do you want to tell us something?

Above is the exchange; why don't you show where the comprehension level failed??

Obviously your comprehension level is lacking; because I thought it was pretty clear what I wanted to tell you.
But if you failed to understand, I'll repeat it.

What majority are you talking about? The majority of unwanted children are not brought into the world so, of course, they do not suffer. With abortion being available a person who chooses to bear a child either wants a child or is not overly opposed to having one.

you know perfectly well what majority we are talking about.....you don't have the balls to address a straightforward question directly......I expect you don't look at yourself in the mirror each morning, since you have trouble facing reality......

let's face it.....you're either very very stupid or very very evil.....
A brain dead person is not occupying the body of another being.

This is the issue you seem to not understand.

If this brain dead person's heartbeat was sustained by another persons body functions and this person by law had no choice but to sustain this person would that be fair to the person who inhabiuted the host body?

Men have had trouble with this issue for good reasons. They cant seem to fully understand the issue as an issue of rights to your own body and its functions.

NO ONE can force one person to sustain another against their will.

you know perfectly well what majority we are talking about.....you don't have the balls to address a straightforward question directly......I expect you don't look at yourself in the mirror each morning, since you have trouble facing reality......

let's face it.....you're either very very stupid or very very evil.....

Let's look at the exchange that transpired.

In post #1224 I wrote,
As for abortion it's preventing the suffering we know will occur.

In post #1226 you wrote,
and that is the essence of your lie.....you do NOT know, in fact, statistically we know that the majority will NOT suffer...

In post #1229 I wrote,
What majority are you talking about? The majority of unwanted children are not brought into the world so, of course, they do not suffer. With abortion being available a person who chooses to bear a child either wants a child or is not overly opposed to having one.

Finally, you reply, "you know perfectly well what majority we are talking about"

Abortion has been legal for over 35 years. Any statistics you may be referring to that are less than, say, 30 years old are irrelevant because there is no "majority" of unwanted children. As I noted in post #1229, "With abortion being available a person who chooses to bear a child either wants a child or is not overly opposed to having one."

Stated another way very few people bear a child they do not want which means there are very few unwanted children, statistically speaking. That means there are no statistics worth mentioning in the last 30+ years pertaining to unwanted children vis-a-vis wanted children. They are completely skewed, irrelevant.

What one has to do is start at 35 years and proceed backwards and I covered that in a prior post. The pregnant woman was sent away in disgrace. The child she bore was put up for adoption.

Talking about adoption......(Excerpt) It's midmorning on a Saturday, and even though the Red Sox aren't in town, Boston's ballpark has a line stretching around the block. Hundreds of kids swarm through the stands, stopping to get a balloon hat, trade cards, or play with the monkey one man is carrying.

The event is an unusually large example of an "adoption party" - one of many methods agencies use to recruit families for older, abused, disabled, or otherwise hard-to-place kids. Agencies have thrown such parties for decades, but with a growing number of children up for adoption, both their number and the controversy surrounding them are increasing. Critics charge that such events, no matter how well-meaning, are little more than meat markets that lead to the merchandising of already vulnerable children. (End)

There have been programs interviewing adults who underwent that type of "party". The preparation, the hope someone would choose them and they would have a family to call their own and the inevitable feelings of rejection/worthlessness that resulted.

Stop shooting off your mouth in ignorance and read the article. That is one of the scenarios that happens to unwanted children and anyone who claims that forcing a woman to bear a child she does not want is doing it out of interest for the child is naive, at best, and a disgusting, perverted, sadistic SOB, at worst. Where do you fit in?
Where do you fit in?

I fit in as the guy who actually knows something about adoption......are there unadopted kids in this country?.......yes......why?......not because anyone makes a woman bear an unwanted child but because no one makes a woman give up an unwanted child........these kids have been in abusive homes or foster care because the woman won't release them for adoption or the state won't terminate parental rights until the kid is eight, ten, twelve years old....

from your article....
581,000 children in the US were in foster care, 127,000 of whom were adoptable

who are the other 454,000?.....kids waiting in line to be "older, abused, disabled, or otherwise hard-to-place kids" like the ones at the adoption party you described.....

so back to the question of 'what majority'?.....the majority of the 47 million dead unborn children......the ones you want to kill because a tiny percentage might be born deformed, a tiny percentage are the result of rape, a tiny percentage won't be as happy as you pretend you know they could be......all those kids dead because of your irrelevant arguments...
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