Where America's jobs went

Nations’ trade deficits are detrimental to their gross domestic products, (GDPs).


In a globalized economy, American corporations are rapidly shifting their workforces abroad


An employee in Ford's mexico-based
factory works on a car; The U.S.
automaker's international expansion has
caused a 16 percent drop in it's
American-employed workforce.


Nations’ trade deficits are detrimental to their gross domestic products, (GDPs).
Rather than simply rehashing the problem, I’m a proponent of a significant remedy to alleviate our losses of U.S. industries and jobs.
I just posted to the topic “Reduce the trade deficit; increase GDP & median wage”.

Respectfully, Supposn
Nations’ trade deficits are detrimental to their gross domestic products, (GDPs).


In a globalized economy, American corporations are rapidly shifting their workforces abroad


An employee in Ford's mexico-based
factory works on a car; The U.S.
automaker's international expansion has
caused a 16 percent drop in it's
American-employed workforce.


Nations’ trade deficits are detrimental to their gross domestic products, (GDPs).
Rather than simply rehashing the problem, I’m a proponent of a significant remedy to alleviate our losses of U.S. industries and jobs.
I just posted to the topic “Reduce the trade deficit; increase GDP & median wage”.

Respectfully, Supposn
Open up drilling and the trade deficit goes almost entirely away, hundreds of thousands of jobs mostly over $100,000 per year.
oil, the most important commodity.
not that a GED like you could comprehend.

WHERE? Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? At peak production in 2026, oil from the Arctic Refuge would only still account for just 8/10 of one percent of world production per year, and only 3 percent of U.S. oil consumption.


Do you know John McCain who was going to solve our economic woes by eliminating 'earmarks'? And THAT is about one half of one percent (1/2) of (one percent) = 0.59

HERE is what one half of one percent (1/2) of (one percent) = 0.59 looks like...

We are talking (8/10) of (one percent) = 0.008

Republicans WORSHIP deregulation, so figure it out.

I don't want anyone regulating every detail of my life. WHY do you always resort to a polarized argument? It is so ignorant and right wing moronic.

BTW, what group of poor people did liberals keep on the gov't payroll...the elderly, children, the disabled?

So you are opposed to Carter's deregulation efforts?

Or should we just go right to the BIGGEST deregulation effort.... you know.... the one that directly led to the financial markets imploding... the one signed by CLINTON
BFGED boy you sure have a lot of dem talking point charts ready to burn yourself with.
Only a GED talks about 3% of US production as small. retard
BFGED boy you sure have a lot of dem talking point charts ready to burn yourself with.
Only a GED talks about 3% of US production as small. retard

It's HUGE, especially when you consider that the Department of Energy estimates that 3.56 million gallons of gas are wasted each day because of incorrectly inflated tires and advises motorists that they can improve gas mileage by approximately 3.3% by keeping tires inflated to the proper pressure.
I won't bore you with the trillions of barrells dems have made off limits.
I know you have a 3 yr old chart telling what we wouldn't find.

The mind is a terrible thing to waiste, look at bfged. Had he gone to college, at least he'd use a current chart.
I won't bore you with the trillions of barrells dems have made off limits.
I know you have a 3 yr old chart telling what we wouldn't find.

The mind is a terrible thing to waiste, look at bfged. Had he gone to college, at least he'd use a current chart.

While you are looking for enough oil to offset people keeping their tire properly inflated, China has declared war, but pea brains like you don't even know it. I guess they only taught parsimony at TURD U.

A recent report by the Pew Charitable Trusts shows that China was the world’s number one investor in green energy in 2010.

With a total investment of $54.4 billion, China was well ahead of second-ranked Germany ($41.2 billion) and the US in third place with $34 billion invested, not to mention Australia with $3.3 billion and ranked 12th.

In terms of installed capacity, China’s wind power sector alone doubled every year between 2005 and 2009. According to the latest statistics from the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), China added 18.9 GW of new wind power capacity in 2010, thus overtaking the US with the most installed wind power capacity in the world.

China’s parliament, the National People’s Congress (NPC), recently considered a 'New Energy Industry Development Strategy’ which is to be adopted as a major policy document by the State Council (some changes are expected due to the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster).

According to this proposed development strategy, during 2011-2020, China will invest about $800 billion in seven green energy areas, namely, wind, solar, nuclear, bio-energy, hydro, coal cleaning and smart power grid.


And the TURD U. 'grad' aspires to THIS:


Was the fight song at TURD U. 'drill baby drill'...LOL
It's a good GED strategy to change the topic when you are getting owned.
yes fill your tires, fuck drilling we can all just fill our tires.
It's a good GED strategy to change the topic when you are getting owned.
yes fill your tires, fuck drilling we can all just fill our tires.

You act like such a child. Grow the fuck up. You just got schooled pea brain. You have the entrepreneurial instincts of a gnat.

Read up on the space program and how government investing worked out there. China gets it, liberals get it, and pea brains like you are dumbfounded...
You act like such a child. Grow the fuck up. You just got schooled pea brain. You have the entrepreneurial instincts of a gnat.

Read up on the space program and how government investing worked out there. China gets it, liberals get it, and pea brains like you are dumbfounded...

You dropped out
I got an extra degree and it led to a million investing ten years faster than the average millionaire.
Tell your kids not to drop out loser.

Open up drilling and the trade deficit goes almost entirely away, hundreds of thousands of jobs mostly over $100,000 per year.

Dude, Trade deficits detriment to USA’s GDP is accounted for in dollars but its major harm is due to lost industries and jobs; it’s not a cash flow problem. The trade proposal I advocate excludes the values of listed scarce or precious minerals integral to goods being assessed. The assessments are adjusted to exclude the value of product’s crude oil manufacturing ingredients.

USA’s energy policy is a separate issue. Including the values of scarce and precious minerals within this proposal would provide little economic benefits but would be of net political and economic detriment to our nation.
After excluding those minerals our remaining trade deficit of goods is approximately a half trillion dollars annually.

Refer to the topics of “Reduce the trade deficit; increase GDP & median wage” and “Trade deficits are always detrimental to a nation’s GDP”,
or Google wikipedia: Import Cerficates, trade deficit.

Respectfully, Supposn

it's a cash flow problem for sure, cash is flowing to the middle east instead of US citizens.

Dude, USA’s annual global trade deficits are expressed in U.S. dollars but their primary economic harm is not cash-flow. Trade deficits cause the losses of domestic industries and wages.

The Import Certificate proposal adjusts goods assessments to exclude scarce or precious minerals. To do otherwise would be contra-productive to the trade proposal’s purpose. The trade proposal offers no remedies for our energy issues.

You correctly state that raw crude oil and petroleum within products account for almost half of our trade deficit of goods. This trade proposal is a solution for dealing with the remaining half. The other half, (i.e. the issues of carbon fuels) require their own separate remedies.

Refer to the topics of “Reduce the trade deficit; increase GDP & median wage
or Google wikipedia: Import Certificates, trade deficit.

Respectfully, Supposn
Tell you what, since I am well past my half century mark, how about you spare me the "wet behind the ears" bullshit, m'kay?

You want higher wages for employees. But how many of those employees have actual skills? How many know any trade at all?

Also, you are ranting against what the people want. You give them a choice between good quality, locally owned businesses and Walmart, and what do you think they will do?

And very much like absentee landlords or present landlords, renters have far less stake in their neighborhoods and they are almost never as well kept as homeowner dominant neighborhoods.

The labor market has been perverted by allowing slave labor into the international market. Dont' ridicule employees, ridicule the fascist nazis who think its fine to use politically hostage wage slaves to cut their labor costs.