Which religion is more poisonous?

He's using the human definition of universe, not astrophysics one.....so you're wrong....again, dear.

Hitler was a failed artist too, but look how he turned lemons into lemonade. Have heart BP. Success could still come your way! :thup:

It's not everyday you run across someone who believes property rights laws, divorce laws, and capital punishment are a complete and satisfactory framework of ethical behavior.
I don't think you've read Aristotle, Confucious, the NT, or Kant if f you think civil and criminal laws codes like property rights, divorce law, bankruptcy law , and capital punishment come anywhere remotely close to being a complete and satisfactory framework of ethics.

sounds like the noahide laws.

ethics are not for animals to ponder. just don't steal their stuff.
Im not sure how that's anti-semitism.
Your other posts help explain it, Freda:

It's not even close to a zero sum game. The truth is jews hate white christians, and they simultaneously convince us to destroy our own nations, while dying to institute their Jewish Supremacist homeland. They're laughing they're asses off.
I wouldn't be so anti the order if it's goals weren't so diabolical. They are pro genocide and pointedly anti-white. Promising to destroy white solidarity and ascendancy is the way they got all the other races to sign onto their plan.

It's not really a secret that Iran wants to destroy israel. This is not news. The point is: Nobody cares. Most people are tired of jew bullshit.

Oh yeah, they're a bunch of jew lawyers who go around intimidating and threatening white people. It's pretty ironic considering their "chosen people of god" attitude regarding themselves. Knowledge is power.

How about the propaganda funded by the Jewish Banker Dollars, all the shit you believe, I mean.

The Jewish Religion Does believe jews should run the world on behalf of god. They believe in a time called Olam Ha Ba when the world will be controlled under a jew led global theocracy.

More like they want to subjugate America to the will of ALLAH in a new world CALIPHATE. You jews like theocracy too though, don't you? Come now. You're in it together to enslave the stupid wasps aren't you?

RAHOWA! Bring it on, semitic people of theocratic hellhole origin!

Actually, the jewish version of theocracy is called The Noahide Laws,

the racial holy war is jews trying to murder white people by weaponizing minorities against them.

I believe they will stop their insane plan on their own.
If lil' ol' me can find these posts, what do you think the FBI can find both on JPP and on your other forums, social media and email, Freda?
It's not everyday you run across someone who believes property rights laws, divorce laws, and capital punishment are a complete and satisfactory framework of ethical behavior.

She's all over the map on issues. I think she simply likes to throw shit to see what sticks before she posts her usual "X = Stalker" or some other pablum as she runs away.

IMO, she's highly stressed, thinks she's a failure and, like the MAGAts, seeks to spread that pain to others rather than fix herself and/or seek help.
Your other posts help explain it, Freda:

If lil' ol' me can find these posts, what do you think the FBI can find both on JPP and on your other forums, social media and email, Freda?

nothing wrong in any of that.

jews do have a problem with hating on white people.

it's out of fear and trauma.

i forgive them.
She's all over the map on issues. I think she simply likes to throw shit to see what sticks before she posts her usual "X = Stalker" or some other pablum as she runs away.

IMO, she's highly stressed, thinks she's a failure and, like the MAGAts, seeks to spread that pain to others rather than fix herself and/or seek help.

I don't think it should be too terribly painful to admit a lot of our ethical knowledge come from extant world religious traditions, while most of our knowledge of nature comes from the scientific method.
We will move away from religion eventually, and civilization will be better for it.

One of those things where you have to ask, why can't we just ditch religion now? But it's so ingrained still. It will take time.

The volcano God is angry. We have not been faithful to our religion. Time to sacrifice another virgin.

Humans do not like uncertainty and when the masses are scared and feel like society has no control (next volcano eruption) they look to leaders to comfort them by giving them 'explanations' that make them feel safer.

That is where Religious leaders in the community can exploit and just make shit up, to fill that gap, while also accruing more power as 'THEY ALONE CAN FIX IT!'

So society is told 'as long as you follow our religion and teaching, all will be well'. And when another eruption happens they are told 'you were bad. You need to devote yourself more to our religion and now we must all join in, in sacrficing a virgin'.

It is all meaningless crap and actually causes harm, but it makes people feel better between eruptions and like they have a way to control the eruptions.

Such is humanity and YES growing out of such childlike need and leaving organized religion in the dust bin of history, will greatly benefit mankind in the future.

The volcano God is angry. We have not been faithful to our religion. Time to sacrifice another virgin.

Humans do not like uncertainty and when the masses are scared and feel like society has no control (next volcano eruption) they look to leaders to comfort them by giving them 'explanations' that make them feel safer.

That is where Religious leaders in the community can exploit and just make shit up, to fill that gap, while also accruing more power as 'THEY ALONE CAN FIX IT!'

So society is told 'as long as you follow our religion and teaching, all will be well'. And when another eruption happens they are told 'you were bad. You need to devote yourself more to our religion and now we must all join in, in sacrficing a virgin'.

It is all meaningless crap and actually causes harm, but it makes people feel better between eruptions and like they have a way to control the eruptions.

Such is humanity and YES growing out of such childlike need and leaving organized religion in the dust bin of history, will greatly benefit mankind in the future.

religion will remain until the human overlords learn they must respect the laws of morality.

but truth be told, if they can't be immoral, they don't want the power.
I don't think it should be too terribly painful to admit a lot of our ethical knowledge come from extant world religious traditions, while most of our knowledge of nature comes from the scientific method.

Agreed with a caveat: Our religious traditions come from a human spiritual need or component. Religion springs from the spiritual side of human beings just as tools come from the physical side and philosophy from the mental side. Mind, Body, Spirit.

The Importance of the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection During Times of Stress and Anxiety
Mind-body-spirit means that our wellness comes not just from physical health, but from mental health and spiritual health as well. To be “healthy,” we must pay attention to all three aspects of our nature.

Here are some examples of the mind-body-spirit connection:

  • Many of us will get a headache when we are stressed – that is a perfect example of how your mind is affecting your body.
  • People who exercise regularly – whether it’s a daily walk, a long run, an hour of yoga, or time in the gym strength training – will often experience depression if their exercise routine is interrupted by injury, travel, or anything that prohibits them from getting the activity their body has come to expect and rely on for stress relief.
  • Are you a “stress eater?” I am sure many people who working from home or who have had their normal routines disrupted during this time are facing that challenge today.
  • Remember that amazing feeling you had last time you pampered yourself by having a massage, getting your nails done, or having you hair cut, colored, and styled? That’s your mind and your body and possibly even your spirit all working together to make you feel great.
  • People with a strong faith who practice their faith feel good after they attend services or perform their regular devotions. They feel “whole,” happy, and focused.
  • The main concept behind the mind-body-spirit connection is that we are all more than just our thoughts. We are also our bodies, our emotions, and our spirituality … all these things combine to give us identity, determine our health, and make us who we are.

Chances are, if you look at your own belief system, you’ll find bits and pieces of the mind-body-spirit connection already in place. Today a mix and match approach works for many people – combining traditional medicine with complementary medicine therapies, adding in exercise and meditation along with religious practice. It’s not required that you go “all in” with one or another. A day of yoga complements your sessions with a therapist, as does your morning run, your healthy diet, or even your regular visits to the nail salon.

Here are a few things that you may not have tried that might be helpful in adding to your mix and a few links to resources if you’d like to learn more:...


The truth is, spiritual health is inextricably connected to mental, emotional, social, and even physical health. When our spirit is healthy, our body is healthier, our brain is healthier, our relationships are healthier. Our entire soul is healthier.

Spiritual health may mean something different to each of us. To me, spiritual health means connecting with God (The Universe, The Divine), on a daily basis through slowing down, tuning in, listening, and obeying the whispers. Spiritual health involves stepping out of our mind and body, getting in touch with what really matters, and living in line with our truest self.

In order to improve our spiritual health, we, first, need a desire to grow, spiritually. Once we have that desire, it’s important to begin some form of daily spiritual practice. After all, it’s only through practice that we see self-improvement and growth.

The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: 6 Benefits of Daily Spiritual Practice; www.DrChristinaHibbert.com
There are plenty of reasons to start a daily spiritual practice. Here are six I’ve discovered over the years. I hope they inspire you to make your spiritual growth a priority, and start “practicing” today!....

Agreed with a caveat: Our religious traditions come from a human spiritual need or component. Religion springs from the spiritual side of human beings just as tools come from the physical side and philosophy from the mental side. Mind, Body, Spirit.

The Importance of the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection During Times of Stress and Anxiety


Interesting. There is that long standing practice of splitting human psychology into three parts. Plato, Marx, Freud saw it that way, though in different degrees.

The thing about our ethical knowledge is that it gets passed along through literature, poetry, myth. A satisfactory knowledge of the framework of ethics doesn't pop into our minds randomly out of the blue, and very few people are actually reading German university professors and English philosophers. You could stop a random person on the street, and the odds are close to 100 percent they haven't read Kant, Aristotle, Locke, or Nietzsche.

That's what makes religious literature, myth, and stories so powerful. They are memorable and most people culturally assimilate the ethical knowledge contained in them, even if only by osmosis.
Interesting. There is that long standing practice of splitting human psychology into three parts. Plato, Marx, Freud saw it that way, though in different degrees.

The thing about our ethical knowledge is that it gets passed along through literature, poetry, myth. A satisfactory knowledge of the framework of ethics doesn't pop into our minds randomly out of the blue, and very few people are actually reading German university professors and English philosophers. You could stop a random person on the street, and the odds are close to 100 percent they haven't read Kant, Aristotle, Locke, or Nietzsche.

That's what makes religious literature, myth, and stories so powerful. They are memorable and most people culturally assimilate the ethical knowledge contained in them, even if only by osmosis.
I'm familiar with Id, Ego, Super Ego but not that Marx or Plato had a similar trisection. Which model interests you most and why?
I'm familiar with Id, Ego, Super Ego but not that Marx or Plato had a similar trisection. Which model interests you most and why?

Plato split the tripartite self into reason, spirit, passion. Marx had the tripartite natural self, alienated self, emancipated self.

But Freud is the most interesting by far because of his landmark insights about the subconscious self.

Freud is profoundly pessimistic about human psychology. He would not have been surprised by the Holocaust. But after being on message boards for 20 years, I can see how the amoral Id is really the most powerful motivating aspect of MAGA psychology.
Plato split the tripartite self into reason, spirit, passion. Marx had the tripartite natural self, alienated self, emancipated self.

But Freud is the most interesting by far because of his landmark insights about the subconscious self.

Freud is profoundly pessimistic about human psychology. He would not have been surprised by the Holocaust. But after being on message boards for 20 years, I can see how the amoral Id is really the most powerful motivating aspect of MAGA psychology.

Plato and Freud are very similar, Marx is, literally, out of Left Field. The entire idea of alienation, such as one's property (yes, I had to look it up) is fucked up. Whether a person is making and selling widgets from their house or doing it in a factory, the results remain the same; a person works to obtain food, safe residence and comforts for their family. Marx expects everyone to bust their asses for the same reward regardless of their work or results.

This might work on a village or tribal level, but it clearly doesn't work in an industrial society, which is exactly what he was trying to do.