White lives matter

Another circle jerk thread between Legion and his sock Leo.

You just proved the idiocy of many on the far left who think it is racist if it is white. You're double standards are not honest. Black lives matter is not racist, but if someone says white lives matter, they must be racist. Such a clearly inconsistent position is a sign of great stupidity.

It is mainly because whites are NOT getting their asses shot off by the cops. Blacks are and that is what it is all about. Too complex for you? Nah! YOu know. Just to bigoted to admit it.
Who's Bobo?:dunno: I'll understand if you can't identify him.:cof1:

Where's the "TOO" on the Black Lives Matter slogan? When did you ever use the "TOO"?

Who's Bobo?:dunno: I understand that you can't identify him.:rofl2:

For your "education" moron, the slogan simply guarantees a resurgence in the KKK. Your Black Lives Matter thugs are the racist just like the KKK and you're too fucking stupid to understand that.:cof1:

Buy a mirror. Look into it. Bobo will miraculously appear.
It is mainly because whites are NOT getting their asses shot off by the cops. Blacks are and that is what it is all about. Too complex for you? Nah! YOu know. Just to bigoted to admit it.

It's mainly because black and white cops are getting shot by black gang-bangers and street thugs, imbecile! Why don't you pin a badge on and police the inner city ghettos, hero?
All this rage from racists who high-five each other when black people shoot each other, pretending “All Lives Matter” in response to Black Lives Matter, all this rage from fundamentalist homophobes screaming that "religious freedom is being destroyed" because a gay couple wants to get married, all these xenophobes and bigots angry about immigrants, angry about Muslims, just basically angry about not being able to say bigoted things without being called a bigot... :rofl2:
All this rage from racists who high-five each other when black people shoot each other, pretending “All Lives Matter” in response to Black Lives Matter, all this rage from fundamentalist homophobes screaming that "religious freedom is being destroyed" because a gay couple wants to get married, all these xenophobes and bigots angry about immigrants, angry about Muslims, just basically angry about not being able to say bigoted things without being called a bigot... :rofl2:

Poor Bobo.
It is mainly because whites are NOT getting their asses shot off by the cops. Blacks are and that is what it is all about. Too complex for you? Nah! YOu know. Just to bigoted to admit it.

Not surprisingly you are incorrect. More whites are killed by cops than blacks. Now on a percentage basis blacks are killed more than whites by cops but by straight numbers whites are.

Too complex for you?
In a year-long study, The Washington Post found that the kind of incidents that have ignited protests in many U.S. communities — most often, white police officers killing unarmed black men — represent less than 4 percent of fatal police shootings.

The Post found that the great majority of people who died at the hands of the police fit at least one of three categories: they were wielding weapons, they were suicidal or mentally troubled, or they ran when officers told them to halt.

The Post sought to compile a record of every fatal police shooting in the nation in 2015, something no government agency had done.

Although black men make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 40 percent of the unarmed men shot to death by police in 2015, The Post’s database shows.

In the majority of cases in which police shot and killed a person who had attacked someone with a weapon or brandished a gun, the person who was shot was white.

A hugely disproportionate number — 3 in 5 — of those killed after exhibiting less threatening behavior were black or Hispanic.

All this rage from racists who high-five each other when black people shoot each other, pretending “All Lives Matter” in response to Black Lives Matter, all this rage from fundamentalist homophobes screaming that "religious freedom is being destroyed" because a gay couple wants to get married, all these xenophobes and bigots angry about immigrants, angry about Muslims, just basically angry about not being able to say bigoted things without being called a bigot... :rofl2:

Gay blacks like you should not throw stones in their glass houses where their bigotry can be plainly seen.
Yes indeed. Whites provide the engineers and businessmen and scientists that create wealth. They provide the farmers that feed us and the plumbers and auto repairmen and electricians that keep things working. White lives matter a lot.

Blacks go into crime and welfare and a few play pro sports and some get useless social work jobs thru affirmative action. Black lives do NOT matter.
Yes indeed. Whites provide the engineers and businessmen and scientists that create wealth. They provide the farmers that feed us and the plumbers and auto repairmen and electricians that keep things working. White lives matter a lot. Blacks go into crime and welfare and a few play pro sports and some get useless social work jobs thru affirmative action. Black lives do NOT matter.

Is your white pride tattoo on your left or right arm? :dunno:
Here’s what the dictionary says a racist is,

Spell Syllables
Word Origin
See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.”
Dictionary dot com.

The very simple fact that the title ”Black Lives Matter” excludes all people not black of lives that matter is a blatantly RACIST slogan constructed by blatantly racist people.

You know it as well as I do, or you’re either a fucking liar or a moron or both.

Are you just stupid or are you practicing at it? If I say "My Life Matters", does that mean I'm saying your's doesn't? Or are you just uncomfortable with the thought that Black people are speaking up for themselves and saying that they matter? Black Lives Matter does not exclude anyone, it's just letting you know that that statement is something not everyone believes.
Where's the "TOO" on the Black Lives Matter slogan? When did you ever use the "TOO"?

For your "education" moron, the slogan simply guarantees a resurgence in the KKK. Your Black Lives Matter thugs are the racist just like the KKK and you're too fucking stupid to understand that.:cof1:

Why does it have to say "TOO" at all? Is it because you want to inject the word "ONLY" in there to make it seem racist? Seriously? Black Lives Matter is a true statement, and unless you assume it to mean something more or less, then it needs no other words to be true.
Are you just stupid or are you practicing at it? If I say "My Life Matters", does that mean I'm saying your's doesn't?

If you don’t say “TOO,” who’s life aside from your own are you claiming matters? Moron!:dunno:

Or are you just uncomfortable with the thought that Black people are speaking up for themselves and saying that they matter?

I’m saying that the majority of Black Lives Matter are a gang of racist thugs! The minority of Black Lives Matter are pawns and follow alongs. Most have the IQ of tree bark.:cof1:

Black Lives Matter does not exclude anyone, it's just letting you know that that statement is something not everyone believes.

Show the class the part of their rhetoric and actions that proves they give a flying fuck about anybody’s lives that isn’t black. I’ll understand if you can’t.:rofl2::cof1:
Why does it have to say "TOO" at all? Is it because you want to inject the word "ONLY" in there to make it seem racist? Seriously? Black Lives Matter is a true statement, and unless you assume it to mean something more or less, then it needs no other words to be true.

Tell that to the judge! Then show the class where the Black Lives Matter actions or rhetoric even indicates that any lives matter that aren't black.

The statement title alone is just more blatant black racism!
Is your white pride tattoo on your left or right arm? :dunno:

The board notes you evaded the point i raised and instead stooped to namecalling. I'll make the point again. Black lives will never matter as long as half of them are on welfare and the ones employed are doing useless social work jobs they got thru affirmative action.