White lives matter

I see you still can't just give a basic yes or no to a very basic question.

I gave you a specific answer to your specific question. If you can't handle specific truth, it only proves you're either brain-dead or a partisan leftist pimp.
I gave you a specific answer to your specific question. If you can't handle specific truth, it only proves you're either brain-dead or a partisan leftist pimp.

No, no you didn't give me a specific answer. Yes or No would have been specific, but instead, just like with everything else, you have to draw it out and add your own interpretation to it so you can feel better about not being direct and honest. You actually made your answer less specific by not indicating who the 'too' refers to. This only indicates that you are unwilling to admit that Black Lives Matter. Giving a simple answer, such as 'Yes' to that question, makes you feel all squeamish and uncomfortable. It isn't hard for me, watch this.

Do Black lives matter?
Me: Yes

Do White lives matter?
Me: Yes

Wait, what just happened there? Did I just use a racist statement by saying white lives matter? No, not at all. It's a simple question with a simple answer. It was very easy for me to answer both honestly and openly without fear of being called a racist, because frankly, it shouldn't be hard to answer. That weird feeling you get inside that makes it hard to answer.. yeah, that's called racism.