Who are you leaning towards in 2008?

Ya, I seen a news program the other day where people, well one lady, was actually complaining that McDonald's was 'advertising' or giving out free happy meals to students who got good grades. It lowed property taxes in the region harmlessly. Corporations can be put to good use, raising alternative revenues lowering your taxes.
McDonald's is clearly working towards product loyalty.

Food is a horrible way to reward good behavior. We are already the fattest group of nutjobs alive, why make it so that you figure you must reward with more food?

Reward with trips to other places, not food.
As we're getting less than a month from the actual beginning of the Presidential race, the Iowa caucasus, and even if you don't live in Iowa your Presidential primary should be right around the corner. So, close enough to actually start making up your mind. So after much soul seeking, confusion, distorted records, more confusion, and general nausea I think I've decided who I'm going to support in the primaries.


John McCain

That's right I think I'll be supporting McCain, I've followed all the candidates very closely, and one thing that strikes me as amazing is the Republican front runners all appear to be big fakes..

Here's Rudy supporting partial birth abortions. I personally am appalled by this practice, even if abortion isn't that high on my Presidential priority list, but this practice is barbaric and inhumane, and if you can't recognize that... http://youtube.com/watch?v=giZx5i3Ntv0

Mit Romey, as much as I want to support him, here is a video of him trying to run left of Ted Kennedy with the same conviction he now runs as the Conservative today.

Huckabee, from Arkansas, a Baptist minister, is he really in the front? I'm not going to even bother with his support of tax hikes and benefits for illegal immigrants Americans won't even enjoy. Or the separation of Church and State etc. etc. I personally feel he is the weakest link.

I don't agree with John McCain on everything, but what I think I know, is that he is principled. None of the other candidates, seem to strike me as authentic, and McCain does. I know he will fight the good fight, he'll fight to reduce pork barrel spending, he will fight the terrorists with the same ferocity and honor that made him refuse to be released from a Vietcong POW camp because their were other soldiers that had been their longer. The man is strong, principled, and fiscally responsible. All the very characteristics our next President needs to possess. We need a leader who won't cow to the terrorists, one that will fight the dims huge spending promises, least our 9 trillion dollar debt be dragging the dollar down even further, a President with a sense of honor, duty, and integrity

McCain is one of my favorate of the Republicans, mostly beacuase he called the Administration to task on the tourture.
I am supporting John Edwards for now. I could be pulled into the Obama camp.

I live in Texas, and while generally he fits our principles, his position on certain issues will certainly seal his fate quickly, I doubt he'd make it out the primary...

Well I agree...I am not worried because I live in Nevada...if we could only rid ourselves of Harry...all would be good! I only made this suggestion to see what the Libertarians had to say...was silently laughing considering that Huckabee did much better in Texas Polls than RP!:)
Speak for yourself..............

McDonald's is clearly working towards product loyalty.

Food is a horrible way to reward good behavior. We are already the fattest group of nutjobs alive, why make it so that you figure you must reward with more food?

Reward with trips to other places, not food.

I always reward myself with food...and I have a fast metabolism as do all my kids...food is good...beats drugs anyday!;)
Ok I'm not going to take the hour I just spent typing a post, researching numbers, analyzing the strategies, so I'll sum it up. McCain's numbers place him in third, to Rudy and Huckabee, but the way this may play out, could give John McCain the upper hand.

Mitt Romney


He says all the right things, and he says them well. Problem is, so did he here running to the left of Ted Kennedy. And I quote

"I'm not trying to return to the years of Reagan/Bush"


doing well in Iowa, do to one reason, it just happens to be more popular than Tancredo's tunnel vision campaign, even with a win the fact remains, he lacks the national ground game, the funds, and not too much I think can come from this. Also it's one thing to have faith, another to be an ordained minister. That turns even me off, and he'll be shredded my the mainstream media.

Rudy Giuliani


Rudy's numbers have been on a steady decline, and his beating on a late state strategy, if memory serves me correct, this has never worked. I supported Rudy for a long time, but I've seen video lately of him on the wrong sides of issues time and again. I can't shake the fear that he'll nominate a liberal leaning justice, enhance illegal gun control laws, or legalize partial birth abortions.

If Huckabee wins in Iowa, it really hurts Romney's position, who's polling behind McCain nationally anyway,


and with Huckabee's apparent lack of ability to capitalize, I can foresee a McCain vs Rudy match up. Honor Courage Integrity or Leadership, and a shaky record to stand on, Conservatively speaking I can see this win too.

Which brings us to a a big motivator to get Republicans to the polls.

Is this all for naught...

McCain Leads Clinton
Fair enough...........

Ok I'm not going to take the hour I just spent typing a post, researching numbers, analyzing the strategies, so I'll sum it up. McCain's numbers place him in third, to Rudy and Huckabee, but the way this may play out, could give John McCain the upper hand.

Mitt Romney


He says all the right things, and he says them well. Problem is, so did he here running to the left of Ted Kennedy. And I quote

"I'm not trying to return to the years of Reagan/Bush"


doing well in Iowa, do to one reason, it just happens to be more popular than Tancredo's tunnel vision campaign, even with a win the fact remains, he lacks the national ground game, the funds, and not too much I think can come from this. Also it's one thing to have faith, another to be an ordained minister. That turns even me off, and he'll be shredded my the mainstream media.

Rudy Giuliani


Rudy's numbers have been on a steady decline, and his beating on a late state strategy, if memory serves me correct, this has never worked. I supported Rudy for a long time, but I've seen video lately of him on the wrong sides of issues time and again. I can't shake the fear that he'll nominate a liberal leaning justice, enhance illegal gun control laws, or legalize partial birth abortions.

If Huckabee wins in Iowa, it really hurts Romney's position, who's polling behind McCain nationally anyway,


and with Huckabee's apparent lack of ability to capitalize, I can foresee a McCain vs Rudy match up. Honor Courage Integrity or Leadership, and a shaky record to stand on, Conservatively speaking I can see this win too.

Which brings us to a a big motivator to get Republicans to the polls.

Is this all for naught...

McCain Leads Clinton

I don't agree with everything John puts out..albeit this also applies to every other candidate...so if John moves ahead and is seriously a contender...then who do you think his running mate should be?...Me I would consider John if Hunter or Huckabee was his mate...this would balance the Middle ground...imho:)
I don't agree with everything John puts out..albeit this also applies to every other candidate...so if John moves ahead and is seriously a contender...then who do you think his running mate should be?...Me I would consider John if Hunter or Huckabee was his mate...this would balance the Middle ground...imho:)

He might pick Joe Lieberman, McCain's probably the only candidate that can damper this hyper-partisan atmosphere we face today, and a VP pick like that would go along way.

He might pick Joe Lieberman, McCain's probably the only candidate that can damper this hyper-partisan atmosphere we face today, and a VP pick like that would go along way.

I like Joe on security issues..and he is probably the only real democrat of old left...however Joe has way too much baggage from his run as Al's running mate...so I would suggest Hunter,Tancredo or Huckabee...just my take mind ya!;)
Hunter, would balance out the ticket well, and fulfill the VP role perfect, problem is he gets no press.
Thats true..........

Hunter, would balance out the ticket well, and fulfill the VP role perfect, problem is he gets no press.

so how do you think this problem could be corrected...maybe John should take the lead on this...no?