Who are you leaning towards in 2008?

Then he should run as a Libertarian...ain't gonna happen damo...keep pushing RP though...this is your area of expertise...:tongout:
Please, he is the front runner nationally. It is preposterous to suggest that he should run as a libertarian. What are you babbling about?
Please, he is the front runner nationally. It is preposterous to suggest that he should run as a libertarian. What are you babbling about?

Love your liberal 'babbling' comment..however in this instance it applies to you Mr...Vegetarian/Libertarian...Rudy does not fit in...no cross dressers allowed...well maybe in the Libertarian wannabee Republican circle...:D
Love your liberal 'babbling' comment..however in this instance it applies to you Mr...Vegetarian/Libertarian...Rudy does not fit in...no cross dressers allowed...well maybe in the Libertarian wannabee Republican circle...:D
Too bad for you that he is likely to win.
I could live with Rudy, and even vote for him, right now it's about primaries, and I'm voting my conscious, and with the only principled candidate I see is John McCain. He is the only Fiscal Conservative running with a shot. His base of support is the longest of any of the candidates, Conservatives, moderates, even some democrats. He's not a flip flopper, straight talk to Americans, tough talk to Bin Laden, An Honorable man in the White House.
I agree.............

I could live with Rudy, and even vote for him, right now it's about primaries, and I'm voting my conscious, and with the only principled candidate I see is John McCain. He is the only Fiscal Conservative running with a shot. His base of support is the longest of any of the candidates, Conservatives, moderates, even some democrats. He's not a flip flopper, straight talk to Americans, tough talk to Bin Laden, An Honorable man in the White House.

except for the Rudy comment..being a former Federal LE officer Rudy as a fed prosecutor left a little to be desired..he was competent and all...but turned his back on the system when he ran for Mayor and now the Presidential race...sorry I am like a Elephant...long memory and all!:)
Oh Rudy has skeletons, it's why I've shifted my support, if Hillery gets the nod, we don't need a candidate with the same number of faults...

It's another problem I have with Huckabee, he's been hauled in front of of the ethics committee what 10 times.

Oh Rudy has skeletons, it's why I've shifted my support, if Hillery gets the nod, we don't need a candidate with the same number of faults...

It's another problem I have with Huckabee, he's been hauled in front of of the ethics committee what 10 times.

You are not probably familiar with me on this board...I go back a ways...I am not a registered GOP...I am a registered conservative 'American Independent'

I have to have someone I can live with...if the GOP can't put up a candidate I can live with I will cast my vote for whoever my party comes up with...albeit they don't have a snowball in hells chance..but at least I will not have a guilty conscience voting for the lesser of two evils!
Oh Rudy has skeletons, it's why I've shifted my support, if Hillery gets the nod, we don't need a candidate with the same number of faults...

It's another problem I have with Huckabee, he's been hauled in front of of the ethics committee what 10 times.
I'm voting for Ron Paul in the primaries.
Ok, on what issues is Rudy better than McCain?

On terrorism. He's far tougher than McCain. McCain openly calls waterboarding torture and says that we can't do that, even if a terrorist knew where a nuclear bomb that was about to go off was. But Rudy would waterboard them, and he implies that he would do even worse.

That is why I am for Rudy. He is tough on terrorists.
On terrorism. He's far tougher than McCain. McCain openly calls waterboarding torture and says that we can't do that, even if a terrorist knew where a nuclear bomb that was about to go off was. But Rudy would waterboard them, and he implies that he would do even worse.

That is why I am for Rudy. He is tough on terrorists.

Well I absolutely think McCain will fight the terrorists as hard as Rudy, he may draw a firmer moral line in the sand, but I'll coincide on water boarding I don't agree with him either, however this is a mute point, I'm sure we don't use such a publicized tactic anymore during interrogations, anyway, and the fact were even having this discussion seriously undercuts our position in interrogations because what the outside hears is we play games in interrogations, and you won't really be hurt, you can hold firm.
I wish to end the grip of a minority of uber-religious on our party. In order to do that I would prefer Rudy over McCain.

Well I think that's a bit overblown, given how prone Rudy could be towards spending... Nothing is more important than stopping the decline of the dollar.
Well I absolutely think McCain will fight the terrorists as hard as Rudy, he may draw a firmer moral line in the sand, but I'll coincide on water boarding I don't agree with him either, however this is a mute point, I'm sure we don't use such a publicized tactic anymore during interrogations, anyway, and the fact were even having this discussion seriously undercuts our position in interrogations because what the outside hears is we play games in interrogations, and you won't really be hurt, you can hold firm.

I think we still use it, and if even if we don't, we must have replaced it with something. If McCain won't use water boarding then he won't use any kind of enhanced interrogation methods. In my book, that makes him soft on terrorists. He might as well as be a democrat. In fact he's worse than a dem. At least the dems only say they are against waterboarding...behind closed doors they sign off on it and ask if it's "tough enough".