Who Do You Dislike More? George W or Osama

Theocrat Soc ? what does that have to do with it? different areas differnet cultures, the different culture is always wrong ?
Just like we are to OBL ?
I came to this website because "Just Plain Politics" sounded like a place where Repubs, Dems, Independents and others could have real discussions about real issues. O.K. I've found about 10% of that. The other 90% seems to be "just plain nastyness". Does Barack really think there's just one America? I think I've seen several here and I don't think a man or woman breathing can bring them together. Anyone know a website where people really want to discuss issues?
I came to this website because "Just Plain Politics" sounded like a place where Repubs, Dems, Independents and others could have real discussions about real issues. O.K. I've found about 10% of that. The other 90% seems to be "just plain nastyness". Does Barack really think there's just one America? I think I've seen several here and I don't think a man or woman breathing can bring them together. Anyone know a website where people really want to discuss issues?

No clue but if you find one tell me.
I came to this website because "Just Plain Politics" sounded like a place where Repubs, Dems, Independents and others could have real discussions about real issues. O.K. I've found about 10% of that. The other 90% seems to be "just plain nastyness". Does Barack really think there's just one America? I think I've seen several here and I don't think a man or woman breathing can bring them together. Anyone know a website where people really want to discuss issues?

Joe, I would argue that no matter what board you go to the more people get to know each other on the site sometimes the nastier it gets. People tend to know each others positions and then start attacking each other personally.

I do think you can find some good discussion on here that aren't just left and right wing pissing matches. I also think you'll realize some posters add more to the discussion than others. I hope you stick around because you seem like a knowledgable and reasonable guy and we could always use more of that. Having recently served and having a son who may also brings a new perspective to this board.

I know of several other sites that probably offer more of what you are talking about but hang with this board a little longer. I think you will come to enjoy it.
In my life, I have prayed but one prayer: oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.

And God granted it.

You just have to think outside the box. You've been conditioned to view Osama as the root of all evil, but switch viewpoints for a moment and look at Mr. Bush from a Middle Easterner's perspective. Who's killed more and who's done so more calculatingly? And who continues to do so?
* I'm not saying I hate either more than the other. I'm saying it's a curious question and interesting to ponder. I'm leaning toward Osama.
This "blind patriotism" allegation is pure bullshit. Until WRL got here I don't think there was a single person on this thread that has a good thing to say about the Bush jr presidency. My ONLY objection to this thread was the partisan hackery that says that Bush is more evil or that you would hate Bush more than OBL. That does not make me a blind patriot. I find it repulsive that those on the right have gotten away with calling everyone who does not "support" Bush and the war in Iraq a traitor. That thinking that going into Iraq was a HUGE mistake and a distraction is tantamount to not supporting the troops is as intellectually dishonest as saying that Bush is worse than OBL. Even for all his theocratic leanings, Bush is no where near the theocrat that OBL is. I would love for Desh or Darla to live for 5 years under OBL's ideal world as a woman and then come back and say "Whew that was sure lots better than living under Bush for 8." I would love it only so long as I didn't have to live under it, because it would make the US today seem like a joyful vacation. Yes there are some questions about the elections, yes, Haliburtin has made a killing on this war, Yes to lots of the claims that you made about Bush, but the minute "Bush is worse that OBL" exits your mouth, no one cares anymore and no one will listen to you, except maybe AHZ who is a Blue Lodge Conspiracy theorist.

I never said he was worse. I said that to me, they are two sides of the same coin. Both have been resposible for the death of thousands. Though of course, bush has been the more effective killer.

And I've yet to see anyone explain to me how one is less monstrous than the other, not more monstrous, but less. That's all. It's really quite simple.
I believe it should be more important to my government, absolutely yes.

Do you disagree?

You would be willing to fight and kill to protect your child. Presumably you would even kill innocents in doing so, since you mentioned your willingness to kill me (and I don't currently plan to threaten your child).

What you don't see, for whatever reason, is that some people feel as strongly about their country and their countrymen as you do about your hypothetical child.

Our government is charged to protect the safety of its citizens, so in that regard I would agree

However, this is still irrelevant to our discussion.

Bush has ordered the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Bin Laden has ordered the deaths of thousands of Americans. Maybe you believe that one or both of them "thought they were protecting their country, but I don't believe either did.

Here is another fact for you. In 1999, W said he would take out Saddam. Saddam Hussein is dead. You know why? Cause the leader of the most powerful country in the world wanted him dead.

Osama Bin Laden lives.

My opinion? You have to be somewhat child-like in your naivette NOT to question that. I question it alright.
Epicurus is one of **** conservative trolls....He wont defend Bush using his regular name since that will make his "libertarian views" look like a total fraud....

So keep up the good work for all you Bush Apologists...Socrtease especially one of these so called "no fan of Bush" poster who cant seem to stand any criticism of Bush

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Keep posting personal information and see what happens faggot.

I haven't defended Bush. I've defended objectivity.
Epicurus is one of conservative trolls....He wont defend Bush using his regular name since that will make his "libertarian views" look like a total fraud....

So keep up the good work for all you Bush Apologists...Socrtease especially one of these so called "no fan of Bush" poster who cant seem to stand any criticism of Bush


No, both Soc and Epi often criticize Bush, Soc especially. This is just two different mind-sets here. They just really can't view an American president as having evil intent. And it's difficult for them to view a "foreigner" as grieving for their child in the same exact way an American mother would.
Don't trip off that troll epi. He doesn't give a sh*t about right or wrong he just wants to stir shit up.

He really does like to aggravate people. He calls me a "lieberman democrat' you know. Can you imagine?

But his question, from a non-American perspective, is legit you know. I'm sure you have heard about the many many International polls taken showing that far more people in this world consider Bush the bigger threat to International peace?
The reason I particularly hate him so much is related to some shit that happened on FP.com.

My best friend died in an accident, and I made the mistake of posting something describing what happened.

CK found the news article about her death, and proceeded to stalk me around the site posting it everywhere and talking about how she was a slut who deserved to die.

If that's not trolling I don't know what is.

I can normally tell when someone is just trying to get me riled, but with shit like that it doesn't even matter. You're pissed whether you realize what they're doing or not.

Oh yeah, sorry, he is a shit Epi.
He's U2Ud some members before and admitted he's just a troll trying to get people riled up, so I don't take him too seriously anymore.
Epicurus is just mad that I caught him in a big lie.... He told the board that his ex-girlfriend died in a car accident.... Than he changed his story that it was his friend's girlfriend who died from falling off a building....

Unbelievable...I called him out on it and ever since he has been whining.....Waaaaaaaaaa

I mean when you use fake death to get sympathy you are a sad motherfucker...
