Who will be Trump’s VP pick?

Carson is a great man, but brings nothing to the ticket. Republicans don't care about race, so his being black has no impact. He brings no voting bloc.

Cotton and Burgum bring the big money Old GOP. I personally don't care for either - but strategically they strengthen the ticket in the way Pence did. They create a bridge to the Bush era Republibcunts. Trump needs to be strategic.
I like the fact that Burgum is businessman and has had to make payroll and sign checks and he knows oil and gas.
Carson is a great man, but brings nothing to the ticket.
Nothing? Hmmmm... I'd say that he brings a calming, level-headed, and "Midwest kind" demeanor that would perfectly compliment Trump's more boisterous/"New Yorker" demeanor. Carson is an overcomer, a God-fearing man, an "outsider" (IOW, not a governor, senator, representative, etc), and he's proven to be loyal to Trump and the MAGA agenda (won't backstab him like Judas "Thirty" Pence did).

For those reasons alone, I'd say that Carson is the perfect man for the job.
Republicans don't care about race, so his being black has no impact.
Correct. That's why I didn't mention the fact that he is black. It doesn't matter to me. I also didn't mention anything about "bringing in the black vote" because Trump is doing that just fine all by himself.
He brings no voting bloc.
Even if true, so what? He doesn't have to "bring in" anything. Trump's already doing that. The VP just needs to be proven to be loyal to Trump and the MAGA agenda (IOW, not undermining it at every turn after becoming VP, and maybe even President if/when "they" 'off' Trump).
Cotton and Burgum bring the big money Old GOP.
Exactly. Hence why they are both a hard NO for me. I'm DONE with the "big money Old GOP".
I personally don't care for either -
but strategically they strengthen the ticket in the way Pence did.
I disagree, but even if so, all they'd do is backstab Trump at the "opportune moment" no different than Judas "Thirty" Pence did when he allowed the 'coup of 2020' to proceed unabated and then lied about not having any power to do anything about it. How would a backstabbing RINO "strengthen" the ticket (for the MAGA movement)? We already saw how it bent us over furniture at the end of Trump's term.
They create a bridge to the Bush era Republibcunts.
Why would you want to create a bridge to RINO backstabbers who will only continue to bend you over furniture and ream you up the rear mercilessly? I say BURN THAT FUCKER DOWN! No more Paul Ryan. No more Mitch McConnell. No more Mitt Romney. No more Lisa Murkowski. No more Kevin McCarthy. Etc Etc...
Trump needs to be strategic.
Trump needs to keep "The Snake" poem in the front of his mind. I suggest that you give it a read/listen and do the same.
His only issue as far as being VP is concerned is that he is naturally quietly spoken (a true Gentleman) and Americans expect their big politicians to feisty, loud, and lippy.
I think this is one thing that hurt Carson during his Presidential run in 2016, but I think that it could be an asset for the VP position, especially when his "gentlemen" persona would make for a perfect compliment to Trump's "feisty, loud, and lippy" persona.
Hahahahahaha you seriously believe the ol' "Party switcharoo" conspiracy theory??!! hahahahahaha

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Only a fucking moron like you supposes that the fact that American conservatives have gone from being almost 100% Democratic (especially in the southern states) to being almost 100% Republican...is a conspiracy theory.

You must be a kid.

I lived through the change over. IT HAPPENED.

The racists that were solidly Democrats at one time...are now Republicans.
Only a fucking moron like you supposes that the fact that American conservatives have gone from being almost 100% Democratic (especially in the southern states) to being almost 100% Republican...is a conspiracy theory.

You must be a kid.

I lived through the change over. IT HAPPENED.

The racists that were solidly Democrats at one time...are now Republicans.
They all know it. But the love to think it is still 1950. Or actually want it to be 1950. I guess they missed the fact that the dems elected a black man for Pres. and a black woman as VP. The racist party as they pretend. And black vote dem in a huge majority. But dems are racist. It is bizarre. But lying is now their MO after electing a president who lied multiple times each day.
They all know it. But the love to think it is still 1950. Or actually want it to be 1950. I guess they missed the fact that the dems elected a black man for Pres. and a black woman as VP. The racist party as they pretend. And black vote dem in a huge majority. But dems are racist. It is bizarre. But lying is now their MO after electing a president who lied multiple times each day.
Yes indeed. They are either lying...or nutty as a fruit cake.

Or both!
Oh, they don't actually believe it - but they'll spew it anyway.
All the while they ignore the first 100 years of their own Demonkkkrat Party's history "for some odd reason"...

Then for many decades after that, they just took credit for Republican Party accomplishments and were proud of their socialist programs that made people dependent upon government, usurping buttloads of power/control in the process, then they finally infiltrated the Republican Party to the point of making it a wholly owned subsidiary of the Demonkkkrat Party, which is where we're at today.

Source: https://democrats.org/who-we-are/our-history/
Only a fucking moron like you
Only a fucking moron like you thinks that hurling insults somehow transforms your wrong statement into a correct statement.
supposes that the fact that American conservatives have gone from being almost 100% Democratic (especially in the southern states) to being almost 100% Republican...is a conspiracy theory.
Conservatives were never Democrats. The Democrat Party never switched places with the Republican Party. The DP has always been the DP and the RP has always been the RP.
You must be a kid.
I lived through the change over. IT HAPPENED.
Your delusions about history aren't history.
The racists that were solidly Democrats at one time...are now Republicans.
:rofl2: You truly believe that Democrats who are now dead somehow still exist and are now Republicans :rofl2:

TOO FUNNY!!! :rofl2: :rofl2:
Only a fucking moron like you thinks that hurling insults somehow transforms your wrong statement into a correct statement.

Only a fucking moron thinks there was anything wrong or in error with my statement.

Not sure why you are doubling down on your ignorance, but have a ball.
Conservatives were never Democrats. The Democrat Party never switched places with the Republican Party. The DP has always been the DP and the RP has always been the RP.

You do not know what you are talking about...and I have no desire to school you.

Continue with your ignorance. Don't mind the snickering. I am laughing at you, not with you.

Your delusions about history aren't history.

What I said about the American conservatives was entirely correct.

But continue with you ignorance. It is funny.
:rofl2: You truly believe that Democrats who are now dead somehow still exist and are now Republicans :rofl2:

TOO FUNNY!!! :rofl2: :rofl2:
I never said anything like that, but do continue your ignorance. It is adorable.