Who will be Trump’s VP pick?

Trump will choose the absolute worst choice he could possibly make when choosing a Running Mate.

Trump's only prerequisite for the Job- "Who will be willing to break the law for me, when I ask them to"?

Just watch how Trump totally ruins another politicians career!

Everything Trump touches turns to SHIT!
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Only a fucking moron thinks there was anything wrong or in error with my statement.

Not sure why you are doubling down on your ignorance, but have a ball.

You do not know what you are talking about...and I have no desire to school you.

Continue with your ignorance. Don't mind the snickering. I am laughing at you, not with you.

What I said about the American conservatives was entirely correct.

But continue with you ignorance. It is funny.

I never said anything like that, but do continue your ignorance. It is adorable.

Spewing the big lie makes you a retard, Frankie.

The South was run by a small group of Oligarchs - George Soros, Tim Cook types of their day. Like the democrat Oligarchs of today, the government served the will of the Oligarchs then. Now you are poorly educated and have zero knowledge of history. You spew the Nazi democrat fable that "all whites are oppressors and had slaves." It's bullshit of course, less than 5% of white people owned slaves in the Antebellum South. Slaves were concentrated on large plantations owned by the Oligarchs. Did I mention that the plantations (no word if they were named "Facebook" or "Apple") owned the governments of the states they were in? Just like the democrats today...

Now one of the lies you Nazis LOVE to tell is that the Oligarchs were advocates of "states rights." But then there is the whole "fugitive slave act" thing. Compelling free states to act as agents of slave states against their will is hardly promoting sovereign states. But as I said - you democrats are fucking liars - you were then - you are now. democrats never change.

Another lie you vermin like to tell is that the Antebellum democrats "supported property rights." Another lie of course. Consider the "small holder act" in Georgia, that allowed plantations to seize by force any farm under 100 acres. Property theft by democrat oligarchs is the opposite "property rights."

So what have we learned? Well you haven't learned anything - you're not capable of learning.

But lurkers have learned that democrats in the old south were big government thugs who imposed their will on other states and who had contempt for private property and property rights - just like democrats today.
They all know it. But the love to think it is still 1950. Or actually want it to be 1950. I guess they missed the fact that the dems elected a black man for Pres. and a black woman as VP.
So IOW, you're proud that you vote for people BECAUSE OF their skin color? Now THAT'S racism if I ever did see it........
The racist party as they pretend.
Nope, that's you. See above.
And black vote dem in a huge majority.
Yeah, because Demonkkkrats manipulated them into believing that Demonkkkrats pushed for civil rights, even though that was actually Republicans and it was Al Gore's daddy who was filibustering the civil rights legislation because he was a racist. Oh, but a Demonkkkrat happened to be President at the time that the bill was passed..... whoopity doo. Demonkkkrats also gave them handouts at that time, and that's when the racist LBJ made his famous comment about "[having] those _____ voting Democrat for 200 years".

Too bad for him, younger blacks (who weren't alive during the 60s) are now fleeing the racist Demonkkkrat Party in droves (in favor of MAGA).
But dems are racist.
The Demonkkkrat Party has a racist platform. Many people who support/vote for Demonkkkrats are also racist (or otherwise condone racism).
It is bizarre.
It truly is, but Demonkkkrats are gonna Demonkkkrat.
But lying is now their MO after electing a president who lied multiple times each day.
I think Trump should tap Tom Cotton. He's a "big hitter" and his personality - which is very earnest and measured - would make a perfect counterpoint for Trump's more "full-blooded" style.

It won't be Tom. He is the weakest link of all his choices.
@Ross Dolan --- QED of my prior post.

“Here are the pros and cons of the 8 candidates on his shortlist”

So, who is it’s going to be;

None of the above?

Who will it be?
It is crazy to have two Florida members of Congress on the list. Trump would lose half his FL electoral votes because electors can only vote for one person from their home state.
It is crazy to have two Florida members of Congress on the list.
Trump would lose half his FL electoral votes because electors can only vote for one person from their home state.
Remember Bush and Cheney from 2000?

Bush and Cheney BOTH lived in Texas, but when they got on the ticket together, Cheney moved his "primary residence" to a property of his in Wyoming, which then quickly changed the situation from "Both Bush and Cheney are from TX" to "Bush is from TX and Cheney is from WY".
I think this is one thing that hurt Carson during his Presidential run in 2016, but I think that it could be an asset for the VP position, especially when his "gentlemen" persona would make for a perfect compliment to Trump's "feisty, loud, and lippy" persona.
In Australia we have a stereotype image of the average American. We imagine the standard, average American as a person who is: energised and enthusiastic; who is often quite histrionic (i.e. flamboyant, stagey); who is verbose (i.e. garrulous, talkative) and who loves to be the centre of attention.

This is a gross generalisation, I know. Still, it is how many of us in Australia picture "Americans."

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

Remember Bush and Cheney from 2000?

Bush and Cheney BOTH lived in Texas, but when they got on the ticket together, Cheney moved his "primary residence" to a property of his in Wyoming, which then quickly changed the situation from "Both Bush and Cheney are from TX" to "Bush is from TX and Cheney is from WY".
Different situation. Cheney actually lived in Wyoming and served as the U. S. Representative from there. He had a solid basis for claiming it was his state of residency. Rubio was born in Miami and always lived in FL.

It is fairly easy to establish residency in a state, but usually requires 183 days of residency in a year.