Jeebus. Was that even legal?

Ornato’s role as a political adviser to the president inside the West Wing had been very controversial, breaking decades of traditions at the Secret Service, a civil service agency which prided itself on its political independence and focus on security. However, at Trump’s insistence, Ornato took an unprecedented temporary detail as an Oval Office employee, while still formally employed by the Secret Service.

Wow, I did NOT know that!
No matter what the woman does she gets bashed. The women in the graphic were in the news for all different reasons but the reactions to them were the same. If you want to add in homophobic and racist, I can mention Lia Thomas and Stacy Abrams.

Funny how I've never ever seen you guys bash 100% certifiable lunatics like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert.

Careful Christiefanny, you're talking about the woman I love - MTG !!:loveu::loveu::loveu:


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !

Just how stupid are you? I think you must be a 19 - year- old, pimply, virgin (with a clinical masturbation disorder :laugh:... a "Spotty Herbert" in his second year of an undergraduate degree at some University studying liberal arts or sociology, etc. And you're probably taking classes like: "Post - Colonialist Studies"; "The Music and Rastafarian World-View of Bob Marley"; "LGBTQI+ Studies"; "Critical Perspectives on the Internet Pornography of Mylie Cyrus," "Investigating the Diverse Roles of the Anus in Black, Lesbian Sexuality;" Deconstructing the White, Anglo-American Penis - the tool that assembled Yankee, Capitalist Imperialism "; "Let's Try Bum-Licking !" (a 6-week, unisex, "hands - on" practical module, pets welcome); "Introduction to Marx and Engels", "Was William Shakespeare a Transvestite ?! A Poststructuralist Reading of "Romeo and Juliet." or other stuff like this. Right, BIDENPRESIDORK ?? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

So...Given you have probably never been taught any real, scholarly, objective history - in your miserable life to date, I'm going to briefly teach you about Marxist "Show Trials", how they were evil, and how Nancy Pelosi's J6 Committee is an uncanny and very creepy modern day ressurection of this this vile form of political tyranny.

Pelosi's current J6 Committee is organized and presented like one of Soviet Dictator ,Joseph Stalin's, "Show Trails" in the later half of the 1930's in Moscow...

Pelosi is using pretty much exactly the same play-book as Stalin used for his "Moscow Trials" (1936 - 1938). There is no shred of "due process", the defendent was deemed guilty before the hearings start, the jurors were all hand - picked minions of Stalin, the court rooms were "tarted up" to look imposing, elegant (in Pelosi's case - "piss-elegant" authoritative and "legitimate" with lit marble columns (like those behind the Committee members' bench in Pelosi's, black, J6 farce) chandeliers, etc; for the benefit of the Soviet media in attendance; invited foreign correspondants and the general public (Stalin opened the trials to the public in Moscow) Those defendents scheduled to give testimony were tortured or had the lives of their families threated beforehand, just to make sure that they said what they were supposed to say when they were being questioned in court.

Basically, as in Pelosi's disgusting J6 "Show Trial", every fundamental right of the defendents to "due process" was thrown out the window. All of the defendents who were trialed in Stalin's "Show Trials" were, of course, found guilty of crimes against the Soviet State and executed (actually, I think one poor wretch was spared the firing squald and sentenced to life in prison. Most - almost all - of them were completely innocent of the trumped-up charges that had been brought against them.

In a way, its not surprisingly that Nancy would cook up a "razzle-dazzle", "All Singing - All Dancing", Prime Time "Show Trial", because Biden's government is, after all being run by radical neo-Marxist communists. and staging political "Show Trials" worked like a charm for Stalin, and numerous the other despotic, communist monsters who ruled totalitarian, Marxist regimes in the 20th century (?) So why not turn the J6 Committee into a Soviet-Style "Show Trial" (?)- make it a television extravagza ?!. The public are too stupid to realize that the "fix is in". The neo-Marxist Mainstream corrupt Corporate Media wont let the people know that the whole hearing is a grotesque sham. I mean, Trump organized to have 20,000 security troops present on the 6th Jan due to the large numbers of Republican-voters who were anticipated to arrive and rally near the Capitol, but Pelosi apparantly knew nothing about this? She is lying , of course, she knew full well about this request President Trump had made, but for whatever reason/s she ignored it. This critical issue cannot, however, even be whispered at the Pelosi J6 "Show Trial." Pelosi also "Rigged the J6 Jury", "big-hitting" Republicans - like Sen Jim Jordan - were arbitrarily denied a seat on the J6 Committee - because Pelosi knew that Jordan had sussed out exactly what went down re the whole J6 fiasco, and he would have torn the case against Trump into shreds very rapidly. There is also evidence that the J6 Committee is illegally survelling and gathering intelligence data from private citizens' iPhones, lap - tops, etc; in the form of emails, text message, social media posts, and so on, "without their knowledge". But this is all "Par for the Course" in the corrupt, lawless, devious, cheating, lying, crooked domain that is "Democrat Land"

But, not to worry. Pelosi's J6 Committee is already "dead in the water", I don't think the American public are buying this kind of Democrat BS anymore. They can see this "Show Trial" is just a shoddy Political stunt, also the various polls are showing a lot of the public in the US are really pissed off about the economy and what inflation is costing them. So they're more concerned ,by far, in the cost of gas than in Pelosi's ridiculous, poxy, J6 side-show.


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !

I didn't read your manifesto. But I wanted to take a minute to tell you you're a total douche.

Fuck off, troll.
Mmmm Hmmm.

[h=1]The Conservative Reviews Are In: Benghazi Hearing a Bust[/h]

Contrast that with the damning evidence coming out of the Jan. 6 hearings.

Clinton testified for 11 straight hours. None of trump's lackeys will testify because they'll all end up in prison.

Exactly. Where's the "Benghazi report"? It was a show meant to hurt the Hildebeast. Nothing else.
No matter what the woman does she gets bashed. The women in the graphic were in the news for all different reasons but the reactions to them were the same. If you want to add in homophobic and racist, I can mention Lia Thomas and Stacy Abrams.

Funny how I've never ever seen you guys bash 100% certifiable lunatics like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert.

Lyin' Bitch wants to be MTG's toilet boy and have her pee on his face.
Let me give you the tip, Cutiepie,

Hillary Clinton is a lying, corrupt career criminal. She should be behind bars in prison right now. If you don't believe that you must have some kind of cognitive disorder like Down's Syndrome or maybe a psychotic/delusional disorder; and I would urge you to obtain a referral to a local psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Come the 2024 election if Trump is not elected by a clear margin over whoever his Democrat opponent happens to be, the is a high likelihood that this with trigger that start of the Second American Civil War.

The Declaration gives the American people the right to revolution in overthrowing a tryrannical or oppressive government that fails to protect and defend their Natural Rights. These Natural rights to life, liberty and proprty (the persuit of happiness) dervive from the philosophy of Natural Law. In particular the Natural Law of the English Political philosopher, John Locke as he expressed it in his major work, "Two Treatises on Government" (1689).

John Jeferrson copied most of the "Declaration of Independence" from John Locke's exposition of the Natural Law in "Two Treatises. The Natural Law is a divinely-ordained moral law. All human heing have the Natural Law "carved on their hearts". The Natural Law is INNATE in human nature, and human beings are capable of learning the Natural (moral) Law through the application of their REASON ( i.e. their rational, cognitive faculties). To keep it brief, when you see a dog being cruelly mistreated by a thug, such that it is howling in pain, if you have a normally -functioning faculty of reason, you will "hear" the voice of your conscience speaking to you. You're conscience will say to you, whay you are seeing in morally wrong, what you are seeing is bad (wicked)...it will also say to you "You are duty-bound - MORALLY OBLIGATED to do whatever you possibly can to stop the mistreatment of this dog. You may be a smallish girl and unable to physically stop the thug from beating the dog, so you might yell at the thug to stop or you will call the police, or you might seek the support of a homeowner nearby, etc. You must try to do the best you possibly can to stop the cruel mistreatment of this dog. You KNOW IT. YOU KNOW THIS BECAUSE your CONSCIENCE telLS YOU LOUD AND CLEAR. Now, Conscience is actually an intellectuall/rational phenomenon, it is not emotional phenomenon like the feeling: sadness, pity, empathy, love compassion, anger, hatred. You often feel emotions after you experience the voice of Conscience, but, to repeat CONSCIENCE is a purely rational/illectual movement. The the little dog is safe and had been confiscated from the thug by the ASPCA, etc, you may feel a range of emotions : tears of joy ? peace ? happiness? a sense of awe in that there must be a higher loving moral order above we humans down here on planet Earth (?).

So, to continue, the Founding Fathers all believed in the Natural (Moral) Law, and John Locke was the Natural Law philosopher who has the most profound influence on them. Like I said the Declaration of Independence" was a statement of Lockean Natural Law, and Jefferson never claimed it was his own work, he openly admitted (more or less) that the "Declaration" was the work of John Locke......I have to walk my sausage dog now and do some other chores, so I'll finish this post to you later :)


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !

Let me give you a tip, "cutie pie". Go blow yourself, troll.
what does that have to do with the undeniable fact that your surprise witness from yesterday's hearing has been contradicted by the very person she claims provided her with the hearsay testimony she wouldn't have been allowed to testify to in a real hearing......

They never said they'd testify.
Let's look at the evidence:

Two, count them, two say she lied... Tony Ornato denies telling Cassidy Hutchinson that the former president grabbed the steering wheel or an agent on his detail.

And the Secret Service who is willing to testify that President Trump did NOT try to grab the steering wheel.


Oh hell yes.

They never said anything.