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Except that you did.

Look, I get it with you...you post so much, so recklessly that it's understandable that you'd forget most of what you post here.

Thankfully, JPP has a pretty decent search mechanism...

Truth Detector can't do simple math. That's why he's so fucking confused. Too fucking stupid.

She's a lying bitch...
I believe they have to be called as witnesses......that is up to the committee......however it doesn't change the fact she didn't actually witness what she testified to.......that simply is not right.....

And got called out for her LIES by the two people who DID WITNESS what she claimed happened, and both (incoluding one she claims to have been "quoting", say it's BULLSHIT.

Blasey-Ford redux.
This is why hearsay "evidence" like this isn't admissible evidence in any court. Her "testimony" was nothing more than a string of "and he told me that <insert something CNN will say is awful after hyperbole fills in details that do not exist here>". There was more evidence of Clinton's perjury than there is of Trump knowingly planning the guy in the horn hat to "insurrection" after taking selfies at Pelosi's desk.
This is why hearsay "evidence" like this isn't admissible evidence in any court. Her "testimony" was nothing more than a string of "and he told me that <insert something CNN will say is awful after hyperbole fills in details that do not exist here>". There was more evidence of Clinton's perjury than there is of Trump knowingly planning the guy in the horn hat to "insurrection" after taking selfies at Pelosi's desk.

This is why hearsay "evidence" like this isn't admissible evidence in any court. Her "testimony" was nothing more than a string of "and he told me that <insert something CNN will say is awful after hyperbole fills in details that do not exist here>". There was more evidence of Clinton's perjury than there is of Trump knowingly planning the guy in the horn hat to "insurrection" after taking selfies at Pelosi's desk.


You can't possibly think that.
I can't possibly think that hearsay evidence (literally saying, "and then he told me" makes it very clearly hearsay) is BS and not admissible in courts of law?

Yeah, I can. And I think that because it is true.

The only 2nd hand account was the steering wheel thing - which was the least damning part of her testimony. Everyone knows Trump has a temper.

It's shameful how people so quickly trash witnesses and individuals like this. She just wanted to build a career behind the scenes in Washington. The idea that she'd put herself through this to tell a bunch of lies or something is just right-wing fantasy.
The only 2nd hand account was the steering wheel thing - which was the least damning part of her testimony. Everyone knows Trump has a temper.

It's shameful how people so quickly trash witnesses and individuals like this. She just wanted to build a career behind the scenes in Washington. The idea that she'd put herself through this to tell a bunch of lies or something is just right-wing fantasy.

Rubbish, even ketchup on the wall was hearsay. While she may have seen ketchup, the story of how it got there was hearsay. Pretty much every part of her story was, "they told me this"... total crap. Not even evidence. Their "blockbuster witness" was just weak stories being retold after they were heard. Just gossip.

I'm not even a supporter and I can tell what is gossip when I hear it.
Rubbish, even ketchup on the wall was hearsay. While she may have seen ketchup, the story of how it got there was hearsay. Pretty much every part of her story was, "they told me this"... total crap. Not even evidence. Their "blockbuster witness" was just weak stories being retold after they were heard. Just gossip.

That sounds like spin from Fox. It certainly isn't reality.
That sounds like spin from Fox. It certainly isn't reality.

It was what she frickin' said "and then he told me that the President got so mad that"... This has nothing to do with Fox or spin, it is simple reality. Their "blockbuster witness" was nothing better than a neighborhood gossip repeating what she heard from others.
It was what she frickin' said "and then he told me that the President got so mad that"... This has nothing to do with Fox or spin, it is simple reality. Their "blockbuster witness" was nothing better than a neighborhood gossip repeating what she heard from others.

How many people - conservatives - need to be discredited and accused of lying to protect one guy?

It's a lengthy list at this point. I always marvel at how willing people are to trash everyone to protect this guy.
The only 2nd hand account was the steering wheel thing - which was the least damning part of her testimony. Everyone knows Trump has a temper.

It's shameful how people so quickly trash witnesses and individuals like this. She just wanted to build a career behind the scenes in Washington. The idea that she'd put herself through this to tell a bunch of lies or something is just right-wing fantasy.
what is shameful is I have to keep arguing legal things with people that prove to be utterly clueless. this was a nothing burger - here is a summary of her testimony

1 Rally attendees had guns and Trump was not concerned he would be harmed

2 Lawyers had legal concerns with Trump going

3 Trump grabbed the wheel (which appears to not of actually happened)

4 Trump threw his lunch at the wall (what is the charge here - vandalism?)
How many people - conservatives - need to be discredited and accused of lying to protect one guy?

It's a lengthy list at this point. I always marvel at how willing people are to trash everyone to protect this guy.

I don't need to "discredit" anyone. I am telling you that her testimony was hearsay. Portions of which were literally discredited by more credible sources. (Like the stupid "lunging for the steering wheel" nonsense).

The reality is, this gossip was not a "blockbuster witness", they were literally repeating what they heard from "Then the valet told me" to "And I heard that he lunged" from beginning to end every story had a portion where she literally said, "they told me <enter nonsense here>"... her "testimony" was the literal definition of hearsay.
This is why hearsay "evidence" like this isn't admissible evidence in any court. Her "testimony" was nothing more than a string of "and he told me that <insert something CNN will say is awful after hyperbole fills in details that do not exist here>". There was more evidence of Clinton's perjury than there is of Trump knowingly planning the guy in the horn hat to "insurrection" after taking selfies at Pelosi's desk.

No it wasn't. Watch it. Almost everything was a first hand account of either what she saw or what she heard. You are being willfully ignorant. As for claiming that more credible people have disputed the account in the limo, they are NOT disputing that she was told that account. Credible? Please. She is the most credible witness the committee has had, because she has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by lying to the committee. Once again, you are being willfully ignorant because you don't like what she said.
I don't need to "discredit" anyone. I am telling you that her testimony was hearsay. Portions of which were literally discredited by more credible sources. (Like the stupid "lunging for the steering wheel" nonsense).

The reality is, this gossip was not a "blockbuster witness", they were literally repeating what they heard from "Then the valet told me" to "And I heard that he lunged" from beginning to end every story had a portion where she literally said, "they told me <enter nonsense here>"...

Again - I'm not really sure how you can say that. The only 2nd hand account was the steering wheel. Everything else, she was present for.

So, obviously, Trump's supporters are focused on the steering wheel account. But I have no idea what you're talking about w/ the rest. You're trying to marginalize and discredit valuable testimony from someone who was right there for what was happening.
No it wasn't. Watch it. Almost everything was a first hand account of either what she saw or what she heard. You are being willfully ignorant.

I watched it. Deliberate ignorance is not from my side of things, folks saying she was a witness should rewatch and actually listen.. She did not say, "And then I saw him lunge for the steering wheel" she said, "And they told me he lunged"... She didn't say, "I saw him throw the lunch" nope, she said, "Then the valet told me that"...

Every story... This woman was not a "witness" she was a gossip.