Who's to say? Is there moral truth?

: a slight error typically due to forgetfulness or inattention
a lapse in table manners
a lapse in security
: a temporary deviation or fall especially from a higher to a lower state
a lapse from grace
ethical lapses
: a becoming less : DECLINE
a lapse in the supply of technicians
: the termination of a right or privilege through neglect to exercise it within some limit of time
: termination of coverage for nonpayment of premiums
the lapse of an insurance policy
returned to college after a lapse of several years
: an abandonment of religious faith


Most people could have answered that question in the first post with one brief sentence.
I am not just clear, I am constant and coherent to
This made me chuckle. Saying that you are not only clear but that you are also coherent is like saying that an elephant is not only enormous, but it is also big, or that when the lights went out, not only was it pitch black, but it was also dark.

... and as an added bonus, you misspelled "too" as "to" and you added an extra space after "and" for flare. I like your style.

....and right a high percentage of the time...
This is a creative way of saying that you are often wrong. I like your style.

....the proof of an educated man.
That would be "evidence," not "proof" ... but evidence to whom?

Anyway, I like your style.
This made me chuckle. Saying that you are not only clear but that you are also coherent is like saying that an elephant is not only enormous, but it is also big, or that when the lights went out, not only was it pitch black, but it was also dark.

... and as an added bonus, you misspelled "too" as "to" and you added an extra space after "and" for flare. I like your style.

This is a creative way of saying that you are often wrong. I like your style.

That would be "evidence," not "proof" ... but evidence to whom?

Anyway, I like your style.

Says the chap with the obnoxious sig.
@gfm7175, help me interpret this. I have read it several times and although I understand all the words, there seem to be several points that I'm not getting.
I don't get what he's trying to say... I'm not sure how his wife "is a Catholic", yet "lapsed" (ergo, no longer a Catholic, if she ever really was) -- But if she's "mad at God", then apparently she does believe that God exists (as Catholics do) yet thinks that she knows better than God (not a Catholic belief).

So, I'm not sure how to interpret it either, unfortunately...
are you defining morality as federal law now?.....

So this Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 more perfect union of thieving Federal Lynching Klues Klucks duh Klans churchstate of hate fiefdom US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists national religion suicidal super egos Peter Principle pyramid scheme Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations WW II concentration camp Nazi economics invoking drug trafficking enforcement for Washington, D.C. born USA citizens as Islam just as a 25 years previous precedent for their Bicentennial celebration of thieving absentee voting ballots arsonists US Fascist - Masochists "man is God" fabricated threats in their not so master race "serve the Pope or die" as Islam "death to the infidels" for thieving Eisenhower presented old glories for business excellence in that Christiananality pedophilia arsonists master plan sociopsychopathilogical avoidance schizoid "one nation under God with equal justice under law" behavioral disorder acceptance of their homicidal human farming.....