Why are old threads locked?

They were locking them up yesterday afternoon as soon as some people were posting on them. I could not like anything except the last post by the Dude on one thread and then the thread was closed. It even said thread closed!

I have absolutely no fucking idea; ask watermark he was the one complaining about how confusing it was to have old threads being brought back! I'm sure he had something to do with it!

It's just more of Grind's petty bullshit censorship of what others post.

He lets the trolls post multiple threads all dealing with a single topic just slide right by, but GOd forbid someone try and bring up a conversation from last year!
the dude spam gravedug about 30+ old threads from the years 2008/2010/2012. it completely covered current events. they were closed because they were 3-4-5 year old threads and they weren't serving any purpose other than for dude to just cover the forum with old threads no one has posted in.

bumping a thread here and there is fine, but when you purposely try to just bump all actual, current, relevant topics into the background, it's not fine. so we closed the threads so we could get back to actual current event discussion.
It's just more of Grind's petty bullshit censorship of what others post.

He lets the trolls post multiple threads all dealing with a single topic just slide right by, but GOd forbid someone try and bring up a conversation from last year!

Grind can be a petty prick at times but you will always win when it comes to incessant moaning and whining.