Why are old threads locked?

Grind can be a petty prick at times but you will always win when it comes to incessant moaning and whining.

FWIW I find Grind to pretty fair about administering the rules of JPP. In fact even prickbot Billy leaves aside his pettiness and applies the rules in an even handed manner. At least it would appear that way to anyone looking at it objectively and not through their petty lens of whether they get their way or not. And I say that knowing full well Billy hates my Fing guts. If you recall, he led an effort to try to get the board to thread ban me en masse. It failed miserably of course.

Ironically, I don't recall Deshy Dearest or Zipperhead getting their tampons in a twist over that. I don't remember Deshy Dearest screaming about censorship then. Of course, I just laughed it off because I knew that like Obamacare and Zipperheads whining, Billy's lame attempt would die a miserable death and I was right.
Remember when I went into detail about how I wanted Zap to burn to death? That post still makes me smile.
the dude spam gravedug about 30+ old threads from the years 2008/2010/2012. it completely covered current events. they were closed because they were 3-4-5 year old threads and they weren't serving any purpose other than for dude to just cover the forum with old threads no one has posted in.

bumping a thread here and there is fine, but when you purposely try to just bump all actual, current, relevant topics into the background, it's not fine. so we closed the threads so we could get back to actual current event discussion.

As a relatively new poster here, I thought it was informative to see some of the shit people have said here in the past and since there wasn't much new shit being posted here yesterday and each post on each thread carries the date and time it was posted it should never be confusing to anyone no matter how stupid they are, because it is easy to read a date! And anyone who gets confused bvy dates shouldn't be posting their ignorant thoughts here in the first damn place. Would the same thing have happened if it was a conservative doing it? I doubt it!

the dude spam gravedug about 30+ old threads from the years 2008/2010/2012. it completely covered current events. they were closed because they were 3-4-5 year old threads and they weren't serving any purpose other than for dude to just cover the forum with old threads no one has posted in.

bumping a thread here and there is fine, but when you purposely try to just bump all actual, current, relevant topics into the background, it's not fine. so we closed the threads so we could get back to actual current event discussion.

What a surprise...Dude gets censored while BM and ILA get away with exactly the same thing every day.

The petty double standard is alive and well here at JPP.
Grind can be a petty prick at times but you will always win when it comes to incessant moaning and whining.

Sorry Chauncy, but I could spend the next year moaning and whining in every single post I make and I'd STILL come nowhere near the whining you've done since the whole "tourist" dustup began.

I understand how desperate you are for everyone to forget what a whiner you've been for the past YEAR, but anyone who's tried to engage you in debate in the past few months know differently.
the dude spam gravedug about 30+ old threads from the years 2008/2010/2012. it completely covered current events. they were closed because they were 3-4-5 year old threads and they weren't serving any purpose other than for dude to just cover the forum with old threads no one has posted in.

bumping a thread here and there is fine, but when you purposely try to just bump all actual, current, relevant topics into the background, it's not fine. so we closed the threads so we could get back to actual current event discussion.

name the threads so we can go see what dude did that was wrong
Remember when I went into detail about how I wanted Zap to burn to death? That post still makes me smile.

I'm sure it does.

It makes me smile to.

Reminds me just what a complete douchebag you truly are.

Not to mention it highlights to everyone who posts here just how casually you wish for a fellow human being's painful, fiery death...a human being you've had NO CONTACT with other than messages typed on a forum on the internet.

What kind of monster can wish such a fate on an anonymous poster on a message board?

Turns out it's just another self-absorbed Conservative white male with a persecution complex and an all consuming fear of those with differing opinions.
name the threads so we can go see what dude did that was wrong

you can see them if you go a page or two back. bumping any one particular thread is fine, it's the mass bumping of them that was the problem. it clogged up current events and he did it on purpose to mess things up. if you look at a lot of his bump comments a lot of them don't even say anything. lastly, it's current events, and something from 2008 isn't a current event usually anyway.

if there is some specific thread you want unlocked, just ask, but we couldn't have 30+ threads from 2008/2010 clogging up the board when there was no reason to bump them all simultaneously other than to troll.
you can unlock them now.

leaving them locked is not a part of free exchange.

did you ban the dude or warn him?
you can see them if you go a page or two back. bumping any one particular thread is fine, it's the mass bumping of them that was the problem. it clogged up current events and he did it on purpose to mess things up. if you look at a lot of his bump comments a lot of them don't even say anything. lastly, it's current events, and something from 2008 isn't a current event usually anyway.

if there is some specific thread you want unlocked, just ask, but we couldn't have 30+ threads from 2008/2010 clogging up the board when there was no reason to bump them all simultaneously other than to troll.

And if you were truly worried about BS "clogging up the board" you'd have deleted the two dozen threads BM and ILA created to smear and slander the ACA.

But as everyone already knows, they get a free pass while the rest of us get what we can and cannot read and respond to censored by our thin-skinned MODS.
you can unlock them now.

leaving them locked is not a part of free exchange.

did you ban the dude or warn him?

i warned the dude.

i'll unlock most of them tomorrow when I have more free time to go through 30 threads.

mass bumping threads to clog up the forum is not part of a free exchange either. the dude was trolling and it is simple as that.
And if you were truly worried about BS "clogging up the board" you'd have deleted the two dozen threads BM and ILA created to smear and slander the ACA.

But as everyone already knows, they get a free pass while the rest of us get what we can and cannot read and respond to censored by our thin-skinned MODS.
Hundreds from the rightly trolls
5 by me, alarm bells
you can see them if you go a page or two back. bumping any one particular thread is fine, it's the mass bumping of them that was the problem. it clogged up current events and he did it on purpose to mess things up. if you look at a lot of his bump comments a lot of them don't even say anything. lastly, it's current events, and something from 2008 isn't a current event usually anyway.

if there is some specific thread you want unlocked, just ask, but we couldn't have 30+ threads from 2008/2010 clogging up the board when there was no reason to bump them all simultaneously other than to troll.

Thirty threads celebrating the graphic and detailed rape of women OK, fine, good job! 30 threads maybe, maybe not--I was here and I really doubt it was 30--I only looked about 3 or 4; but it doesn't matter they were all dated so anyone with a brain and one eye could see what they were. In other words, the confusion argument is specious. Only a complete idiot thinks this is still 2008, or 2009 and most of us with any memory at all could tell by the thread titles that they were from the past. Some of them were meaningless, some of them were silly, but for people who make such a big deal about letting everything happen and letting everyone do what they want here and absolutely no censorship and no rules and so on, it was definitely unprecedented behavior and since there was no one posting any or more than one or two new threads I saw absolutely nothing wrong with it and I found it informative. But there are different rules for different days and different people so we do at least finally have that straight.
30 more like 5
And two of them have grinds claims falling flat!
Oh noozzz

I think so too, I only looked at three or four of them but I don't think there could have possibly been "30" but it seems like that is his number and he is sticking to it, no matter how exaggerated it might appear!