Why are old threads locked?

you can see them if you go a page or two back. bumping any one particular thread is fine, it's the mass bumping of them that was the problem. it clogged up current events and he did it on purpose to mess things up. if you look at a lot of his bump comments a lot of them don't even say anything. lastly, it's current events, and something from 2008 isn't a current event usually anyway.

if there is some specific thread you want unlocked, just ask, but we couldn't have 30+ threads from 2008/2010 clogging up the board when there was no reason to bump them all simultaneously other than to troll.

I just went and counted all the old threads on the four pages that are all threads and there were a grand total of 6 posts with dates from the past. If you have thirty they must have disappeared damn fast because there are only 6 out of date posts there now. 6 not 30--6 and I didn't look to see if all of those were from the Dude. But there are only 6 there now! So 24 of the 30 you saw are already gone and damn fast too!
Sorry Chauncy, but I could spend the next year moaning and whining in every single post I make and I'd STILL come nowhere near the whining you've done since the whole "tourist" dustup began.

I understand how desperate you are for everyone to forget what a whiner you've been for the past YEAR, but anyone who's tried to engage you in debate in the past few months know differently.

Do you have any Russian blood? Your propensity to rewrite history would suggest that you have.

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30 more like 5
And two of them have grinds claims falling flat!
Oh noozzz

why do you lie when I can easily prove your dumbass wrong?

I think so too, I only looked at three or four of them but I don't think there could have possibly been "30" but it seems like that is his number and he is sticking to it, no matter how exaggerated it might appear!

count again dipshit





26 threads

all but 3 bumped by dude in a short period of time. some responded after the dude initially bumped it, but he's the one that grave dug them.

Getting really sick of all you retards not even doing the most basic of research before jumping to your idiotic mouthbreather conclusions.
why do you lie when I can easily prove your dumbass wrong?

count again dipshit





26 threads

all but 3 bumped by dude in a short period of time. some responded after the dude initially bumped it, but he's the one that grave dug them.

Getting really sick of all you retards not even doing the most basic of research before jumping to your idiotic mouthbreather conclusions.

grind 7 of those are NOT old threads.
Over a third of those have someone else talking on them after they were bumped.

that means someone else wanted to post in them.
lol....are you referring to the ones not locked?.....

You are correct,

I also miscounted I guess because I know only see 6 current threads.

My apologies to Grind.

this is why its good to be allowed to discuss this on the board.

I still don't understand how this is such a big deal that he bumped threads when half of them others started posting in too.

All someone would have to do it go to a thread they did want to post in and the threads would have been on second page in no time.

seems kinda silly
i warned the dude.

i'll unlock most of them tomorrow when I have more free time to go through 30 threads.

mass bumping threads to clog up the forum is not part of a free exchange either. the dude was trolling and it is simple as that.

Ah yes, but mass CREATION of new threads to clog up the forums IS a part of the free exchange of ideas?

Is that it?

ILA and BM are trolling, it's as simple as that, yet you don't lock their threads, do you?