Why are old threads locked?

You are correct,

I also miscounted I guess because I know only see 6 current threads.

My apologies to Grind.

this is why its good to be allowed to discuss this on the board.

I still don't understand how this is such a big deal that he bumped threads when half of them others started posting in too.

All someone would have to do it go to a thread they did want to post in and the threads would have been on second page in no time.

seems kinda silly

because desh, if you actually look at the dudes responses, if you actually go into the threads and look at what he was doing, it was clear he was just trolling. we don't tolerate trolling on here. when it comes to current events, we want the threads on there to be somewhat .. you know.. current. And when people bump 30 threads for no reason other than to troll, they are going to get closed down. Otherwise spammers and assholes could just come on here and bump tens or hundreds of unnecessary threads and clog up the discussion.

if it was a random thread here and there it wouldn't be an issue. it's the deliberate mass bumping of a bunch of old threads all at once. we had to clean it up.

now, in the spirit of openness I will spend time tomorrow re-opneing them so that if in the future someone has a legit reason to bump a thread, they can do so. but they had to be temp closed because of the dudes trolling.
because desh, if you actually look at the dudes responses, if you actually go into the threads and look at what he was doing, it was clear he was just trolling. we don't tolerate trolling on here. when it comes to current events, we want the threads on there to be somewhat .. you know.. current. And when people bump 30 threads for no reason other than to troll, they are going to get closed down. Otherwise spammers and assholes could just come on here and bump tens or hundreds of unnecessary threads and clog up the discussion.

if it was a random thread here and there it wouldn't be an issue. it's the deliberate mass bumping of a bunch of old threads all at once. we had to clean it up.

now, in the spirit of openness I will spend time tomorrow re-opneing them so that if in the future someone has a legit reason to bump a thread, they can do so. but they had to be temp closed because of the dudes trolling.
You can't be serious, big money is turning your site into his troll garden
You can't be serious, big money is turning your site into his troll garden

big money is one poster. he would have zero effect if people ignored him. if the vast majority are engaging him though, then on some level they must enjoy him.
It's hilarious that Dopespin thinks the answer to trolling and spamming is more trolling and spamming.