'Why CNN's Trump town hall was always doomed to fail'

I'll take your word for all that.

My deer assault rife of choice has always been a .303 British, and because my Father-In-law had a .303 die for his reloader, we always reloaded our own ammo.

I've still got over a hundred rounds left of what we reloaded back in the 80's.

I never had a need for an AR-15!

You have a respectable family heirloom for your sporting use.

You're masculinity is not diminished by the ownership of an AR-15,
deigned only for offensive use against humans.

My handload was only a minor little story in the early 1960s,
never imagined for use in a military weapon, of course,
and how many people even own a .224 Weatherby Varmintmaster?

I just like to occasionally recall the story
for shits and giggles
because condervatives assume liberals know jack shit about firearms.
You have a respectable family heirloom for your sporting use.

You're masculinity is not diminished by the ownership of an AR-15,
deigned only for offensive use against humans.

My handload was only a minor little story in the early 1960s,
never imagined for use in a military weapon, of course,
and how many people even own a .224 Weatherby Varmintmaster?

I just like to occasionally recall the story
for shits and giggles
because condervatives assume liberals know jack shit about firearms.

Your loading experience has to do with the hobby of shooting and nothing to be ashamed of.

But you know and I know that the AR-15 has more to do with Fake Machoism and Braggarts rights.

The difference between men and boys- used to be the price they paid for their toys- BUT.....

.....Perhaps we can't tell them apart anymore! :laugh:
So the navy lets E-3's fly whirlybirds? Makes sense.
No, E-3s can’t fly helicopters. You’re wrong again, anymouse, just like you have been for years now. Sad.

In what fantasyland is an E-3 a Warrant Officer? The more you post, the more I think you are lying about your background.
(fly helicopters in the Navy)

AH! So that's why you're an idiot, with a capitol IDIOT! You were an Airedale and a zero! That makes you about as smart as your average ambulance chasing liar... err, lawyer, which is to say about as smart as a house brick.
I don’t think it was a complete failure, because lots of people got to watch an unhinged moron ramble incoherently for an hour.
... and her name is Kaitlin Collins... SAY. HER. NAME!!!!

And they are thinking ‘they want to vote for THAT guy?’
You can read others thoughts? Impressive!

My favorite moment (so far, I haven’t watched that much) was Trump educating us on the history of man. According to Trump, stars have been grabbing pussy for ‘a million years. Approximately a million years, maybe more’.

I had no idea man was even around a million years ago, but I guess male stars (maybe the best hunter, or the guy who figured out how to make fire) got to grab the cavewoman’s pussy. You learn something new every day. My wife and I busted a gut when we heard him say that.

Trump was just embarrassing. The entire thing was cringeworthy.

Oh, almost forgot. I had no idea we had run out of ammo. Maybe the gun nuts here can lend some to the military. You can’t make this shit up.
Yet you couldn't help but tune in... :)
(fly helicopters in the Navy)

AH! So that's why you're an idiot, with a capitol IDIOT! You were an Airedale and a zero! That makes you about as smart as your average ambulance chasing liar... err, lawyer, which is to say about as smart as a house brick.

See? I knew you hated the United States Navy and disavowed both your service and your oath. Sad, Terry. Truly sad.
A definite possibility, although they DID try to keep rephrasing their questions to get Trump to 'admit his guilt' (or something!). It was just a TV version of RQAA.
She kept trying to get him to answer her gotcha questions in the precise manner that she wanted him to answer in order to attack him... it didn't work, especially the "Do you want Ukraine to win" question... but apparently wanting a peaceful resolution rather than a "winner/loser" means that you looooooove Putin... :palm:
No, E-3s can’t fly helicopters. You’re wrong again, anymouse, just like you have been for years now. Sad.

In what fantasyland is an E-3 a Warrant Officer? The more you post, the more I think you are lying about your background.

Actually, this is what I like about you. I can always trigger you. :)
Actually, this is what I like about you. I can always trigger you. :)
You know the Abbie Normals attract my attention. The fact you think displaying your ignorant of the United States military and me correcting you is “triggering” me is part of that.

Have you always had mental issues, anymouse? Is that why you couldn’t operate as a private dentist, if you really did graduate from dental night classes. After your contract with the Army ended is that why you hid in the woods of Alaska like Ted Kaczynski?

there was good evidence.

the judges are corrupt.

How crazy are you? The judges were placed by Bush, Obama, and Trump. They were following the law, something you cannot accept as the right thing to do. Courts are to simply rule in Trump's favor or they are corrupt? They said to Trump's lawyers, Provide evidence of the election theft". They had none, zip, zero. That is why they were sometimes laughed out of court. That is why people on this board laugh at you. You are just a blind believer who does not have the mental horsepower to evaluate the facts.
How crazy are you? The judges were placed by Bush, Obama, and Trump. They were following the law, something you cannot accept as the right thing to do. Courts are to simply rule in Trump's favor or they are corrupt? They said to Trump's lawyers, Provide evidence of the election theft". They had none, zip, zero. That is why they were sometimes laughed out of court. That is why people on this board laugh at you. You are just a blind believer who does not have the mental horsepower to evaluate the facts.

it doesn't matter who put them in place.

do you trust judges to dictate your reality?

that means youre dumb.
It was a a real coup for trump and we can thank CNN.
It keeps all the attention on trump which plays right into his hands. No different than 2016.
But what choice does CNN have? Their ratings are in the toilet and have been for a while.

Thank you for the confirmation that you bought all of Trump’s lies and bullshit. It’s the true test of sanity and honesty when a person agrees Trump “finished the wall” when he clearly didn’t. LOL
CNN’s Trump debacle suggests TV media set to repeat mistakes of 2016

CNN’s Trump debacle suggests TV media set to repeat mistakes of 2016
Network’s own reporters criticise decision to give ex-president platform in ‘town hall’ format that allowed him to spout freely

Chris McGreal
Sun 14 May 2023 03.00 EDT
Donald Trump and CNN were in rare agreement: the former president’s hour of free prime-time television on Wednesday evening, dressed up as a “town hall” with Republican voters, was a triumph.

“America was served very well by what we did last night,” CNN’s chief executive, Chris Licht, told skeptical members of his own staff at the network’s daily news conference the following morning.

As it happens, quite a lot of people said that not only did CNN fail to get answers but it was repeating the terrible mistake of 2016 when it treated Trump as an entertainer not a hostile politician by giving him hours of airtime to spout freely because he was good for ratings, and therefore profits.