Why do Christians proselytize?

I have no idea what or who you are.
I'm a Christian that hasn't dangled my religion in your face. In fact we are to be discreet and not make a spectacle out of practicing or sharing our faith.
Thus proving every "Xtian" hater wrong. :laugh:


FWIW no one knows my religion either....or if I have one. LOL
What do you think I am? Or do you mean in face-to-face encounters?

I’m glad you are a kind Christian

But dude

Most Christian’s get that LOOK on their face when they realize a person isn’t also a Christian

I never tell them unless I’m asked

But they never look at me the same when they realize I’m not a Christian

If Christian’s know you are an atheist they assume you are evil

How wonderfully bigoted of you. So all Christians think all atheists are evil. Interesting, but I disagree for aforementioned reasons.

Now tell me what all Blacks think about all Whites. LOL

I forget the exact verses but there are plenty specific to praying in public or not preaching to those uninterested or a determined disbeliever.

I like Christianity

Jesus was an awesome philosopher

The things he preached about people loving each other gives me tingles

I just don’t believe in the sky daddy parts

I can’t just take even a wonderful persons insistence that a sky daddy exists

I’m not trying to demean your beliefs but I’m not the type of person who just accepts what I’m told without pondering

It is NOTHING like the rest of the way the known world functions

The theory doesn’t mesh

I know to you it is not theory

In your world view it is fact

I respect that

But I rarely ever get that respect returned to me if they know I’m science based and just can’t force my self to JUST BELIEVE

I would be lying to people

That is the major flaw if all organized religion

I’m dirt because I am honest enough to admit I can’t make it seem real to me

But a dirt bag liar ready to use every human they meet can just lie about it and be considered vastly superior to me no matter how good I treat people

It’s very disappointing
It’s called my life experiences

I have never walked door to door to tell people about atheism

All my life people have knocked on my door to tell me about Christianity

I have always been super kind to them

I will discuss things with them if I’m in the mood to talk

I will tell them of my love for Jesus’s words and deeds

I often will tell them about not being able to accept the parts that make no sense to me

I will say to them “you wouldn’t want me to lie about believing right?

I praise them for trying to help people

I thank them for the help they will give someone today

They usually just walk away baffled at my approach and civility
I find the organizing dangerous

It gives so much power to people who could be just manipulating people


Stealing church funds

Controlling politicians

Harassing others of other beliefs

There is no protection in that organized entity to protect well meaning and vulnerable people

I have no problem with the beliefs

I have big problems with how theses organizations harm people
Being an atheist is not extreme

Most Christians think it is in my experience

Correct. Saying "all Christians" or "all atheists" is extreme, since it's completely untrue.

Did they come up to you and say, "I'm a Christian"? How did you know they were Christians? What denomination? Age?
Well when you talk to people it becomes very apparent if they are Christian’s

God bless you

Only the lord knows why

Oh Jesus give me strength

The devil is leading them

I was on my knees asking the lord to help me

And then there is the ones who knock on your door

It’s pretty easy to tell

I’m careful no to offend them

It’s their right

I want them to be themselves with me

Most Christian’s I know just assume I am a Christian

That doesn’t bother me

Just as long as I don’t have to lie to them about what I believe

I tell if I’m asked
ANSWER: We owe it to the collective to present what we believe are the better ideas, the truth.

Nobody should apologize for that.