Why do Christians proselytize?

The entire world would become a more logical place if the English words "believe" and "belief" were eliminated from the language.

I think believe is a perfectly good word in English or any language.

I believe in fairness, equality, and justice. But there is no physical law of nature that supports that belief, and there is no scientific instrument which can measure or quantify it.
I think believe is a perfectly good word in English or any language.

I believe in fairness, equality, and justice. But there is no physical law of nature that supports that belief, and there is no scientific instrument which can measure or quantify it.

The words "believe" and "belief" suck with the ferocity of a black hole, Cypress. The expression "I believe in" sucks a bit more...perhaps even a lot more.

If you would like to discuss it, we can. But I think it would be unfair to do it here. Lemme know, and we can move it elsewhere. Anyone who wants to can join us.
The entire world would become a more logical place if the English words "believe" and "belief" were eliminated from the language.

Agreed. Of course, we'd all also have the personality of a computer, since the difference between AI and Humans are the words "Believe" and "belief".** :)

What would be better for humanity is a little more focus on logic over a misunderstanding of the truth. Notice how the Islamic Golden Age and Medieval Catholic Church advanced science. The Muslims were a little more forgiving for those bringing up uncomfortable truths, AFAIK. Example: Galileo.

Critical Thinking is the best process to ensure that what a person perceives is the truth. We've all fallen for perceptual illusions, but people who don't know how to tell the difference can fall victim to the perceptual delusions of others. Example; Trump (delusional) and his people (average but poorly educated).

Critical Thinking only works for people smart enough or sane enough to employ it. Asking a demented or mentally ill person to "think more sanely" is like telling a drunk to "drive more soberly". They need help beyond simply telling them what they should be doing. LOL

Two-thirds of the arrested Insurrectionists (the Qless rioters, not the WSE coup attack teams and the WH) had previous mentall health issues and/or serious financial problems.

Mental Illness Insurrection
In court records of people arrested in the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, 68% reported they had received mental health diagnoses

Q anon arrested insurrection capitol riot mental illness
More than two-thirds of the 31 QAnon offenders
who committed crimes before and after the
Capitol insurrection have documented mental
health concerns, according to court records and
other public sources. These conditions include
post-traumatic stress disorder, paranoid
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and
Munchausen syndrome by proxy. The three
QAnon supporters who committed homicides
have documented mental health concerns. Two
of them were found to be mentally unfit to stand
trial and were transferred to mental health care
facilities. All six of the female offenders who
committed crimes before and after the Capitol
riots have documented mental health concerns.

A majority of the people arrested for Capitol riot had a history of financial trouble
Trail of bankruptcies, tax problems and bad debts raises questions for researchers trying to understand motivations for attack

10 Things to Know About the Psychology of Cults
  • Cults are attractive because they promote an illusion of comfort.
  • Cults satisfy the human desire for absolute answers.
  • Those with low self-esteem are more likely to be persuaded by a cult environment.
  • New recruits are “love bombed.”
  • Women are more likely than men to join a cult.
  • Many cult members have rejected religion.
  • Cults maintain their power by promoting an “us vs. them” mentality.
  • Cult leaders are masters at mind control.
  • Cult members often have no idea they’re in a cult.
  • Cult life can have a dangerous and lasting effect.

**See Naval Ravikant's comments about the problems in making a "creative" AI.

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I did see a lot of holy rollers when I lived in Texas, but I was never aggressively approached and prostelitized by any of them.

Maybe it would have been a different story if I wore my Black Sabbath t-shirt more often :)

Same here.

LOL You'd fit right in over towards Dallas. Not so much around Cowtown.....OTOH, For the times they are a-changin'
May I?

Matthew 6:1-6

Excellent verses. I should turn it into business cards and hand them out should the need ever arise. LOL

TBH, I've never had anyone give me shit for failing to say "Amen" or "Praise Jesus" along with others. :)

6 “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

2 “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
I barely understand anything you write.

I didn't really write much of anything, I just provided Biblical writings cautioning about sharing the faith with the uncaring. It's better just to let people find out about things without being preached to. I wasn't receptive to it in the beginning either.
I didn't really write much of anything, I just provided Biblical writings cautioning about sharing the faith with the uncaring. It's better just to let people find out about things without being preached to. I wasn't receptive to it in the beginning either.

I was taught it. I now think it is a horrible religion full of hateful people.
Agreed. Of course, we'd all also have the personality of a computer, since the difference between AI and Humans are the words "Believe" and "belief".** :)

What would be better for humanity is a little more focus on logic over a misunderstanding of the truth. Notice how the Islamic Golden Age and Medieval Catholic Church advanced science. The Muslims were a little more forgiving for those bringing up uncomfortable truths, AFAIK. Example: Galileo.

Critical Thinking is the best process to ensure that what a person perceives is the truth. We've all fallen for perceptual illusions, but people who don't know how to tell the difference can fall victim to the perceptual delusions of others. Example; Trump (delusional) and his people (average but poorly educated).

Critical Thinking only works for people smart enough or sane enough to employ it. Asking a demented or mentally ill person to "think more sanely" is like telling a drunk to "drive more soberly". They need help beyond simply telling them what they should be doing. LOL

Two-thirds of the arrested Insurrectionists (the Qless rioters, not the WSE coup attack teams and the WH) had previous mentall health issues and/or serious financial problems.

Mental Illness Insurrection
In court records of people arrested in the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, 68% reported they had received mental health diagnoses

Q anon arrested insurrection capitol riot mental illness

A majority of the people arrested for Capitol riot had a history of financial trouble
Trail of bankruptcies, tax problems and bad debts raises questions for researchers trying to understand motivations for attack

10 Things to Know About the Psychology of Cults
  • Cults are attractive because they promote an illusion of comfort.
  • Cults satisfy the human desire for absolute answers.
  • Those with low self-esteem are more likely to be persuaded by a cult environment.
  • New recruits are “love bombed.”
  • Women are more likely than men to join a cult.
  • Many cult members have rejected religion.
  • Cults maintain their power by promoting an “us vs. them” mentality.
  • Cult leaders are masters at mind control.
  • Cult members often have no idea they’re in a cult.
  • Cult life can have a dangerous and lasting effect.

**See Naval Ravikant's comments about the problems in making a "creative" AI.

Nice work.

I personally refuse to believe that humans are automotons which can be trained to operate on a strict diet of logic.

I don't think a real human life is possible without a tapestry of logic, empirical observation, rationality, imagination, belief, ritual.

The physicists Niels Bohr and Erwin Schoedinger found Hinduism and the Vedic literary tradition appealing because I assume they, like me did not think all knowledge and wisdom come from laboratory equipment, mathmatical equations, and particle accelerators.