Why do people obsess over abortion?

I'm not telling God he's wrong I'm saying God can do as He wishes. You want to judge God and you want to use him to justify your blood lust.

I am acting in God's image and following in the path he leads.

God's image is one of having a blood lust for fetus and baby murder. I do not judge God for that as that would be a sin. I just live my life by his example and follow in his foot steps.

When people like you try to say 'ignore what God says and does as i know better than God does and you should listen to me instead', i ignore you.
Well I prefer to call it what it really is.... baby killing. What you call it is irrelevant to me. Your level and anger and vitriol at anyone who dares to interrupt your baby killing lust reveals just how evil you people really are.

well your argument is not with me and it is with PostModernIdiot.

you and i agree they are all forms of abortion or killing the fetus, no matter how what name we give it. Postmodern idiot is the one arguing against that. Trying to argue that the others forms of ending the pregnancy are not forms of abortion whether it is god commanding someone to take a knife and cut the baby out or using a 'potion' to cause it.

So since you and i seem to agree you just have to stop agreeing with PostModernIdiot and we will be fine.
sorry.....I've already denied it and proved you to be an idiot........goes without saying of course......

There is no denying the God of the Old Testament was a blood thirsty murderous god. No religious scholars deny that. You are alone in your stupidity.
Is it because God created a soul to enter the world and abortion is defiance of God?

This is silly. To a person who thinks that a fetus is a baby this is the same as being against someone killing 2 year old children on a reg. Nobody would support that. So, the idea that progeny is human life regardless of stage of development doesn't come solely from Magic Cloudwalking Old Men With Smelly Sandals. Those folks that believe you are killing the most innocent children you could possibly find with an incredibly weak and scientifically ignorant argument of those lives not being a separate life or even "human" yet, those folks are against abortion regardless of what religion they are.
There is no denying the God of the Old Testament was a blood thirsty murderous god. No religious scholars deny that. You are alone in your stupidity.

The Mike Hammer character was also pretty blood thirsty and murderous in the old Mickey Spillane novels, as I recall.
Pulp fiction seems to lean toward that.
This is silly. To a person who thinks that a fetus is a baby this is the same as being against someone killing 2 year old children on a reg. Nobody would support that. So, the idea that progeny is human life regardless of stage of development doesn't come solely from Magic Cloudwalking Old Men With Smelly Sandals.

A fetus is not a person. If you do not like US law, move to Saudi Arabia.
There is no denying the God of the Old Testament was a blood thirsty murderous god. No religious scholars deny that. You are alone in your stupidity.

no religious scholar believes that.....no intelligent person believes it.....again you say it cannot be denied.......I, like Peter, have denied you three times.......I do not seek your forgiveness because I have proved you false........you will not build your church upon my rock.......fuck off, troll.....
A fetus is not a person. If you do not like US law, move to Saudi Arabia.

You asked why they cared. I gave you the reason they cared. You may not like what they say but as I said:

This is silly. To a person who thinks that a fetus is a baby this is the same as being against someone killing 2 year old children on a reg. Nobody would support that. So, the idea that progeny is human life regardless of stage of development doesn't come solely from Magic Cloudwalking Old Men With Smelly Sandals. Those folks that believe you are killing the most innocent children you could possibly find with an incredibly weak and scientifically ignorant argument of those lives not being a separate life or even "human" yet, those folks are against abortion regardless of what religion they are.
This is silly. To a person who thinks that a fetus is a baby this is the same as being against someone killing 2 year old children on a reg. Nobody would support that. So, the idea that progeny is human life regardless of stage of development doesn't come solely from Magic Cloudwalking Old Men With Smelly Sandals. Those folks that believe you are killing the most innocent children you could possibly find with an incredibly weak and scientifically ignorant argument of those lives not being a separate life or even "human" yet, those folks are against abortion regardless of what religion they are.
I would have thanked you if you hadn't said my sandals smell.......