Why do people obsess over abortion?

neither does the unborn child......you supported the killing of over 60,000,000 of them......don't presume to preach to me, progressive.....and if you want to argue with God over his decision to do so, perhaps one day you'll meet him face to face and ask him.......in fact, I expect it.....

i support what god supports and his unborn killing record dwarfs what you say above. I have no problem telling him i acted in his image and i support what he supports.

God does not GAF about killing children born or unborn. What we can say is he is very pro abortion and that is not in dispute if people do not lie about the bible.
Good thing we are not just talking about "natural causes though. Do we need more examples of god commanding other people to kill the fetus developing in the womb of the mothers?

Well God clearly does, so you need to ask God why he not only supports capital punishment but also commands others to do it.

Youb show you have no clue about God. A miscarrage is not an abortion it means there was something physically wrong
Youb show you have no clue about God. A miscarrage is not an abortion it means there was something physically wrong
...Or it was God's Will because the mother failed to atone for her sins or her husband was a Trumper?
This is intentional EVASION on your part. Leftists want to be able to freely kill living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die just to make someone else's life more convenient. Imagine, living humans who did not commit any crime nonetheless get no trial, no 4th Amendment protections, nothing ... just summy executions because some other person decided that life would be more convenient by their death. One moment there's a living human with a pulse, then someone else declares that living human's life an inconvenience, i.e. hands down the summary death sentence, and the next moment, dead human.

It does not matter that leftists will not force anyone to kill any living humans to make their own lives more convenient, the mere fact that leftists want to be able to freely kill living humans is abhorrent.

You keep EVADING my other question as well, which is which living humans do you most enjoy killing? Canadians? Jamaicans? Mexicans? who?

They are simply not humans. The first 6 weeks it is called an embryo. Then it just gets bigger and more complicated. Over 20 percent of pregnancies do not make it . They spontaneously abort. Try and get a social security card for an embryo.
They have human DNA. Of what species are you claiming they are?

More proof that you are not onlyl irrational, but not as smart as you believe yourself to be. Common with schizophrenics with at least an average IQ.

An apple seed has apple tree DNA, but only a fucking idiot and the mentally ill believe an apple seed is an apple tree.

More proof that you are not onlyl irrational, but not as smart as you believe yourself to be. Common with schizophrenics with at least an average IQ.

An apple seed has apple tree DNA, but only a fucking idiot and the mentally ill believe an apple seed is an apple tree.


A man's 'seed" will not grow on it's own like a tree seed will. The comparison to a tree is ludicrous. Only a fucking idiot would try to compare the two..
A man's 'seed" will not grow on it's own like a tree seed will. The comparison to a tree is ludicrous. Only a fucking idiot would try to compare the two..
Flunked Biology 101

How did the seed become a seed, Arbie?
a couple of dozen Amalekites?

Countless unborn and also new born, and baptized babies with no sin. Just murdered by god because he can when he had the power to spare the innocent.

God does love him some pre born and recent born, baby murder.

Interesting how you just automatically associate newly baptized babies and the pre born, with enemies to justify their murder. All you have to do is tell yourself they must have been bad and deserved it and you are ok with both abortion and murder.

Why then do you not accept that from others?
Youb show you have no clue about God. A miscarrage is not an abortion it means there was something physically wrong

A miscarriage is also known as a spontaneous abortion. Look it up and understand science before telling others they do not know what they are talking about.
BidenPresident said:
Is it because God created a soul to enter the world and abortion is defiance of God?

Why does god make so many very ill babies and so many birth defects? Maybe being defiant of god is needed? He does some very bad work.https://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions/birth-defects-and-congenital-anomalies

It is not even the correct question.

People who take the bible as God's word simply cannot deny that God is very pro baby killing. Pre birth and newly born and at every stage thereafter god loves him some baby murder.

Between what God does himself and those he commands to kill babies (born and unborn) the numbers are astounding.

There are people vested in lying about the bible and god's words, and pretending that everyone god kills or demands kills 'deserved it', and were 'bad people', as that is the only way they justify such mass baby murder in their minds. But it is a lie they tell themselves. As God has made it clear a newly baptized baby has no sin, and yet God will kill those babies as easily as we step on ants. He just loves killing babies.