Why do people obsess over abortion?

Countless unborn and also new born, and baptized babies with no sin. Just murdered by god because he can when he had the power to spare the innocent.

???....you're the ones killing them, not God......should he kill you to protect them or should you just stop?.....
People who take the bible as God's word simply cannot deny that God is very pro baby killing.

of course we can.....I deny it!....see?......God is not pro baby killing and he is not pro human ignorance.......yet babies die and you post.......not his choice.......yours......
You are an immoral asshole. And a fucking moron who couldn't pass a second grade grammar test.

really....because from here you look like stupidity mugged in an alley and left for dead.......(since you will have difficulty understanding that, I'll dumb it down for you......that's a bad thing).....
???....you're the ones killing them, not God......should he kill you to protect them or should you just stop?.....

Again you prove you have no business discussing the bible. Or any topic really.

It was not me that caused the flood that Noah escaped. That you think it was me, with that power is just your stupidity. God did that. God killed the innocents all across the world, including newly born, baptised babies and babies in wombs.

I guarantee you will eventually try and backpedal away and pretend you knew it was God and not me who caused that flood, but you do not right now. You are that stupid. You will google now and see I am right though and then change your position. You will then probably convince yourself everyone God killed was a bad person to justify it including the just baptised babies.
of course we can.....I deny it!....see?......God is not pro baby killing and he is not pro human ignorance.......yet babies die and you post.......not his choice.......yours......

No. that is not how facts work.

It is how stupid people think facts work.

You can say you deny 2+2=4 and we cannot stop you, but your denial is meaningless as 2+2 DOES equal 4 and that cannot be denied. Simply saying the word does not change that. You are NOT denying the fact simply because you are delusional.

The fact of what i said CANNOT be denied.
They have human DNA. Of what species are you claiming they are?

No life stage of any species ever alters the species. A maggot (fly larvae) is still a fly. Humans at any life stage are humans.

Biology was never your strong suit, was it?

They are not people. They are not given IDs. They are not named. They are merely a collection of cells, that may and may not develop into a baby. Over 20 percent of pregnancies fail. So abortion only affects those ones.
You guys are pro-birth for some weird reason. you are not pro-life. If some 12-year-old girl gets raped, you want to doom both of their potential lives for a lifetime. You also feel the power to decide for her parents what their lives will be like taking care of 2 kids. You certainly grant yourself a lot of power over people's lives, when you are not part of those lives.
Don't cut your hair or toenails. They have human DNA.
A miscarriage is also known as a spontaneous abortion. Look it up and understand science before telling others they do not know what they are talking about.

It is not the mother killing her child it is a physical problem