Why do people obsess over abortion?

Funny how you ignore so many to try to nitpik one you thinks helps you.

That is a big fail. There are countless times God commands the killing women and the babies within their womb. Checkmate you lose. Again.

why is pointing out you have intentionally lied, misrepresented and misquoted scripture "nitpicking"?......
Paradox. You WANT a nationally mandated religion. You want the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Green, the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Covid, and the Church of Perversion to be nationally mandated religions.

None of those are religions or churches. Can you ever be honest?
Murder is never the best choice.

It is not murder. It is a legal medical procedure in America. You do not have the right to make decisions for others. If you do not believe in abortion, the left will not force you to have one. You assume the power and the right to make those decisions for others. You do like your right-wing power, don't you?
But when that group tries to force others to conform to their beliefs, instead of just following them, themselves, that is WRONG.
So when that DNC tries to force others to conform to their lust for killing living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, instead of just offing themselves, that is WRONG.

Every Christian or Fundamentalist of any stripe would agree if it was another religion like the Muslim religion or Scientology religion being forced on them but the minute they can force their religion on others, they do.
Every Marxist or Democrat of any stripe would agree that if any form of tolerance was being forced onto them, they would shriek "Bloody Murder!" but the minute they can kill living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, praise Karl Marx almighty! ... let the death rain down from the heavens!

They try to seize the mechanism of law to do so and that is WRONG. Just as they would say it would be wrong if taxes were reduced across the board.

So NO, your position is a false one. I am not pissy about you allowing others to do your thinking for you while they bend you over furniture and ceaselessly ream their disinformation into you, but it is WRONG to kill living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die.

Science DOES NOT agree with how you religious people define 'life' or 'thetans' or 'immaculate conception'
Look at the scientifically illiterate moron who thinks he speaks for science. I'm trying to imagine QP! trying to sell Science on letting him be its spokesman.

So, QP! ... are you aware that Science DOES NOT disagree with any person's religious faith? ... except, of course, for Global Warming and Climate Change which have built-in physics violations.

and thus while the religious can follow and accept those things, the rest of us SHOULD NOT be forced to. That is WRONG.
... and thus while the religious can believe in Global Warming, Climate Change and the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, the rest of us SHOULD NOT have those abominations forced onto us. That is WRONG.
It is not murder. It is a legal medical procedure in America.
Look who is rushing to play petty word games. The founders considered the right to life as preceding the Constitution, ergo there can be no legalization of the killing of living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. It is absolutely "murder."

You do not have the right to make decisions for others.
That's why we absolutely needed to get rid of Obamacare.

If you do not believe in abortion, the left will not force you to have one.
So your position is that if someone believes that it is OK to kill living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, then he should be allowed to kill as such with impunity. And if someone believes that it is OK to rob a bank, then he should be allowed to do so with impunity. I totally see your point of view. Thanks for helping me see the light.

You assume the power and the right to make those decisions for others.
You assume the power and the right to kill living humans who are, at present, unable to defend themselves ... which is why you want everyone disarmed immediately ... presumably so you can begin your campaign of killing all living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. Your plan is indeed comprehensive.

You do like your right-wing power, don't you?
You do HATE humanity, don't you? You're almost as shitty and as evil as ThatOwlCoward.
Are you a Bud Light drinker, Sybil?
No, Terry, and I hate to think about what you're drinking when your male attendant nurses "lock the door."

But since you asked, I occasionally drop a shot of Kirkland Irish Country Cream into my coffee. This stuff is awesome. It's made with wine, not with the traditional Irish whiskey.

miscarriage is not abortion, unless you somehow believe dust and water are an abortifacient drug...

Again with the nit-picking and lying.

If you punch a pregnant woman in the stomach forcing a miscarriage you forced a form of abortion on her. Her body aborted the fetus as a result of the trauma.

Abortions are more than the act that happens in a clinical setting or back ally. the act of 'aborting' the fetus, is more broad than you know. And that is because you are stupid and do not know how words work.

But i like that you seem ok with all the ways God and those he commands jumps in and forces the aborting of the baby by the woman as long as you think you can say 'its not an abortion', by your definition.,

Seems you are actually good with all those others forms of forcing women to lose the baby they are trying to carry to term and want to keep?
So when that DNC tries to force others to conform to their lust for killing living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, instead of just offing themselves, that is WRONG.

Every Marxist or Democrat of any stripe would agree that if any form of tolerance was being forced onto them, they would shriek "Bloody Murder!" but the minute they can kill living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, praise Karl Marx almighty! ... let the death rain down from the heavens!

They try to seize the mechanism of law to do so and that is WRONG. Just as they would say it would be wrong if taxes were reduced across the board.

So NO, your position is a false one. I am not pissy about you allowing others to do your thinking for you while they bend you over furniture and ceaselessly ream their disinformation into you, but it is WRONG to kill living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die.

Look at the scientifically illiterate moron who thinks he speaks for science. I'm trying to imagine QP! trying to sell Science on letting him be its spokesman.

So, QP! ... are you aware that Science DOES NOT disagree with any person's religious faith? ... except, of course, for Global Warming and Climate Change which have built-in physics violations.

... and thus while the religious can believe in Global Warming, Climate Change and the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, the rest of us SHOULD NOT have those abominations forced onto us. That is WRONG.

Lies and stupidity as expected.

The dems do not try to force nor do they force anyone to avail themselves of an abortion. Not prohibiting something =/= forcing others to do it. I know many people who do not drink ever despite it being legal to do so. They are not forced to drink simply because it is a legal option.

Be smarter.
They are not human beings.
You don't get to change the wording, i.e. "living human."

The global medical community adheres to the axiom that "where there is a heartbeat, there is life", i.e. is alive, living.

Human DNA clearly proves that it is human.

Ergo, you lose. Notice that I didn't even need to specify age.

So why are you so desperate to kill living humans? On that point, Nordberg, which living humans give you the most pleasure in killing? Jews? Blacks? Who?
Lies and stupidity as expected.
I notice that you are completely unable to refute anything I wrote. You didn't think through your position and now you are pouting because you look stupid. Well, next time try doing your own thinking and don't let others do your thinking for you. You'll save yourself a lot of embarrassment.

The dems do not try to force nor do they force anyone to avail themselves of an abortion.
Hey genius, the DNC's position is that living humans should have death freely forced upon them, even if they have not committed any crime and have never expressed any desire to die. I presume you would have a problem were the DNC to come to impose death on you. Naturally, they would simply remind you that you were responsible for putting this process into place and that you cannot, after all, deny that you are a living human. When you ask "Why me?" the guy with the clipboard will point to a woman whose life will be made more convenient by your death. Then you'll feel so much better about it and support it 100%.

Be even more gullible. It'll take the edge off.
I notice that you are completely unable to refute anything I wrote. You didn't think through your position and now you are pouting because you look stupid. Well, next time try doing your own thinking and don't let others do your thinking for you. You'll save yourself a lot of embarrassment.

Hey genius, the DNC's position is that living humans should have death freely forced upon them, even if they have not committed any crime and have never expressed any desire to die. I presume you would have a problem were the DNC to come to impose death on you. Naturally, they would simply remind you that you were responsible for putting this process into place and that you cannot, after all, deny that you are a living human. When you ask "Why me?" the guy with the clipboard will point to a woman whose life will be made more convenient by your death. Then you'll feel so much better about it and support it 100%.

Be even more gullible. It'll take the edge off.
Again with more stupidity from you.

Once again, leaving alcohol legal to drink = /= forcing anyone to drink.

Leaving abortion legal to access =/= forcing anyone to have an abortion.

Every single person can individually choose to drink or not, just as every woman who gets pregnant can choose to abort or not.

the dems are not forcing anything on you or others any more than Republicans who do not ban alcohol sales, are not forcing others to drink.

Be less stupid.
Again with more stupidity from you.
Again, I notice you still cannot refute anything at all. You are simply trying to bide enough time for everyone to hopefully forget everything you wrote.

So you totally EVADED the topic and fled to the hills instead of discussing the issue.

Fine. Run away. You're a moron. Another shining example of undereducated, shit-for-brain leftists.
