Why do people obsess over abortion?

You're a fucking idiot. You're supposed to have me on ignore. Couldn't you figure out how to Edit Ignore List in "My Settings"? Was that beyond your cognitive capacity? What am I asking? Of course it was beyond your abilities, you couldn't do it!

By the way, we've been over how you are too stupid to grasp humor, why your diction becomes taxed at "fuck you dumb shit" and why you find everything so utterly boring. When you are as brain-dead as you are, your life can only be comprised of anger and frustration.

Just ask the first person who wanders by to help you put me on ignore so I don't have to feel you draining the life out of me. Then go and join Terry on her mind-depletion journey and help her out when she's not doing it right.

blah blah blah
So you read the first one saying 'God will punish...by destroying the unborn children, who will die at birth, or perish in the womb...' and saying that is not 'abortion' again speaks to the depths of your stupidity.

and yet, that isn't even what the verse says.....notice in Hosea 9
10 Ephraim’s glory will fly away like a bird—
no birth, no pregnancy, no conception.
12 Even if they rear children,
I will bereave them of every one.
Woe to them
when I turn away from them!

he doesn't promote abortion.....he says he will stop conception......he knows when life starts.........guess that makes your whole argument burn in flames, doesn't it.......
Why do people obsess over abortion?
Considering Trumpers obsess over light beer cans, anything else they obsess over never surprises me.

If it sounds confusing, it's because it's your position. Obviously you haven't thought it through because you exist only to regurgitate what you have been ordered to preach by those who have you bent over furniture.

Deflection again. Abortion is a legal health procedure. You keep puking out what you have been directed to say by your handlers.
And we dont care about yours

The difference being that we are NOT trying to force anything on the American citizen's private life in this regard .... you are.

Remember, she said she'll defend your right to worship as you please and make choices...but your religious views do NOT supersede the Constitutional right against a nationally mandated religion. Deal with it.
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Deflection again. Abortion is a legal health procedure. You keep puking out what you have been directed to say by your handlers.
Nordberg, you're being a Nordberg again. You could reduce the frequency of your Nordberg seizures by following along instead of belching completely out-of-context.

BidenPresident assures me that the killing of living humans is entirely a religious issue, not a social or medical one. Federal murder statutes apparently address an entirely religious issue. The Constitution prohibits Congress from creating any law that respects any religion.

But here you are insinuating that BidenPresident might be mistaken? I highly doubt it. It's not like he has ever been mistaken before.
Where does it say "citizen" lives in any of the founding documents?

There was also no law prohibiting slavery and it took place and thank God that changed. The thing you have no problem changing things to your designs but you get pissy when others want to do then same thing for their designs.

'Citizen' was not my word. I was responding to his.

Here is the thing you fail to understand. Religious people have a right to believe what they want and that is fine. They can believe in Xenu and thetans or even more laughably an immaculate conception and birth and that is fine.

But when that group tries to force others to conform to their beliefs, instead of just following them, themselves, that is WRONG.

Every Christian or Fundamentalist of any stripe would agree if it was another religion like the Muslim religion or Scientology religion being forced on them but the minute they can force their religion on others, they do. They try to seize the mechanism of law to do so and that is WRONG. Just as they would say it would be wrong if others religion was forced on them.

So NO, your position is a false one. I am not pissy about you following your beliefs, and living your life to your beliefs, but it is WRONG, to try and use government to force others to live as if a part of your religion and belief systems.

Science DOES NOT agree with how you religious people define 'life' or 'thetans' or 'immaculate conception' and thus while the religious can follow and accept those things, the rest of us SHOULD NOT be forced to. That is WRONG.
and yet, that isn't even what the verse says.....notice in Hosea 9
10 Ephraim’s glory will fly away like a bird—
no birth, no pregnancy, no conception.
12 Even if they rear children,
I will bereave them of every one.
Woe to them
when I turn away from them!

he doesn't promote abortion.....he says he will stop conception......he knows when life starts.........guess that makes your whole argument burn in flames, doesn't it.......
And you prove you are so stipid you cannot read.

- God will punish the Israelites by destroying their unborn children, who will die at birth, or perish in the womb, or never even be conceived (Hosea 9:10-16).

That is specifically taking about a conceived fetus being "destroyed" at or before "birth". The last part is the ONLY part that talks about preventing conception.

- "They will have no pity on the fruit of the womb" (Isaiah 13:18).

That is saying they do not give a fuck about what is in the womb.


We can go on and on as there are countless versus where God commands things like for a person to go into a neighbouring village and kill every man, woman and child and all their farm animals and to kill every baby in the women's wombs as revenge for some perceived wrong.

Sorry but the fact is that the God of the bible does not only not give a fuck about abortion but he is very PRO abortion. He sees it as a tool, for even what we would consider minor offenses.
And you prove you are so stipid you cannot read.

- God will punish the Israelites by destroying their unborn children, who will die at birth, or perish in the womb, or never even be conceived (Hosea 9:10-16).

That is specifically taking about a conceived fetus being "destroyed" at or before "birth". The last part is the ONLY part that talks about preventing conception.

- "They will have no pity on the fruit of the womb" (Isaiah 13:18).

That is saying they do not give a fuck about what is in the womb.


We can go on and on as there are countless versus where God commands things like for a person to go into a neighbouring village and kill every man, woman and child and all their farm animals and to kill every baby in the women's wombs as revenge for some perceived wrong.

Sorry but the fact is that the God of the bible does not only not give a fuck about abortion but he is very PRO abortion. He sees it as a tool, for even what we would consider minor offenses.

So you take that to be biblical approval of abortion and you call others "stipid"? It's ironic in so many levels.
So you take that to be biblical approval of abortion and you call others "stipid"? It's ironic in so many levels.

I call you guys stupid because you are... wait for it... stupid!

It is undeniable the bible has countless references to numerous ways mothers babies are aborted by god directly or those he commands to tear the baby from her stomach, or other such violent ends. God proscribes simply monetary compensation (payment of silver) for kids born and killed up to the age of 1 month, and puts no other value on them than that. No murder charge, no crime beyond paying a fine (silver).

While you see God crystal clear on what is wrong and you should not do "thou shall not steal...", what you do not see is God say, even once, 'though shall not commit abortion'. Nothing even close to that, but at the same time you see God and those he commands forcing mass amounts of abortions on women.

That is undeniable fact.
I call you guys stupid because you are... wait for it... stupid!

It is undeniable the bible has countless references to numerous ways mothers babies are aborted by god directly or those he commands to tear the baby from her stomach, or other such violent ends. God proscribes simply monetary compensation (payment of silver) for kids born and killed up to the age of 1 month, and puts no other value on them than that. No murder charge, no crime beyond paying a fine (silver).

While you see God crystal clear on what is wrong and you should not do "thou shall not steal...", what you do not see is God say, even once, 'though shall not commit abortion'. Nothing even close to that, but at the same time you see God and those he commands forcing mass amounts of abortions on women.

That is undeniable fact.

No you said "stipid"

If you want to kill babies just say so. Trying to claim God says it's ok just makes you look ignorant.

This is an undeniable fact.
Nordberg, you're being a Nordberg again. You could reduce the frequency of your Nordberg seizures by following along instead of belching completely out-of-context.

BidenPresident assures me that the killing of living humans is entirely a religious issue, not a social or medical one. Federal murder statutes apparently address an entirely religious issue. The Constitution prohibits Congress from creating any law that respects any religion.

But here you are insinuating that BidenPresident might be mistaken? I highly doubt it. It's not like he has ever been mistaken before.

They are not human beings. They are blastomas, of which a part could possibly become people. Do you give them social security numbers? They are not recognized as people. Saying they are people is dishonest, which suits your argument style perfectly.
No you said "stipid"

If you want to kill babies just say so. Trying to claim God says it's ok just makes you look ignorant.

This is an undeniable fact.

I am not part of scientology or any other religion so i don't accept their definitions on things simply because they do.

Just as you would not accept Scientology or the Islam religion telling you what to accept that you or your religion did not agree with.

That is foundational to America. You live by your religion = OK. Trying to force others to live by your religion =/= ok.

And God saying it not only ok to kill babies but commanding it, just goes to show you guys do not even have your own religion on your side. You don't have science or religion. Just derp opinions.
I am not part of scientology or any other religion so i don't accept their definitions on things simply because they do.

Just as you would not accept Scientology or the Islam religion telling you what to accept that you or your religion did not agree with.

That is foundational to America. You live by your religion = OK. Trying to force others to live by your religion =/= ok.

And God saying it not only ok to kill babies but commanding it, just goes to show you guys do not even have your own religion on your side. You don't have science or religion. Just derp opinions.

Science is your religion. I didn't say you were a scientologist. You cant even read.

You force your religion on me so I turnabout is fair play. Don't like it? I wish I cared.

You people clearly dont even follow the tenets of your own religion unless it suits your mood is expedient to do so like phony baloney tony did with covid. Please stop your drama queenery