Why do people obsess over abortion?

You realize it is the same God right? God is commanding that fetus be killed and whether he is telling a Jew or a Christian to do it, does not matter as both have to follow God.

God does not tell a mother to kill her Child
Do you understand that you, I, as Muslim, and a Taliban extremist will all JUDGE things differently.

Answer this next question honestly.

Do you think the only thing that matters about WHO gets to impose their 'judgement' on others, and FORCE them to live according to their rules, is POWER?

If the Taliban hold the POWER, what they are demanding in terms of how OTHERS live their life, is correct and true and right.
If I hold the POWER, what i am demanding in terms of how YOU and OTHERS live their lives, is correct and true and right.
If you or Christians hold the POWER, what you demand OTHERS do to live their lives, is correct and true and right.

And do you accept that as power changes and you are in the minority group it is FINE and GOOD for others to impose their religion on you? Or would you expect the American constitution to protect you from that imposition. Meaning the muslim can live by their rules, and they need to leave you alone to live by yours?

I have no idea what you mean
Why do people obsess over abortion?

People like to obsess over things that give them control over others. Look at the responses in this thread, how many of the anti-abortion people do you think claimed bodily sovereignty when it came to covid shots?
Why do people obsess over abortion?

People like to obsess over things that give them control over others. Look at the responses in this thread, how many of the anti-abortion people do you think claimed bodily sovereignty when it came to covid shots?

We did. Don't you remember? No one was forced to have a COVID shot nor were they denied one because of their gender identity, politics or if they drank Bud Light.
Start with this one already posted above...

Do you acknowledge that God is putting women to the test, to see if they cheated and failure in that test is the killing of the baby inside her womb?

where is your proof a child died?.......why do you assume the woman cheated........mysogeny?......
You realize it is the same God right? God is commanding that fetus be killed and whether he is telling a Jew or a Christian to do it, does not matter as both have to follow God.

obviously dust and water is not an abortifacient.......it wasn't a way to kill a child.....it was a way to show the woman's innocence......ignorant putz......
I am always amazed at the idea that those who oppose abortion love children. If they loved children why not celebrate the children at our border rather than gaging them. Or help living children as outlined in data below. No way, abortion is just an imaginary value as reality is too tough.

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

God does not tell a mother to kill her Child

Sure he does. God also loves to kills countless babies, born and unborn himself. God also loves to command others to kill babies int eh mothers womb and post birth.

God just loves killing babies. Directly or indirectly, he luves him some baby slaughter.

Psalm 137

Verses 7–9
The psalm ends with prophetic predictions of violent revenge.

7. Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof.
8. O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
9. Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

The above is god telling mothers and fathers to bash their babies against the rocks to kill them.

Such good fun!
I have no idea what you mean


An accidental truth by you.

Religious Fundamentalist can NEVER see any view but their own.

They will never ask a simple question like 'if it is ok for me to force my religion on others when i have power, would it then be ok for other religions to force theirs on me if they gain power?'

I am quite certain you would very quickly understand what i mean if another religion was slowly taking over the levers of power and demanding you follow their religious views. Suddenly you would be woke to how wrong that is. That they should live to their religion but leave you to live to yours.
where is your proof a child died?.......why do you assume the woman cheated........mysogeny?......

Only a stupid person thinks those questions are relevant. You again prove you are either not a lawyer and if you are, you dumber than Alina Habba.

What matters is that God commands the Priest to put this woman to the test and IF SHE DID CHEAT, he will ensure the unborn babies is killed in the womb and aborted by the woman.

To say 'woman one may not have cheated' but 'woman two may have cheated', is NOT a defense to the FACT that God is setting up a death parade for pre birth babies of any woman that does cheat.
obviously dust and water is not an abortifacient.......it wasn't a way to kill a child.....it was a way to show the woman's innocence......ignorant putz......

...and to PUNISH her by killing the unborn child within her if she was NOT innocent of adultery.

Numbers 5:11-21

The Test for an Unfaithful Wife

11 Then the Lord said ... ‘If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him ... “‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord. ... “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. 20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”— 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell

Funny how you ignore the part where God is killing the unborn, via his priest.

It almost like you are saying 'all women have to do is not cheat and then God and priests won't kill those babies.'

Like you think it is perfectly justified to kill the innocent unborn if the mother is a cheater.
I am always amazed at the idea that those who oppose abortion love children. If they loved children why not celebrate the children at our border rather than gaging them. Or help living children as outlined in data below. No way, abortion is just an imaginary value as reality is too tough.

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."


They do not give a shit about the babies or kids. It is entirely about controlling and punishing women who cheat or have children out of wedlock. That is the way they see it and you can clearly see that with PostModernProphet's posts above. Suddenly he cannot find a reason to be negative towards the killing of babies in the womb, that the mother does not want to lose, as long as he thinks it is only being done to women who cheat and as long as women who do not cheat will not suffer the same fate.

This is at the heart of all fundamentalist religions whether Taliban or Evangelicals. It is entirely about control of women and their sexuality and making sure they are punished if they do not stick to fundamentalist religious beliefs around sex.
pointing out your ignorance is always relevant......list all the women who's children were aborted by drinking a mixture of water and dust......

God you are the worst lawyer on the planet that you think you are making good lawerly arguments.

Again, here is another example to show how stupid you are:

- Legislator pushes for death penalty law, showing he is pro death, in certain circumstances

ProModernIdiot argues : prove he is pro death in certain circumstances. Name the people who have been killed by the law he wants.

Me : You dullard. You brain dead idiot. We DO NOT need examples of who was killed to show he is pro death in certain circumstances. The very fact he is FOR the death penalty proves that.

Me : it is the same if God and the Priest give numerous women a potion that would kill the fetus if the woman has cheated. We DO NOT need a single example of a woman who cheated and whose fetus died to PROVE God and the Priest were pro killing the fetus, if she did cheat.

PostModernIdiot : herr derr. I cannot follow that logic. It seems like you are saying if I vote for the death penalty i am pro death penalty even if no one is ever killed and as a lawyer that does not make sense to me. Herr derr.
Only a stupid person thinks those questions are relevant. You again prove you are either not a lawyer and if you are, you dumber than Alina Habba.

What matters is that God commands the Priest to put this woman to the test and IF SHE DID CHEAT, he will ensure the unborn babies is killed in the womb and aborted by the woman.

To say 'woman one may not have cheated' but 'woman two may have cheated', is NOT a defense to the FACT that God is setting up a death parade for pre birth babies of any woman that does cheat.

liar.....he set up a way for the woman and the child to live, since drinking dirt mixed with soil doesn't cause a miscarriage.....you a liar and a very bad one, at that.....