Why do people obsess over abortion?

Republicans say they care about the life of a human embryo- but do not even care that children are being slaughtered and shot up beyond recognition in grade schools across America!

sure.....because there's equivalency between 60 million children killed legally under evil laws and 200 children killed illegally under good laws........
Sir! The Vocal and Voting majority of Americans do not want our country to go back to the WILD WEST- where everything was settled by GUNFIRE!

No Sir, we believe things should be settled by a voting majority- AND WE INTEND TO KEEP IT THAT WAY!

So try to defy us in 2024- I DARE YOU!

See ya' at the polls SHORTY BRITCHES! :laugh:


fuck off, lib'rul.......
Your lies and hateful rhetoric falls short with the American Vocal and Voting majority of Americans!

Sorry, but you are in the minority now- YOU'RE OWN FAULT- AND YOU'RE PROBLEM- NOT OURS!

no....a minority of the people kill their children......a minority of people want people to kill their children........its just that those who do, vote demmycrat.......
It's not "murder." Nor is it some wonderful thing.

Abortions should be discouraged, and a last resort. But they have to be legal. Many of those that want to make them illegal are concerned about one thing only: controlling women.
A very poor, inaccurate comparison by you. Compare the populations, the racial/ethnic make-up, the economic structure, locations, etc. Then there's ALL that history regarding slavery, Jim Crow, red-lining, etc.

But if you follow the usual MAGA mandate, you'll ignore all of this and repeat your point.

That being said, you've got anything of worth to say regarding the OP?

people are being murdered in Chicago because of the history regarding slavery?........how about the history regarding demmycrat government in Chicago?......
Nope, the developing fetus/child is NOT living independently outside the mother's womb until the moment of birth after 9 months... so technically, the legal terms of "murder" or "homicide" cannot be applied to abortion.

murder cannot be applied solely because the government has not passed a law saying that the killing of a living human being before the umbilical cord has been cut is "murder"........in all other respects it is the equivalent and no one can pretend otherwise........I'm glad you admit it's just a technicality though........technically the left is not responsible for "murdering" 60 million children......they've merely killed them intentionally and without remorse.......
Yet the Christian concept of God is parallel to/incorporated by the legal fight by anti-abortionist "reasoning". A matter of fact, a matter of history.

intelligent atheists can come to the same conclusion about killing unborn children as intelligent Christians, Buddhists and Muslims
How stupid. They want a woman to have power over her own body to make a choice. It is rightys who want to remove choice and make demands. You cannot keep logic together through a whole sentence.
on the other hand, science shows us you are ignorantly ending the life of a human being who is not part of her body.......because you want to remove life......cope.....
It's not "murder."

because you refuse to change the law to reflect what science tells you......that isn't the excuse........that is the fucking problem.........admit it.....the only thing it would "control" about women is saying "You may not kill a child".......where the fuck do you get off saying that is a bad thing........
because you refuse to change the law to reflect what science tells you......that isn't the excuse........that is the fucking problem.........admit it.....the only thing it would "control" about women is saying "You may not kill a child".......where the fuck do you get off saying that is a bad thing........

The law doesn't change because it's not murder. I have nothing to do w/ that. That's just the way it is.

And for many, it is absolutely about controlling women. It's really not much different from philosophies held by groups like the Taliban.