Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

Sure. I did not say there is something "beyond." But there is something different from the physical.

The qbit, the quantum bit, is a physical particle which necessarily contains information. Quantum mechanics shows that there is not purely physical event.

Quantum mechanics shows no such thing. Quantum mechanics is just a set of falsifiable theories. These theories are not a proof.
There is "no debate". How does your LACK OF FAITH effect "my" faith? It does not as I have tested the scriptures and came to the objective conclusion (through the testimony of direct witnesses provided in the text of the scriptures, in a prima facie manner that have not been debunked as of today) that Jesus was and remains the Christ of prophecy (God Incarnate) sent to earth (not to preform miracles and feed the poor, overthrow a Roman Totalitarian regime) but to fulfill the requirements of the Old Law (having been born of a woman, born under the law) while following the Old Law to the letter in not sinning once (It took GOD incarnate to accomplish what man alone could not...live void of sinning in the very letter of the law)....His last recorded words, "IT IS FINISHED", meaning His death ushered in a new testament of grace...between God and Man, a new covenant, the last and final covenant........Break it at your own peril....dismiss that covenant, its your free will and you must live with the consequences of your decisions.

Until someone can disprove the records of those who were direct eyewitness to the events recorded in scripture.....the scriptures remain unbroken. A court determines guilt on the eye witness testimony of at least 3 individuals......the scriptures are filled with dozens of direct eyewitness testimonies. Prove those testimonies to be in error.....I will stand corrected. :bigthink:

Well argued.
There is nothing "beyond" the physical.

Justice, courage, temperance, aesthetic beauty, benevolence, propriety, compassion, equanimity, charity, unconditional love, empathy.

All real things, all part of reality, and all beyond the physical reality of subatomic particles and energy.
It depends upon what bible he's actually using.


Lol the satanic Bible.